The requirement is that I use some ABAP function to read a string from the database, and the content of the string is a web page.
Page forms contain many hidden input fields. My task is to resolve the name for svyValueGuid input field value: FA163EEF573D1ED89E89C7FE5E7C4715
The simplest and most crude way to do this is: The FIND FIRST OCCURRENCE keyword of ABAP is used to FIND the offset of svyValueGuid and the FIRST offset >. This problem is simplified as the substring type = “hidden” value = “FA163EEF573D1ED89E89C7FE5E7C4715”, this problem is much more simple. But this approach is cumbersome and redundant.
Is there a faster way? That is to use ABAP regular expression, or regular expression.
Take a look at the following test code:
REPORT ztest_interface. DATA: lv_input TYPE string, reg_pattern TYPE string. lv_input = `<body>` && `<div class="Title">Jerry's Programming Skill survey</div>` && `<form action="Survey.htm? sap-client=001">` && `<input name="svyApplicationId" type="hidden" value="CRM_SURVEY_ACTIVITY">` && `<input name="svyValueGuid" type="hidden" value="FA163EEF573D1ED89E89C7FE5E7C4715">` && `<input name="SurveyId" type="hidden" value="JERRY_TEST">` && `<div Id="" class="Section1">` && `</form></body>`. reg_pattern = '.*svyValueGuid(? :.*)value="(.*)">.*SurveyId.*'. TRY. DATA(lo_regex) = NEW cl_abap_regex( pattern = reg_pattern ). DATA(lo_matcher) = lo_regex->create_matcher( EXPORTING text = lv_input ). IF lo_matcher->match( ) <> abap_true. WRITE:/ 'fail in input scan! '. RETURN. ENDIF. DATA(lt_reg_match_result) = lo_matcher->find_all( ). READ TABLE lt_reg_match_result ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<match>) INDEX 1. READ TABLE <match>-submatches ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<sub>) INDEX 1. data(lv_sub) = lv_input+<sub>-offset(<sub>-length). WRITE:/ 'result: ', lv_sub. CATCH cx_root INTO DATA(cx_root). WRITE:/ cx_root->get_text( ). RETURN. ENDTRY.Copy the code
Execution Result:
SvyValueGuid (? SvyValueGuid (? 🙂 value = “(.)” >. * SurveyId.
The 32-bit GUID value is captured by capturing the grouping operator, a pair of parentheses. This solution has less code than FIND FIRST OCCURANCE.
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