This is the seventh day of my participation in the August More text Challenge. For details, see:August is more challenging
Gantt chart
- Gantt chart
Useful for tracking the time it takes to complete a project. - The X-axis represents time, and the Y-axis records the different tasks and the order in which they are completed.
- Note:
- When you specify the exclusion of a date, day, or collection of dates, the Gantt chart does not generate a time gap within the task, but automatically ADAPTS to extend the corresponding days to the right.
- When the excluded date is between two consecutive starting tasks, the excluded date is automatically skipped, leaving space for subsequent tasks to start after the excluded date.
Accept specific dates in YYYY-MM-DD format, days of the week (” Sunday “), or “Weekends”, but not “weekdays”.- The red lines in the diagram represent tomorrow’s dates.
- Task status: Completed
To activateactive
, emergencycrit
Gantt dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD title This is the lower class2021-08-10.2021-08-11, axisFormat %m-%d Section A chapter A :done, des1,2021-08-06,1d active tasks: Active, DES2,2021-08-09D: After DES2, 5d section B:2021-08-06C :crit, done, after des1, 2D :crit, active, 3D: Crit, 5dCopy the code
Gantt dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD title This is the title excludes 2021-08-10,2021-08-11, Weekends axisFormat %m-% D Section A chapter completed task A Done, DES1, 2021-08-06, 1D Active task: Active, DES2, 2021-08-09, 3D Future task: B: Crit, done, 2021-08-06,24h C: Crit, done, after des1 2D continuous start of active urgent task D: Crit, active, 3D urgent future task: Crit, 5D
The name of the
- The title
, which is optional, is directly above the Gantt chart. - chapter
A Gantt chart can be broken down into sections, indicating that the tasks of the project are broken down into different parts. The title of the chapter ismandatory
Set the time
- Time Format setting
, customize the time format, refer to the following table:
The input | example | describe |
YYYY | 2021 | Four digit years |
YY | 21 | Two digit years |
Q | 1-4 | Quarter. The month is set to the first month of the quarter |
M MM | 1-12 | month |
MMM MMMM | January-Dec | In the name |
D DD | 1-31 | Number of days |
Do | 1st.. 31st | The day of the month |
Day of month | 1-365. | End of year |
X | 1410715640.579 | A Unix timestamp |
x | 1410715640579 | Unix timestamp (milliseconds) |
H HH | 0-23 | 24 hours |
h hh | 1-12 | 12 hours |
a A | am pm | On the morning of the afternoon |
m mm | 0-59 | minutes |
s ss | 0-59 | seconds |
S | 0-9 | Tenth of a second |
SS | 0-99. | Hundredth of a second |
SSS | 0-999. | One thousandth of a second |
Z ZZ | + 12:00 | Offset from UTC time |
- Axis time format, default is
, can also passaxisFormat
From the definition, the formatting symbol looks like this:
%a - working day for short %a - working day full name %b - month for short %b - month full name %c - date and time, equivalent to "%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y" %d - 0 padding, [01,31] %e - space padding, [1,31]; Equivalent to %_d % h-24 hour time [00,23] % i-12 hour time [01,12] %j - day in year [001,366] %m - month [01,12] %m - minute [00,59] %L - millisecond [000, 999] %p - morning or afternoon %S - second [00,61] %U - number of weeks in the year (Sunday is the first day of the week [00,53] %w - week [0(Sunday),6] %w - number of weeks in the year (Monday is the first day of the week) [00,53] %x - date, As "% % % m/d/Y" % X - time, the as "m H % : % : % S" % Y - year of double-digit 00 [13] % Y - a four-digit year % q - quarter [1, 4]Copy the code
The pie chart
- A pie chart is a statistical graph of a circle that is divided into pieces to represent different proportions.
- With the keyword
At the beginning - This is followed by an optional title to
The keyword begins, followed by the title - Following is the data set. The format of the data set is:
- Data name, in double quotes
modified - The data name is followed by a colon
- A colon followed by a colon
A positive number
(Supports two decimal digits)
- Data name, in double quotes
Pie title Ratio of seven men to women"Men" : 51.24
"Women" : 48.76
Copy the code
"Male" : 51.24 "female" : 48.76
That’s an introduction to UML gantt charts and pie charts, and the related Markdown syntax