1.0 introduction

Small programs are a brand new way to connect users and services, which can be easily obtained and spread in wechat, and have excellent use experience.

  1. The main introduction is the use of uni-app development of small programs published to wechat platform.

  2. Prerequisites: There has been a good front-end project developed using HBuilder.

2.0 Preparations

Wechat public Platform:

Wechat mini program management platform, if you have an account can be directly logged in, registration needs to be not registered by wechat public platform, not registered by wechat open platform, not bound by personal wechat email.

Wechat developer tools:

Used for previewing, debugging, and uploading small programs.

3.0 Preview Debugging

3.1 HBuilderCompile:

3.2 preview of wechat development tools:

4.0 Configuring wechatAPPID

Note: wechat APPID must be configured, otherwise it cannot be uploaded to wechat mini program public platform.

4.1 Obtaining wechatAPPID:

Wechat public platform * small program > home > Development > Development Management > Development Settings > Developer ID > AppID

4.2 configuration of wechat Developer Tools:

Wechat Developer Tools > wechat Scan Login > Details > Basic Information > Modify APPID

4.3 HBuilerIn the configuration:

HBuiler > manifest.json > wechat applets configuration > wechat applets AppID

5.0 Upload mini programs

Wechat developer Tools > Upload > Fill in version number, Remarks > Confirm upload

6.0 Server Domain Name

Wechat public platform * small program > Home > Development > Development Management > Development Settings > Server domain name

7.0 release

7.1 Released Versions

Wechat public platform * small program > Home > Management > Version Management > Development version

Version 7.2 experience

The experience version can be scanned by wechat.


  1. There may be a cache, pull down the wechat home page, delete the wechat small program experience version;

  2. If the interface cannot be invoked, the server domain name may not be configured.

  3. Small program experience version debugging: open the experience version of the small program > click more capsules > development and debugging

Official version 7.3

The official version takes about 1-7 working days to review.


  1. If the interface cannot be invoked, it may beServer domain nameNo configuration;
  2. If it’s just a beta, it’s best to release a play version.