Statement: this solution is applicable to APP iOS13 download OK, but iOS14 download the same resources on the prompt installation failure!

After iOS14 was updated, there was a problem that our company’s app could not be installed. For the same plist file, if 13 could be installed,14 would indicate that it could not be installed. We will start to push iOS14 tomorrow, so it seems very urgent. We did not use Apple Store download, we use the way of plist file download, on the Internet also Baidu a lot, see a post like this

In iOS14, Apple’s ATS requirements for its own solutions are more strict. Before we installed the application through the ITMS protocol as long as the plist file is HTTPS, after 14 we required IPA link to use HTTPS, otherwise it will not be able to install the problem.

So I copied the address pointed to by the ITMS protocol to the Google browser for direct access (the new version was too old to find out the problem). I found that although our protocol was HTTPS, Google reported security hidden danger

The reason why our company can not install this is that, we look for the operation and maintenance to change the TLS 1.2, iOS14 can download normally, later also understand the TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 HTTPS website problems, found that in 2018, after the spring release of TLS 1.3 version, In October 2018, the four major browser manufacturers, Apple, Google, Mozilla and Microsoft, jointly announced plans to remove support for TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 in early 2020. Interested can go to understand the next

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