
Just finished reading Wang Xiao’s words, 2020 will change the whole world pattern greatly, which is also a turning point for me as an ordinary student.


Unlike many of the big guys who look for internships in their junior year, I didn’t have a clear plan for myself until the beginning of the second semester (that is, in March or April at the beginning of the year). However, THANKS to a classmate (Chi Ling) from the next class, I found the direction of my future career. From the blazing yi students have done some to share and articles I didn’t have a concept of the front and the back end, have ever wanted to do at that time the front or back end, but my personal interaction interface directly to people more cold, plus on yi students share articles have mentioned, if you are confused to choose the front or back end, than choose the front-end (words don’t remember, The general idea is this).

So began my front end road, and I this half of the personal front end growth route is also in this article — > personal learning process, this article is written very broken, but very true record of me and front end this half year.

Acquaintance in Practice

In my first internship experience, I went to Hikvision. Although my first internship experience was not very attractive compared with other big Internet companies, it was a precious memory for me. I remember that in September, I invested in a number of companies, and Hikvision contacted me early. On the simple side, hikVision asked me to join the company as soon as possible. At that time, I was so confused that I didn’t know whether I should continue to wait for the interview invitation from big companies or directly go to Hikvision. Finally, due to the uncertainty of my own strength at that time, I didn’t want to miss such a rare internship opportunity, so I agreed to join the company soon.

After joining the company, I was very happy to know several excellent partners, and we worked together to catch fish, solve bugs and build teams together. Over dinner, chat about the Internet, talk about interesting things about different companies, and share some insights. Each of us is not satisfied with the status quo, we want to go to a better company internship. So I left the company first and interned at netease. Then we all interned at Didi, Tencent, Kuaishou and Soul. I still remember that we had the last meal together in Hangzhou last month. I’m glad that we still keep in touch now.


Personal Tiktok operation

Now programmers will do some other “sideline”, may be more community bigwigs are doing wechat public number, but in my personal opinion. WeChat public cash is feel difficult to do, now number WeChat public group base should be completely with trill ratio not, trill to the average person to me, I send a ordinary video playback volume also has a few thousand, more time can rub on hot spots have WuLiuQian, but if put in WeChat public, I am a new number public completely impossible that level reading, So I chose Tik Tok. Next year, Douyin will set a small target of 10,000 fans.

Technology development

This year I just touch the front end, there are a lot of technologies I want to understand, but I don’t have that ability, next year I hope I can as soon as possible to understand the common front end can master the front end technology thoroughly, and then slowly do some technical expansion, can output some quality articles to the nuggets community.

This year what

Let’s talk about the most profound truth I learned this year. “Don’t be limited by your vision”

I first saw this sentence from Chiling (I’m really grateful to know Chiling). At first, I didn’t have much feeling about this sentence, but gradually I got to know the front end, and began to look for internships and started to work in E-commerce. Along the way, I found that many people were limited by their vision.

In fact, many people are better than me in technology, but when they contact me, the first thing they ask is whether you are 985 or 211? How can you get into such a good company? The building Lord is also in an ordinary double non undergraduate course, but in fact, like me, double non into the Internet companies should also be many. And those who are limited by their educational background are more, I contacted this small group of people, in fact, there are many people are better than me in technology, but I asked them why don’t you try a big factory? The reply that get is my record of formal schooling how how, others won’t want me. This is a classic case of vision limitation. If chi Ling had not entered dachang, I do not believe that double non undergraduate could have entered dachang, but! It happened around me, so I changed my perspective at that time, and I also believed that I could do it. It can also be said that my motivation for the past half year also came from this. Later, EVERY time I met people who were limited by their vision, I would tell them this sentence, hoping that they would change their mind and go to the company they wanted more.

This message to more people like me on the road, I hope to help you.

The desire of the 2021

  • I hope the epidemic will be over as soon as possible, and people will no longer need to wear masks when they go out, so that they can see smiles on their faces
  • I hope that you, me and everyone around you who is reading this blog are healthy
  • I hope I can get the Offer of Guangzhou company to land smoothly
  • I hope my friends can get ashore successfully
  • I have a long-term ambition, not limited to 2021, to participate in the development of a popular App that can help people

The ant chasing the dream

Nuggets annual essay contest

Denver annual essay | 2020 technical way with me The campaign is under way…

2021/05/06 votive

  • There is no need to wear masks in many places now, and vaccines are being administered one after another
  • I have got the offer from Guangzhou SHEIN, and the working atmosphere is very good, and the salary is quite satisfactory