
I web small white, recently want to progress a little faster, hereby if the big family of blog, welcome everyone to give advice to each other, ok, agreed 3 minutes upload to Github, start ~

The first step

  1. First of all, you should have a Github. If you don’t have a Github, you should register it
  2. Configure your local github association

$git config –global “your name

$git config –global “[email protected]

  1. Create SSH ssh-keygen -t rsa -c “[email protected]” and press enter. Copy github Setting/SSH key /add new SSH key
  2. To verify success, type $SSH -t [email protected] under git bash
  3. New project repository New Re on Github
  4. Start uploading: Right-click git bush in the folder you want to upload

Git commit -m “desctription” // Create a new project copy URL on Github

Git remote add origin (HTTPS) git push -u origin master uploaded to the remote server //-u can be removed after the first upload to an empty project

You can log on to github to check out the project you just uploaded. It’s a bit messy writing the blog for the first time. Welcome your comments and comments