Under the backoffice Marketing menu, create a Promotion rule:

The conditions of Promotion are set to all digital cameras in the mall:

Promotion Trigger Conditions are maintained in the Conditions area.

Message set to {} % discount on product: {}. This message is displayed on the UI when the user places an order, telling the user how much discount they are getting. The curly braces represent placeholders that will be replaced at runtime by specific product categories. Click the question mark in the upper right corner of the Categories field to display the GUID and copy it into the curly bracket placeholder.

Promotion details are maintained in Action. Select a Percentage discount on products from the available actions in the lower right corner, and maintain the Percentage discount to 10% based on the Percentage of the product price.

Publish Promotion Rule For Module

Jerry’s Test Promotion Rule I created before: Jerry’s Test Promotion Rule:

After adding it to the shopping cart, I see {} % discount on product: {} maintained in Backoffice before, the two placeholders are replaced with 10 and the type of digital camera, and I also see a 10% discount in the order price.

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