EventBus profile

EventBus is also called an EventBus. You can use EventBus in Vue for cross-component and sibling communicationCopy the code

The use of the EventBus

Using EventBus in VUE can be divided into three steps

  1. Mount EventBus in main.js
  2. Send events on page A
  3. Listen for events on page B

Mount the EventBus

$Bus = new Vue() $Bus = new Vue()Copy the code

Use the EventBus

Send events in the A component

This.$Bus.$emit('busClick',' I am A message from A page ')Copy the code

Listen for events in the B component

// this.$Bus.$on to listen for EvenBus events // Created () {this.$Bus.$on('busClick',(res)=>{console.log(res,' listen '); })}Copy the code