Because the Mac built-in Git version is too low, IDEA has been prompting that the current Git is not supported. Today, record the upgrade process

Official source domestic access is too slow, switch to Tsinghua university source

$ cd "$(brew --repo)"
$ git remote set-url origin

$ cd "$(brew --repo)/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core"
$ git remote set-url origin
Copy the code

Update brew, upgrade brew, upgrade brew, upgrade brew

brew update && brew upgrade
Copy the code

Install git

brew install git
Copy the code

Brew install XXX brew install XXX brew install XXX

Pcre2 is missing. Install it

Install Git again. Because git is embedded in Mac, all installations will prompt you that git is available and cannot link

Execute commands as prompted to override existing Git

brew link --overwrite git
Copy the code

git version
Copy the code

Git Pointing

which git
Copy the code

where git
Copy the code

When selecting the development tool, select the path above and go here to install it


[](Mac upgrade git-SegmentFault)

Git [] (MacOs upgrade to the latest version | developer tools BBS (