Last night, the public number of background received a reader xiaowu multiple messages (content roughly as follows), actually let my heart have a qi yan.

Second brother, I did not expect that the epidemic situation made me realize a long-cherished wish for many years: telecommuting. But to be honest, it’s not a good feeling. Before the holiday, I think finally can be liberated, after all, made half a year of 996, tired, taking advantage of the New Year to relax, after is a hero. I have only two and a half years of working experience, working as a back-end developer in a medium-sized company in Beijing. I am not very confident about myself, and I have no plan to find another job after the New Year. As a result, the outbreak of the epidemic is becoming more and more serious day by day, and the mood is also heavy day by day, as if under pressure of a big stone. Before returning to the village, I didn’t have time to buy masks. Fortunately, my high school classmates had some and I borrowed some from my family. Otherwise, I didn’t have the courage to go shopping. No way, nest at home, where also dare not go. I was so bored that I replayed “Legend of The Three Kingdoms 7,” a console game I played in high school. As the deadline drew near, I became more and more worried that the company had not announced the extension of the holiday. I’m so worried. This section, the village has closed the road, the road back to Beijing and do not know how many difficulties encountered. Look forward to every day, really should that sentence, life is precious, hard to find a job. At last, bad news and good news followed. The bad news is that who has classified the outbreak as a Public health Emergency of International concern. The good news is that the company has extended the holiday until February 10th. Damn conscience, compared to companies that force employees to return early. I am also determined to return to Beijing, must do well in the company, worthy of the company’s kindness. But now the new problem comes. I have no telecommuting experience. The company leader has sent some tasks to be completed at home starting February 1st. Do you have any experience to share?

I do have some experience with telecommuting, but it’s not for everyone.

With the Spring Festival, I haven’t been to the company for almost three months, and the main development work has come to an end. Bosses and marketers will take care of the rest. As for me, I fix some bugs at home. When I meet some new needs, I can’t explain them on wechat, so I run to the company and talk with the boss face to face, and then knock on the code at home.

But with this pandemic, there’s a difference between working from home and telecommuting. The main thing is the environment. With such a big nest at home, a quiet environment is really difficult. For me, my parents, my sister, my wife and my daughter, my personal space is really limited.

I had to lock myself in the room to write, to code, and to drive other people into the living room. Her daughter, however, could not help Shouting “Dad, Dad” at every turn. The best solution is to go to bed early and wake up early to avoid jet lag.

Speaking of telecommuting, one concern I have is whether some readers brought their computers home with them, which would be a bit cruel if they didn’t. In this case, it’s a good idea to borrow one from a friend or relative (make sure you have one for your next trip home, just in case). My old home is to do not have network cable, go back before when the hot spot that relies on mobile phone, but this year, flow is enough to use on the whole.

In the current severe situation of epidemic prevention and control, Internet companies have natural advantages. If they can effectively avoid gathering of people, they can avoid cross-infection to a large extent. If programmers work for a company that can’t telecommute, that’s just one thing: it’s a fake Internet company.

Although face-to-face communication is much more efficient, we have to make special treatment in special cases. Phone calls, emails and video conferences can improve the efficiency of communication to a certain extent.

Here just share some of my experience, I hope to help you.

1) discipline

Working from home, self-discipline is very important. Say Chinese New Year these days, I myself brush two sets of TV dramas, “Daming Dynasty 1566” and “Yongzheng Dynasty”, see is dizzy, dizzy.

Fortunately fortunately, wife timely interference, we can see my article. You should take warning, ah, it is best to set a few alarm clocks, according to the previous work habits, when to sleep, when to get up, when to eat, have a regular point.

Most importantly, put tasks on your list. I used a tool five or six years ago called Zen Tao, which is nice and visible to the team.

2) meditation

When you work from home, be quiet.

In the first few days of the epidemic, I spent a long time every morning scanning moments, wechat groups and even Twitter and BBC, looking for some good news. As a result, the good news did not find, the disorderly news is much, see much, unavoidable state of mind collapse. As a result, books can not go in, writing to write, not to mention learning.

However, work is different. To complete tasks regularly, don’t spend your mind on some negative news. After all, ordinary people can do nothing but wait for the good news from experts.

In addition, as family members get together, be sure to make it clear in advance, don’t make any noise, and give each other a quiet space. I’m quietly putting on noise-canceling headphones while I write this, and locking everyone else up — for four and a half hours.

Calm down, work efficiency can improve ah.

3) Timely communication

When you work from home, communicate promptly, but less frequently.

When communicating with the team, try to make the problem clear once and for all, not repeatedly, and if necessary, with pictures and pictures. Submit your code in a timely manner so that it doesn’t impede others’ progress.

Have fewer meetings. Don’t waste everyone’s time with useless stuff.

The poet Lu Yimin has a poem about “work” :

I thought the work would be hard and maybe too late and maybe impossible but day by day it went smoothly and everything was done tastefully

Going to work is not an easy and wonderful thing. At least for a long time, I used to think it would be nice to work remotely. At the end of every holiday, there is always some sadness in my heart. But for the first time, I hope to go to work tomorrow.

Original writing is not easy, if you think it is useful, please give a thumbs-up, because it will be my strongest motivation to write. In the end, I wish you all the best to survive.