UmiJs uses the React framework, which is more advanced and convenient than Creat-React. Antd and global less; And multilingualism; Basic layout;


Initialize the project

yarn create @umijs/umi-app
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After installing dependencies, run start to start the project. For example, yarn start, the following directory structure is obtained

Tree. / SRC ├ ─. Umi │ ├ ─. Cache │ │ └ ─ Babel - loader │ ├ ─ core │ ├ ─ the plugin - helmet │ ├ ─ plugin - initial state │ │ └ ─ models │ ├ ─ the plugin - model │ └ ─ the plugin - request └ ─ pagesCopy the code
.UMI can be ignored temporarily (without affecting programming)Copy the code

Now it’s up and running, just two lines of command to start a project. At this point, there is only index. TSX under Pages, so let’s add a landing page

Can refer to project actual combat

Reductive route

Routing, we use contracted routing, which is automatically generated from the files under Pages, without manual management.

Route configuration, remove manual route, use reductive route, find in the root directory. Umirc.ts delete the following code

- layout: {},
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Let’s add a login. TSX, assuming the page number is written and we need to make a request, let’s configure the request.

To do that, create a new layout /index.tsx under SRC. See below

import { IRouteComponentProps } from 'umi'
import request from 'umi-request'

export default function Layout ({ children, location, route, history, match }: IRouteComponentProps) {
    prefix: ''
  return children
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The above is the configuration of prefix, but we need to deal with authorization, such as setting token after successful login, such as modifying return value, etc. We can write a middleware, the use code is also very simple, add use, token sample code is as follows

request.use(async(ctx, next) => { ctx.req.options.headers = { ... ctx.req.options.headers,'token': localStorage.token || ' '
  await next()
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Umi-request Detailed documents

At this point you can start using the request on the page as follows

import styles from './index.less';
import { history } from 'umi'
import fetch from 'umi-request'
import { useEffect } from 'react';

export default function IndexPage () {
  useEffect(() => {
    const init = async () => {
      const res = await'/api/v2/main/auth/xxx', { data: { accountaddress: "xx" } })
  }, [])

  return (
      <h1 className={styles.title}>Page index</h1>

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Package compiled

└./dist./dist ├─ index.html ├─ um.css ├─ um.jsCopy the code


With a basic environment completed above, it’s time to start the theme. Let’s open up our fast-building landing page and menu bar and list.


Rely on @ ant – design/pro – layout

Open the configuration

locale: {
    // default lang
    default: 'en-US'.antd: true.// default true, when it is true, will use `navigator.language` overwrite default
    baseNavigator: true,},Copy the code


import { useIntl } from 'umi'
const intl = useIntl();
window.intl = intl
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FormattedMessage or intl.formatMessage({id: ‘pages.login.successfully’})


type intl = {
  formatMessage (option: { id: string; defaultMessage? :string}) :string;
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Global less

SRC /global.less will do, but note that you need to restart the project

On the left side of the bar

Layout /index.tsx, custom left and right columns,

({ children, location, route, history, match }) => {
  const { routes = [] } = route;
  const { breadcrumb, menuData } = getMenuData(routes);
  // -- Render the left column according to menuData
  return location.pathname === '/user/login' ? children : <div className={}>
      style={{ flexDirection: 'row', height: '100vh'}}title={"' | |intl.formatMessage({ id: 'component.globalHeader.title'})}logo={<Logo width={150}></Logo>}
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If you use an indeterminate route, the menu bar is basically unchanged and breadcrumbs are generated automatically, but the indeterminate route needs to be handled manually

Multilanguage switching can be done with the
component, on UMI.

Implementation of the list page

import styles from './_nftHandle.less'
import { Input, Pagination, Spin } from 'antd'
import { NFTCheckStatus } from './type';
import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import request from 'umi-request';
import { ImgFit } from '@/components/ImgFit';
const { Search } = Input

function showTotal (total: number) {
  return `Total ${total} items`;
interface INFTCheckHandle {
  type: NFTCheckStatus
export default function NFTCheckHandle ({ type }: INFTCheckHandle) {
  const onSearch = (value: string) = > console.log(value)
  const list: { src: string; name: string} [] =new Array(20).fill({ src: ' '.name: 'name' })
  const [loading, setloading] = useState(true)

  useEffect(() = > {
    const init = async() = > {// const res = await'/api/v2/main/auth/xxx', { data: { accountaddress: "xx" } })
      await new Promise((ok) = > setTimeout(ok, 500))
  }, [])
  return <div>
    <Spin spinning={loading} tip="Loading...">
      <div style={{ width: 500}} >
          placeholder={intl.formatMessage({ id: 'component.input.searchPlaceholder'})}allowClear
          enterButton={intl.formatMessage({ id: ''})}size="large"
      <div className={styles.row}>
        {, index) => <div key={index} className={[styles.item, 'flex'].join(' ')} >
            <ImgFit src={e.src} width={260} height={262} />
          <p>{type} {}</p>
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Using pro table

The update


A link to the

Umi-request Network request path umiJS document umiJS plugin-locale