First, the premise preparation

  1. Create the UniApp project
  2. Head to the UniApp plugin market to search for the real-time messaging SDK plug-in
  3. Since the call invitation is usually accompanied by audio and video, it is recommended to use cloud packaging (this project uses cloud packaging).
  4. The project must be entered after importmanifest.jsonAdded the cloud plug-in to the App native plug-in
  5. Important: after adding the plug-in, you must make a custom base to run on the real machine using the custom base

See similar example stepsUni audio and video plug-in integration steps

Second, the development of

1. Development ideas

  • Call invitation needs global listening, can be self-encapsulated into JS where needs where to tune. (Do not use the original form for real-time messaging and call invitations because of global use)

  • The call invitation is initialized only once and is not destroyed. You can place the instance initialization in the onLaunch method of app.vue

Development of 2.

  • Create files such as until/rtm.js and until/config.js in the root directory

  • Config file to set basic information

    .RTM_APPID: "".// RTM Application ID
    uid: "123".// Local user id (custom, as required)
    Copy the code
  • Encapsulation RTM. Js.

    • Introduce and use plug-ins

      // Import the config configuration
      import Config from "./config.js";
      // RTM real-time message plug-in introduced
      const rtmModule = uni.requireNativePlugin('AR-RtmModule');
      Copy the code
    • Encapsulated Call Invitation

      // RTM real-time message encapsulation
      const RTM = {
      	/ / initialization
      	init: async() = > {// Initialize the callback
      		await rtmModule.setCallBack(res= > {
      		// Initialize the instance
      		await rtmModule.createInstance({
      			"appId": Config.RTM_APPID
      		}, res= > {
      		// Log in to RTM
      		await rtmModule.login({
      			"token": ""."userId": Config.uid
      		}, (res) = >{})// Use RTM call invite (set listener for invite call instance)
      		await rtmModule.setCallEventListener()
      	/ / callback
      	callBack: (res) = > {
      		switch (res.rtmEvent) {
      			// SDK and RTM system connection status change callback.
      			case 'onConnectionStateChanged':
      				console.log(res.state, res.reason)
      				// Receive a point-to-point message callback
      			case 'onPeerMessageReceived':
      				console.log(res.text, res.peerId)
      				// Return to calling party: the called party has accepted the call invitation
      			case 'onLocalInvitationAccepted':
      				// Return to caller: The call invitation has been cancelled
      			case 'onLocalInvitationCanceled':
      				// Return to the calling party: the call invitation process failed
      			case 'onLocalInvitationFailure':
      				// Return to the calling party: the called party has received the call invitation
      			case 'onLocalInvitationReceivedByPeer':
      				// Return to the calling party: the called party has rejected the call invitation
      			case 'onLocalInvitationRefused':
      				// Return to the called party: the call invitation is accepted successfully
      			case 'onRemoteInvitationAccepted':
      				// Return to the called party: The calling party has canceled the call invitation
      			case 'onRemoteInvitationCanceled':
      				// Return to called party: The call invitation process from the calling party failed
      			case 'onRemoteInvitationFailure':
      				// Return to called: receive a call invitation
      			case 'onRemoteInvitationReceived':
      				// Return to the called party: the call invitation is rejected successfully
      			case 'onRemoteInvitationRefused':
      		// console.log(res);
      	// Check whether all users are online
        queryPeersOnlineStatus: async function(peerIdLits) {
          return await new Promise((resolve, reject) = > {
      		"peerIds": peerIdLits
      	}, (res) = >{ resolve(res); })})},// Accept the call invitation from the other party
        acceptRemoteInvitation: function(calleeId, info = "") {
          console.log('Accept incoming call invitation');
      	"calleeId": calleeId, // For the called party to obtain the user ID of the calling party
      	"response": info ? JSON.stringify(info) : "" // Invite response
          }, (res) = > {
      	console.log(res.code === 0 ? ' ' :
      		"Call to acceptRemoteInvitation failed to accept a call invitation from the other party."); })},// Reject the call invitation from the other party
        refuseRemoteInvitation: function(userId, info = "") {
      	"calleeId": userId,
      	"response": info ? JSON.stringify(info) : "" // Invitation content
          }, (res) = > {
      	console.log(res.code === 0 ? "" :
      		"CancelLocalInvitation failed to cancel the call.");
        // Cancel the call invitation
        cancelLocalInvitation: function(calleeId, info = "") {
      	"calleeId": calleeId, // The user ID of the caller
      	"content": info ? JSON.stringify(info) : "" // Invitation content
          }, (res) = > {
      	console.log(res.code === 0 ? "" :
      		"CancelLocalInvitation failed to cancel the call."); })}Copy the code
  • Global call (mount the wrapped RTM method to the app

     import RTM from './rtm.js'
      Vue.prototype.$RTM = RTM
    Copy the code
  • RTM initialization

    Added to app.vue

    onLaunch: function() {
    		console.log('When App Launch completes initialization');
    Copy the code

    Since RTM needs to be used globally, follow the program. Error: [JS Framework] Failed to receiveTasks, instance (1) is not available. Error: [JS Framework] Failed to receiveTasks, instance (1) is not available Error is normal, because the debugging, RTM initialization operation for many times

  • Call invitation related normal invocation

  • Pay attention to

    When the method is called but the plug-in’s method is not called:

    • See what the current method usesRtmModule. Related methodsIf there is a
    • willrtmModuleObject to see if it is normal