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For this article, see the Regular Expressions Mini-Book

Position matching

What is location

The position is an empty string. Each character is not a position, and the position in the re can be understood as follows

// The empty string is the position
"hello"= ="" + "h" + "" + "e" + "" + "l" + "" + "l" + "" + "o" + "";

"hello"= ="" + "" + "hello"
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How to match positions

location meaning
^ Match the beginning. Multiple lines match, match the beginning of the line
$ Match the end. Multiple lines match, match end of line
\b Word boundaries can be the positions between \w and \w, \w and ^, \w and $
\B Non-word boundaries, positions between \w and \w(between characters), \w and \w, ^ and \w, $and \w
(? =p) P is a subpattern, (? =p) indicates the position before the p character, (? =l) indicates the position before the L character.To put it another way, the character after the position needs to be p, and that position is the position that satisfies the re
(? ! p) (? ! (is p)? =p), all ** not (? =p)**. For example (? ! ^) all positions not in front of the beginning.

^ and $

Single match

// "#Hello World#"
console.log("Hello World".replace(/^|$/g.The '#'))
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Multi-line matching

There is the modifier \n, ^$matches the beginning and end of each line. Regular expressions require the addition of m global schema

// "#Hello#
// #World#"

console.log('Hello\nWorld'.replace(/^|$/gm.The '#'))
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\ \ b and b


\b Matches all word boundaries

// []#I# #L#[] [#ove#] #you# #Fang#[]#Fang#!!!!

"[]I L[] [ove] you Fang[]Fang!!!!".replace(/\b/g.The '#')
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  • I is the boundary of the word
  • L[is the boundary of the word
  • [o is the word boundary
  • E] is the boundary of the word
  • Y is the word boundary
  • U is the boundary of the word
  • F is the word boundary
  • G [is word boundary
  • F is word boundary
  • G is word boundary


\B matches all non-word boundaries; \B is the inverse

// #[#]I L[#]# #[o#v#e]# y#o#u F#a#n#g! #! #! #! #

"[]I L[] [ove] you F#a#n#g!!!!".replace(/\B/g.The '#')
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(? = p) and (? ! p)

P is a subpattern. The position of p can be another regular expression

(? =p) forward first assertion

// All empty characters are preceded by #
// p is preceded by a total of three empty characters, so add three #
// '# # # p'
' p'.replace(/ (? =[\s])/g.The '#')
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(? ! P) negative prior assertion

(? =p) position

// Precedes all non-null characters
// ' #p#'
' p'.replace(/ (? ! [\s])/g.The '#')
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A re that does not match any character

//. Indicates a wildcard character, but the beginning is after the character, and no character is satisfied

var reg = / /. ^
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Thousands separator

You can use (? =) forward first assertion, with \d{3} subpattern. (? If (\d{3})$) =(\d{3})$)

Because we need to match multiple groups we can use the quantifier + for this position. (? =(\d{3})+$)

"Position" + 123 + "Position" + 456+ $(end)Copy the code

var reg = / (? =(\d{3})+$)/g

// ",123,456,789"
"123456789".replace(reg, ', ')
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A comma is added to the beginning of the string (^), which is also regular. How to remove the comma? There are two ways. The first uses \B, because commas must be added to non-word boundaries. The second approach is to use negative antecedent assertions (? ! ^), requires that the matching position cannot be followed by the beginning.

var reg1 = /\B(? =(\d{3})+$)/g

/ / "123456789"
"123456789".replace(reg1, ', ')

var reg2 = / (? ! (^)? =(\d{3})+$)/g
/ / "123456789"
"123456789".replace(reg2, ', ')
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🤔 Off topic, I also thought about this question before reading the solution, my thoughts are as follows

var reg = / [^ ^] (? =(\d{3})+$)/g

12,45,789 "/ /"

"123456789".replace(reg, ', ')
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The result was “12,45,789”. After thinking about it, I found myself in a mental error. What we need to match here is the position but not the character and that’s important!

Reg means it’s followed by three digits and not preceded by a character itself,Rather than the positionIt is important to mentally distinguish between places and characters

💡 regular expression matches only ^, $, \b, \b, (? =p), (? ! p)

// ^ Indicates the location
"123456789".replace(/^/g.', ')

// [^^] is a character
"23456789".replace(/[^^]/g.', ')
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If the string becomes “123456789 123456789”, we still need to add a thousand separator to the character, what do we do?

Let’s analyze the current situation, this string has a space in the middle, we can’t continue to use at this timeCharacters before space will not match because the condition of the (\d{3})+ subpattern cannot be met.

We can replace $with \b to indicate the position from the boundary of the word before the first three digits

/ / ", 123456789, 123456789"

"123456789, 123456789".replace(/ (? =(\d{3})+\b)/g.', ')
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We can’t add commas to word boundaries at the same time, so use \B(non-word boundary position) or (? ! \b)(not, the position in front of the word boundary)

/ / "123456789, 123456789"

"123456789, 123456789".replace(/\B(? =(\d{3})+\b)/g.', ')

"123456789, 123456789".replace(/ (? ! \b)(? =(\d{3})+\b)/g.', ')
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💰 Currency formatting

“1888” = = > “$1888.00”

var money = '1888'
var reg1 = / (? =(^))/g
var reg2 = /$/g

money = money.replace(reg1, '$')

// "$ 1888.00"
money = money.replace(reg2, 00 '. ')
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Verify password

Password authentication rule. The password is a 6-12 character string consisting of lowercase and uppercase letters and digits. The password must contain two types of characters.

First match the first condition, 6-12 bits

var reg = /^\w{6, 12}$/g
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Must contain numbers

// Indicates whether there is a string containing a number in the preceding position
var reg = / (? =.*[0-9])/g
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It must contain lowercase letters, it must contain uppercase letters and the same thing

// Indicates whether there is a string containing lowercase letters, before the position
var reg = /? =.*[a-z]/g
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We combine the above re’s

var reg = / ((? =. * ([0-9])? =.*[a-z])|(? =. * ([0-9])? =.*[A-Z])|(? =.*[a-z])(? =. * [a-z])) ^ 6, 12 {} $\ w /
// true
// true
// false
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Another way to think about it

Characters containing two types can be understood as not all numbers, not all lowercase letters, and not all uppercase letters. ? ! Is? The region of theta is inverse.

// Do not exist, "not" are all numbers, the front position
var reg1 = / (? ! [0-9] {12}) /
// Does not exist, "not" are all lowercase letters, before the position
var reg2 = / (? ! [a-z] {12}) /
// Does not exist, "not" are all capital letters, the position before
var reg3 = / (? ! [a-z] {12}) /

var reg = / (? ! [0-9] {12}) | (? ! [a-z] {12}) | (? ! [a-z] {12}) ^ 6, 12 {} $\ w /
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