At the beginning of this article, I recorded some of the problems and pitfalls I encountered when building my blog on Mac using Hexo and Github. I hope it helps.

#### preparation ##### 1. Git ##### 2. Node. js used to generate static pages

Since git comes with Mac, we only need to download and install Node.js.

#### Create Hexo empty directory for ##### 1. Install node.js git and node.js to install Hexo.

 $  sudo npm install -g hexo
Copy the code

Press Enter to enter your MAC login password

2. The initialization

From terminal CD to the folder name you created, execute:

$ cdThe file pathCopy the code

Then execute:

$ hexo init
Copy the code
3. Perform installation:

4. Run the following command to enable the hexo service:

5. Execute generate static page:

$hexo init ($hexo init, $hexo init, $hexo init) If the installation fails in some areas, you need to climb over the wall. ($hexo s) The installation is successful. If the installation succeeds, visit http://localhost:4000 in the browser.

Associated with making

##### 1. Obtain the SSH key

To check whether the SSH key exists, run the following command:

$ ls -al ~/.ssh
Copy the code

If there are files and, run from point 2

1. Generate an SSH key:

Press Enter to see the following image:

###### can use Weibo as the chart bed or Seven niuyun as the chart bed. Here I use seven Niuyun as the chart bed:

2. Open Github and add an SSH key to Github

Github –> Settings –> SSH Keys –> add SSH Keys **

Key values can be copied using terminal commands:

$pbcopy < ~/. SSH / ' '**' 'Title', 'Add Key', 'Add Key##### 3. Create a Github library! [] making library ( ImageMogr2 /auto-orient/strip% 7cImageView2/2 /w/1240) ** Create library name as your login name :**! []( imageMogr2/auto-orient/strip%7CimageView2/2/w/1240)##### 4. Open the Github client** I used the Github client for the first time herecloneOf course you can use the command line at the terminalclone* *! [Github]( ImageMogr2 /auto-orient/strip% 7cImageView2/2 /w/1240) **Clone the name you created on Github. Github. IO#### Set Hexo theme:
<br />
 ``` bash
  $ cdLocal directory ' '**' 'execute the following command (which is a theme):**' ' 'bash $gitclone them ` ` ` specific configuration method can refer to the official documentation * * * * - - -#### Binding domain name:** I am here in Ali cloud to buy the domain name **! Aliyun ( imageMogr2/auto-orient/strip%7CimageView2/2/w/1240)##### 1. Open the TERMINAL CD to the local repository.
<br />
``` bash
$ cd blog
Copy the code
2. Create a CNAME file.

##### Copy the contents of the Hexo folder public folder into your clone folder (key step) as shown below:

#### 3. Perform the following operations: 1. Trace new files add all public files to the cache as follows:

bash   $ git add CNAME

2. View the file status:

$ git status
Copy the code

3. Instructions for submission:

  $ git commit -m ** ' ' 'bash $git push origin master' 'Copy the code
$ hexo d 
Copy the code

Then copy the puclic file to clone to Github and execute the commit code from 3.

So far, a simple Hexo + Github blog is complete, but you can also use the official documentation to create your own cool blog. This is my personal blog