The environment

PC: Kali 2021.2 Phone: Nexus 5, Android 6.0.1 GCC: 4.8 Kernel version: 3.4.0

Docker related

See docker to compile Android source code

Download the kernel source code

Cloning of warehouse

git clone
Copy the code

Query branch

The kernel version is 3.4.0-G32AC281, where the short commit ID is 32AC281

git branch -r --contains <short commit id>
Copy the code

The results are as follows:

Origin/android - among MSM - hammerhead - 3.4 - marshmallow origin/android - among MSM - hammerhead - 3.4 - the marshmallow - mr2 Origin/android - among MSM - hammerhead - 3.4 - the marshmallow - mr3Copy the code

Check out the branch

Note: the MR3 version is buggy and cannot query Wifi. The last branch used is Android-mSM-Hammerhead-3.4-marshmallow

Git checkout -b android-msm-hammerhead-3.4-marshmallow origin/android-msm-hammerhead-3.4-marshmallowCopy the code

Enter the bash container as user root

Attach directly using VSCode’s Docker plug-in, or execute the following command

cid=$(docker ps | grep aosp | cut -d" " -f1) && echo $cid
docker exec --privileged -u root -it $cid bash
Copy the code

Configure the GCC

Configure environment variables directly

Find the GCC compiler location in the source code and add PATH to it:

The export PATH = / aosp/android - 6.0.0 _r1 prebuilts/GCC/Linux x86 / arm/arm eabi - 4.8 / bin: $PATHCopy the code

No Android source code: manual download configuration

Download GCC

Git clone the code

Configuring environment Variables

The export PATH = / aosp/arm eabi - 4.8 / bin: $PATHCopy the code

Compile the kernel

Switch to the kernel directory and run the following command:

export ARCH=arm
export SUBARCH=arm
export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-eabi-
make hammerhead_defconfig
cpus=$(grep ^processor /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l)
make -j$[2*$cpus]
Copy the code

Use another compiler

There is no need to compile the kernel with a higher version of the compiler, to be tested…

Using GCC4.9 (not tested)

Similarly, add to PATH and compile

export ARCH=arm
export SUBARCH=arm
export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-androideabi-
make hammerhead_defconfig
cpus=$(grep ^processor /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l)
make -j$[2*$cpus]
Copy the code

Using Clang (not tested)

Android’s GCC 4.9 has been deprecated in favor of Clang, and will be removed from Android in January 2020 as per the below timeline.

Android GCC 4.9 has been deprecated and replaced with Clang

Packaging image

Android source code: directly compiled generation

Open the source directory and do the following:

source ./build/
lunch aosp_hammerhead-userdebug
Copy the code

Then set the kernel file location (default: /aosp/ Android-6.0.0_R1 /device/ lGE/zimage-dtb)

export TARGET_PREBUILT_KERNEL=/aosp/kernel/msm/arch/arm/boot/zImage-dtb
Copy the code

Then you can pack it

cpus=$(grep ^processor /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l)
make -j$[2*$cpus]
Copy the code

Generated by the image in the out/target/produuct/hammerhead/boot. Img

No Android source code: manual repackaging

Use mkbootimg and unmkbootimg to repackage the image


Modify android kernel source through State TracerPid wchan reverse debugging


Android reverse debugging – start with source code

The Nexus5 recompiles the phone’s kernel, and the phone’s WiFi cannot work properly

Android DTB file location _Android kernel source code compiled to the brush