The flow chart


A diagram representing an algorithm with specific graphical symbols and descriptions is called a flow chart or block diagram.


To facilitate identification, the common practice of drawing a flowchart is:

  1. Rounded rectangles mean “start” and “end”;
  2. The rectangle represents the action plan;
  3. Diamonds represent problem judgment or determination (audit/approval/review);
  4. The input and output are expressed by parallelogram;
  5. The arrows represent the workflow direction.

Sequence diagram


Sequence Diagram (also known as Sequence Diagram or Sequence Diagram) is a UML interaction Diagram. It shows dynamic collaboration between multiple objects by describing the chronological order in which messages were sent between them. It can represent the order of behavior of use cases, where each message corresponds to a class operation or a state machine trigger event that causes a transition when a use routine is executed.

It is mainly used to represent the communication and interaction process between objects.


The sequence diagram contains the following elements: roles, objects, lifelines, control focus, and messages.

  1. Role (Actor)

System roles, which can be people or users of other systems or subsystems, are usually able to initiate actions.

  1. Object

The object represents the role that the object in the sequence diagram plays in the interaction, and the object at the top of the sequence diagram represents the class role.

Symbols of objects: Objects in the sequence diagram are represented in the same way as objects in the object diagram. Rectangles are used to enclose the object names, and there are underscores under the object names.

** Object creation time **

Objects can be created at the beginning of an interaction or during an interaction;

  • At the top: If the object’s position is at the top of the sequence diagram, it already existed when the interaction began.

  • Not at the top: If the object’s location is not at the top, then the object was created during the interaction;

Objects can be named in the following three ways:

The first method contains the object name and the class name. (Object name: class name)

The second method displays only the class name but not the object name, which is an anonymous object. (: class name)

The third method shows only the object name but not the class name. (object)

In order for images to be clear and easy to understand, the following guidelines should be followed

  • Objects that interact frequently should be as close together as possible

  • Place the object that initializes the entire interaction on the far left

  1. Your Lifeline

Lifelines represent the existence of objects in a sequence diagram for a period of time. Each object in the sequence diagram has a vertical dotted line at the bottom center. This is the lifeline of the object. Messages between objects exist between the two dotted lines.

Role of lifeline

A lifeline is a timeline that runs from the top of the diagram all the way to the bottom, depending on the length of the interaction;

Object lifeline

An object combined with a lifeline is an object’s lifeline, a concept that includes an object icon and a lifeline icon below the object

  1. Activation:

The control focus represents the period during which an object in the sequence diagram performs an operation, and the narrow rectangles on each lifeline in the sequence diagram represent the active period.

Use a small rectangle in the lifeline during the session activation phase.

  1. Message

Messages are classes that define the exchange of information in interactions and collaborations. They are used to model the content of communication between entities, and information is used to pass information between entities. By allowing entities to request other services, class roles communicate by sending and receiving information

  1. Painting steps

Objects participating in interaction are arranged horizontally at the top of the sequence diagram, and A vertical dotted line is drawn at the bottom of each object. Object A sends A message like object B, which is represented by A solid line with an arrow. The solid line starts from the dotted line at the bottom of object A and ends at the dotted line at the bottom of object B. Solid arrows are placed horizontally, the closer they are to the top, the earlier they are sent.

An instance

The customer fills in the car purchase order, the staff checks the order, there is no problem and then fills in the record, the customer pays, and then the staff picks up the car

A swimlane


It can be thought of as a special kind of flow chart, except that the swimlane chart divides departments and functions. Thus, a swimlane flowchart is a specific diagram that reflects the relationship between people or organizations in a business process.

The role of a swimlane chart

1. In the business process, the swimlane map can intuitively reflect the relationship between people, so that everyone can clearly grasp the tasks for which they are responsible.

2. For enterprises, swimlane chart can make work deployment more flow and improve work efficiency.

3. It is helpful to study the movement of the handover between people or working groups in the whole process


Step 1: List the tasks of the different people involved in the process and enter them to the left or top of the lane chart.

The second step. Design the flow chart of each link design, and write into each lane.

Step 3: Discuss the writing steps in depth and place them in the appropriate lane.

Step 4: Through the above three steps, the draft of the flowchart is basically given, and then it can be completed by making some adjustments.

An instance

A recruitment process – the positions involved and the specific work process.

Gantt chart


A Gantt chart is a graphical representation of the order and duration of a particular item through a list of activities and a timescale. A line drawing with time on the horizontal axis, projects on the vertical axis, and lines showing planned and actual completion of the period. Visually indicate when the plan is underway and how progress compares to requirements. It is easy for managers to clarify the remaining tasks of the project and assess the progress of the work.

Generally, a gantt chart can be used to represent the progress of a project, or for work related to time.


  1. List all the tasks on the vertical axis
  2. Put the estimated time on the horizontal axis
  3. Draw a line in the legend to indicate the time span of the task

A legend

The schedule of functional modules in a project