Uniapp Login sign in Apple
Prerequisite: If the third-party login has been implemented in the software, it must also have the function of Sign in Apple, otherwise the audit will not pass
Preparation: UniApp’s built-in sign in Apple must be packaged with a custom dock (i.e., cloud packaged)
  1. Find the manifest. Json configuration file for your project, then go to [App module configuration]-[OAuth(Login authorization)]-[Apple Login] and install the Sign in Apple module

  2. Cloud packaging, find the top toolbar [issue]-[Cloud packaging], need to provide the corresponding certificate; Note: The UDID of IOS corresponding to the tested mobile phone must be added to the corresponding certificate; otherwise, an error message “Failed to install return code=-402620395” will be displayed later. UDID can be obtained from this website, very convenient, www.pgyer.com/tools/udid;

  3. Function implementation

    1. IOS13 + supports apple login. Therefore, determine the device type and OS version

      				success:(res) = > {
      					// console.log(" mobile system info ",res)
      					this.system = res.system  / / 14.4.1
      					this.platform = res.platform  //ios}})Copy the code
    2. To achieve login, send requests to the background; Apple login, the default is not shared email, that is, the default can not get the user’s email; Only the user chooses the shared email, can get the email;

      LoginForApple() {
                    let that = this 
              // Get the third-party login type
                            service: 'oauth'.success: function (res) {
                                    // console.log(res.provider)
                  // Determine apple login
                                    if(~res.provider.indexOf('apple')) {
                                                    provider: 'apple'.success: loginRes= > {
                                                                    provider: 'apple'.success: userInfoRes= > {
                                                                            // console.log('user.userInfo',userInfoRes)
                                                                            let user = userInfoRes.userInfo
                                                                            let heading = 'http://cdn.kadiantexiao.com/e3729201908141701291608.jpg'
                                                                            // Check whether the user chooses to share the mailbox
                                                                            let email = ""
                                                                                    email = user.email
                                                                                    email = ""
                                                                            // console.log(' user's email ',email)
                                                                            let data = {type:'5'.openid:user.openId,heading:heading,nick:'Lonely'.email:email}
                                                                            applelogin(data).then(res= >{
                                                                                    // console.log(' Apple login data saved successfully ')
                                                                            }).catch(err= >{
                                                    fail: err= > {
                                                            console.log('Apple login failed' + JSON.stringify(err))
                                                                    title:'Login failed'.icon:'none'})}})}},fail: err= > {
                                            title:'Login failed'.icon:'none'}}}})),Copy the code
If you have any other questions, please talk to me in privateCopy the code