1. Create uni-app project

Corresponding article links:





2. Introduction of directory structure: uniapp.dcloud. IO /

The following figure can be used as part of understanding:

Important part: SRC folder

Common: stores common files (such as JS and CSS) Components: Stores components (component library) Hybrid: stores local pages directory wxComponents: stores small program components directory Store: stores Vuex

Link: blog.csdn.net/weixin_4443… Blog.csdn.net/l1830473688… www.jianshu.com/p/2633ef32c… www.kancloud.cn/cnxiangxian…

3. Introduce and use SCSS

(1) The sass-Loader version is too high, causing compilation failure

Solution: The version is too high. NPM install sass-loader@7.3.1 Link: blog.csdn.net/qq_45339683…

(2) The version of Node-sass is too high, causing compilation failure


1, uninstall: NPM uninstall node-sass

2, install: NPM installnode-sass@4.14.1

3. Run the compile command


Then compile successfully! ✿ Remember, (° °) Blue ✿


Note: (1) 750rpx in RPX applet = screen width (2) vw h5 100vw = screen width 100vh = screen height

1. Data presentation

:data- name = “variable” can be retrieved from e by the function, and then retrieved from e by the corresponding name value

Link: blog.csdn.net/Gabriel_wei… Blog.csdn.net/Gabriel_wei…

2. Data loop

3. V – if and v – show

V-if to do show and hide, is directly add and delete labels, so as to achieve the effect of show and hide

V-show to do show hide, is through the style of show and hide, label retention, so as to achieve the effect of show and hide

Note: The priority of v-if and V-for

When v-if and V-for are used together, v-for has a higher priority than V-if

(1) If there is a small amount of data, it can be used simultaneously, but if there is too much data, try not to use it together because it will consume performance. If necessary, use computed attributes instead

(2) According to the actual situation to determine the use of V-if or V-show, if only do show and hide, use V-show, avoid v-if and V-for use at the same time

Link: blog.csdn.net/qq_38280242… www.cnblogs.com/qdwds/p/117…

4. Compute attributes computed

With computed data, data can be processed and filtered, and then new data can be used

5. Events and parameter transfer

(1) The use of events is the same as that of VUE

(2) Parameter transmission: Uni-app can transmit parameters in two ways: event transmission and custom attribute transmission

1. Event passing: that is, define parameters and then pass arguments.

2. Custom attribute pass parameter

PS: Two parameter transmission modes are adopted according to the actual situation

6. The component

(1) Define components

(2) Introduce components

(3) Register components

(4) Use components

Note: Components are defined, imported, registered, and used in the same way as vUE

Component parameter transfer:

(1) Father passes son

(2) Son to father

Child components:

The parent component:

(3) Globally shared data [Non-parent-child component relationship, data can also be transmitted]

1. Share data through Vue’s prototype

Define the global data in the file that has the Vue prototype.

Make the call from the page that needs to use global data


2. Share data with globalData the app. vue file in uni-app is equivalent to app.js in applets

GlobalData is defined with globalData in app.vue

Gets globalData defined in globalData


PS: The variable data obtained back is readable and writable

Component slot [same as vue]

Slot usage:


7. Life cycle

Uni-app lifecycle is divided into three types: application lifecycle, page lifecycle, and component lifecycle

1. Application life cycle (written in app.vue, onLaunch() is frequently used [the first time the application is loaded])

2. Page life cycle

Page life cycle in the required page, just write

3. Component life cycle

Note: Using the application, page life cycle within a component does not work

The component lifecycle should be written in the component to manipulate data and write logic

Note: Uni-App life cycle is a combination of vue and applet life cycle. Component life cycle uses vue life cycle, while application and page life cycle uses applet life cycle. Please note which and where are the three life cycles used respectively

Corresponding article links: www.cnblogs.com/cisum/p/100… Blog.csdn.net/FantasyWeir…

Uni – app lifecycle documents address: uniapp dcloud. IO/collocation… Vue Lifecycle Documentation address: cn.vuejs.org/v2/guide/in… Small application lifecycle documents address: developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram…