Assembly language

Language processes

High-level language -> Assembly language -> Machine language -> computer

  • High-level languages: for example, Swift, Java
  • Assembly language: MOVq %rax % Rdi
  • Machine language: 1001010100101

Summary: Assembly language and machine language are one-to-one correspondence, assembly language can be compiled to get machine language, machine language can also be disassembled to get assembly language.

IOS main assembly language

  • AT&T Assembly: iOS emulator
  • ARM assembler: iOS real device

Whatever it is, it’s universal.

Common assembly instructions

  • Movq: Constant or memory assignment. For example: movq %rax, % RDX, which means to assign the rax register value to RDX. By movq %rax, 0x1fd3(% RBP), means to assign the value of rax to the memory space with address RBP + 0x1fd3.
  • Leaq: memory address. For example, leaq 0x17BD (%rip), %rdi, which means rip + 0x17BD address value assigned to RDI.
  • Callq: function. For example, callQ 0x100003AF0, the function 0x100003AF0 is entered.
  • Jump: jump. For example, JMP 0x100002703, skip to the column whose memory is 0x100002703.
  • Retq: Return. When entering callq, there is retQ to end the function.
  • Addq: addition. For example, addq % RCX, %rax, means the value of RCX plus the value of rax.

Common LLDB commands

  • Register read % Rdi, or Register read, can read the value of one register or all registers
  • Register write %rdi 0, change the rDI register value to 0
  • X /4xg 0x00000001000083E8 reads the value of 4, 8 bytes of memory
  • N or NI: the next step in source/assembly, not into subfunctions.
  • S or SI: the next step in source/assembly, which is entered when the subfunction call is encountered.
  • Finish: CAL goes inside the child function, and the child function jumps out and finishes.

Peep enumeration memory

Interview questions

enum TestEnum1 {
    case test1(Int, Int, Int)

enum TestEnum2 {
    case test1,test2,test3

enum TestEnum3 {
    case test1(Int, Int, Int)
    case test2,test3,test4
Copy the code

Guess what the print result will be and why.

Assembly analysis

enum TestEnum {
    case test1(Int, Int, Int)
    case test2(Int, Int)
    case test3(Int)
    case test4

var t = TestEnum.test1(1, 2, 3)
t = .test2(1, 2)
t = .test4
Copy the code

Set assembly commands: Debug->Debug Workflow -> Always Show Disassembly. Let’s make a breakpoint on the line var t = TestEnum and run the code.

Test1 (1, 2, 3), assign 1 to rip+0x5d01, 2 to rip+ 0x5CFe, 3 to rip+ 0x5CFb, and 0 to rip+ 0x5Cfc.

Let’s see how much memory the RIP register has and what its value is.

The memory address of RIP is **0x1000083D8. Of course, if we use the computer to put 0x5d01+ 0x1000026D7, we can also calculate 0x1000083D8. **x/4xg ox1000083D8: LLDB: 0x5cdd(%rip), % RDX

Movb, movB, movB, movB, movB, movB, movB, movB, movB, movB, movB, movB, movB, movB

T =.test2(1, 2); t =.test2(1, 2);

That’s why the actual memory footprint printed out is 25, and the allocated memory is 32, right

Copy the code

Enumeration memory analysis results

For the associated value, we directly calculate the maximum associated value, if there are more than one, there is a marker bit 1 byte.

RawValue can be retrieved for raw values, which are memory free enumerated variables.