
As requested by the vast number of fans, too much information on the Internet is not detailed and comprehensive enough, so I spent a lot of thought to collect it, but finally found it is not comprehensive, so this article appeared. The author searched GitHub for a long time and finally found three most complete Java learning notes, with a total of 946 pages!

Knowledge covered:

Interview questions: Java Basics, High Concurrency, Multi-threading, Distributed, Design Mode, Spring bucket, Java, MyBatis, ZooKeeper, Dubbo, Elasticsearch, Memcached, MongoDB, Redis, MySQL, RabbitMQ, Kafk A, Linux, Netty, Tomcat and other knowledge points in detail and interview topic.

Because the entire document is comprehensive and contains a lot of content, space does not allow, the following is shown in screenshots. If there is a need to obtain information documents friends can add assistant VX: MXX2020666, free of charge

Detailed display of contents

Detailed notes and mind maps for JVM and performance optimization

  • JVM memory region
  • Garbage collection and memory allocation policies
  • The JVM’s execution subsystem
  • Learn more about performance tuning
  • JVM class loading mechanism
  • JAVA four reference types
  • .

Multithreading concurrent study notes

  • JAVA Concurrent Knowledge base
  • JAVA thread implementation/creation
  • Four thread pools
  • Thread life cycle (state)
  • There are four ways to terminate a thread
  • To sleep is different from to wait
  • Start is different from run
  • JAVA background thread
  • JAVA lock
  • Basic threading methods
  • Thread context switch
  • Synchronous locks and deadlocks
  • Thread Pool Principle
  • JAVA blocking queue principle
  • CyclicBarrier, CountDownLatch, Semaphore
  • Thread scheduling used in Java
  • Process scheduling algorithm
  • .

Microservices learning Notes

  • Service Registration Discovery
  • API gateway
  • Configuration center
  • Event scheduling (Kafka)
  • Service Tracking (starter-sleUTH)
  • Service fuse (Hystrix)
  • API management
  • The application of micro service in enterprise
  • .

Zookeeper Learning Notes

  • Zookeeper concepts
  • Leader
  • Follower
  • Observer
  • ZAB agreement
  • Voting mechanism
  • How Zookeeper works (Atomic Broadcast)
  • Znode has four types of directory nodes

Spring source notes and mind maps

  • Spring characteristics
  • Spring Core Components
  • Spring Common Modules
  • Spring is mainly package
  • Spring Spring
  • Spring third-party integration
  • Principle of the Spring IOC
  • Spring APO principle
  • Spring MVC principles
  • JPA principle
  • Mybatis cache
  • The Spring transaction
  • .

Kafka learning notes and mind mapping

Nginx learning Notes

RabbitMQ study notes

Design patterns

The database

Java algorithm

The data structure

Distributed learning notes

Highly available architecture

Redis study notes

Depots table

MyBatis source

Dubbo study notes

Elasticsearch learning notes

Memcached Study notes

Linux Learning Notes

And SpringCloud, Springboot, and project combat… Because the space is too long to share the exhibition, the 946 pages of study notes need to scan the qr code below to get free