Node.js event loop

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What is the event loop

Let’s first look at how the event loop is designed and what it does to better understand it. The figure above (from the Node website) illustrates the six phases of the event cycle and the order in which they are executed. So let’s start exploring what happens at each stage.

  • Timers: This stage executes the callback registered by setTimeout() and setInterval().
  • Pending Callbacks: This stage performs callbacks for certain system operations, such as TCP error types. For example, if the TCP socket receives ECONNREFUSED when attempting to connect, the error callback is executed at this stage.
  • Idle, prepare: used internally only (ignored)
  • Pool: Retrieves new IO events, performs callback of the related IO, and node blocks when appropriate.
  • Check: This phase performs callbacks registered by setImmediate()
  • Close callbacks: This phase executes a callback of type close, such as socket.on(‘close’,…). .

Each stage executes its own callback registered in the FIFO queue. Each type of callback is registered in its own phase.

To put it simply: Correction of JS code to the event loop of registered for the event, the event loop to allocate tasks to OS | thread pool (now operating systems provide the asynchronous interface, will give preference to this option), the last event loop polling OS task to complete, Fetch the result, and then go to the Event Queue to execute the callback for it.

Misunderstanding of event cycles

  • One main thread executes the user code, and the other thread executes the event loop. For each asynchronous operation, the main thread hands off the work to the event loop thread, which notifies the main thread to perform a callback once the work is complete.

The true state of the event cycle

  • There is only one thread executing user code and the event loop (i.e. the thread executing the user code in the event loop), and virtually every user code in Node.js is executed in the event loop.
  • Use the following example to prove how reality works:
    const fs = require('fs');
    fs.readFile('testFile1.txt'.function (err, data) {
        console.log('data read of testFile0.txt'); // Simulate CPU intensive task computing()}); fs.readFile('testFile2.txt'.function (err, data) {
        console.log('data read of testFile1.txt'); }); // Cpu-intensive tasksfunction computing() {
        for (let i = 0; i < 10000; i++)//
            for (let j = 0; j < 10000; j++) {
                for (letk = 0; k < 100; K++) {}}}} // the following output is displayed: // 11:55:30 AM dataread of testFile0.txt
    // 11:55:56 AM  data read of testFile1.txt
    Copy the code
  • The second callback is 26 seconds later than the first.
  • That’s because the second callback was executed after the first, because the computing function took up CPU26 seconds to interrupt the event loop, so it was delayed.
  • It also shows that they share a thread, and the callbacks are executed sequentially (in the event loop).

libuv thread pool

  • Libuv creates a thread pool of four threads by default. Used to process asynchronous tasks. But today’s operating systems provide asynchronous interfaces for I/O tasks. Therefore, asynchronous interfaces are preferred and thread pools are avoided unless unavoidable.

Analyze whether the event cycle is healthy by indicators

  • Tick Frequency Tick Frequency (Event loop Polling Frequency).
  • Tick Duration Tick interval (Event loop Interval between two polling sessions).
  • The higher the Event Loop Tick frequency is, the healthier the cluster is.
  • If the BACK-END I/O processing speed is slow, the Event Loop polling frequency decreases.
  • Event Loop Latency Event Loop delay.
  • If the event loop delay is significantly higher, however, there are CPU-intensive tasks in the code that need to be optimized.


  • Event loop callbacks do not take up much CPU power. When this happens, it means that the execution of the event loop is slow and events are not handled in a timely manner.
  • Only one callback function is executed at a time in Node.js.