RPA has been in China for some time, and I have been implementing RPA in my last company for more than one year. I have used AA and UiPath, and I am familiar with these two products. In my opinion, AA is more like a mature commercial product than UiPath, just like IOS and Android, while UiPath is more open.

To get back to the point, I have done a lot of POC and projects in my RPA implementation career for more than a year. No matter the clients or competitors I met, most of the use of UiPath was limited to automatic scripts written by Studio, and few of the orchestrators were proficient in using and mastering them. Even the UiPath staff I met (probably just pre-sales staff, not related technical staff) had only deployed Orchestrator once or twice, so I decided to write a simple deployment tutorial for Orchestrator that did not involve too many server-related terms.

1. Prepare in advance

1.1. The system

Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 or later

1.2. Database and server related software

  • Database SQL Server 2008 R2 Standard or higher
  • Server IIS 7.5+ IIS Modules
  • URL Rewrite

1.3. Other

  • Browsers: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Edge
  • WebDeploy 3.5 +
  • The.net framework 4.7.2 +

2. Installation procedure

2.1 to install the JDK

Download the JDK from the official website, install it, and configure environment variables

2.2. Install. Net Framework 4.72

First of all, the following information may appear during the installation of some versions of the system:Download the following patches and install them one by oneInstall the.NET Framework after the patch is installed

2.3. The IIS configuration

When configuring the IIS Server on Server Dashboard of Windows Server edition, add roles and functions first, and then proceed to Role Server

To select the role service, see:


To verify IIS installation, enter localhost in the browser. The following page is displayed

2.4. Install other components

Download and install the following packages one by one

2.5. Install the SQL Server database

Choose to install Select Windows and Sql Server authentication mode

Matters needing attention:

2.6. Configure User rights

The Local Security Policy is enabled

Administrator permission To open CMD, enter the following command –netsh to enter netsh mode HTTP to enter netsh HTTP add iplisten ipaddress= show ilisten If is displayed, the system succeeds

2.7. Configuring SSL Connections (Generating self-signed Certificates)

Open IIS Services Manager and double-click Local Services >Server Certificates

Create a Self – Signed Certificate

Enter the certificate name (custom) and select OK

The certificate name is displayed in the service list, and the domain name is used later

Original text:

Bind certificates to the Orchestrator UiPath service application

2.8. Exporting self-signed Certificates (key)

Because the self-signed certificate of port 443 is used, the orchestrator can be accessed by other computers except the local computer only after a certificate is installed. Therefore, you need to export the self-signed certificate and install it on the computer that you want to access.

Run certlm. MSC, select the corresponding Certificate under Certificate, and right-click Task to export the Certificate.

Next, select No,do not export the private key

Select DER encoded binary X.509 (.cer)

Export certificate

Export success

2.9. Install the Self Sign certificate on the target computer

Copy the certificate to the local robot computer, right-click to install, and select Local Computer

Next, select Trusted Root Certification Authorities. Next,

Click Next to display import success. Open the certificate file again to display installation successReference website:


2.10. Install the Orchestrator service application

Select Install directlyNext, select the UiPath Orchestrator to install, and the SSL certificate is the same as that configured in 2.1.7 Select Application Pool Identity

Host name Specifies the database name

To use SQL Server Authentication, enter the SA account

Enter the password. The tenant password is the login password of the orchestrator

After the installation is successful, the UiPath Orchestrator site is displayed on the IIS serveraccesshttps:// Self-defined domain.local /

3. Problems may arise

3.1. Activate the Orchestrator offline

In Offline mode, you need to download the license. TXT file from the Orchestrator. If you use Internet Explorer, an error message will be displayedTXT can be downloaded using Chrome

3.2. No corresponding error is reported when the access fails

After the Orchestrator Server is installed, if a Server Error occurs in ‘/’ Application but no details are found, you need to view the details and modify the label in the web. config path in the Orchestrator project directory

<customErrors mode="Off" > <system.web> <customErrors mode="Off"/> </system.web>Copy the code

A detailed error message appears

3.3. Database permission problem

Such as access to the errorThe account has insufficient permission to access the database. Therefore, grant the UiPath DBO permission to the account

3.4. DNS access Error

Add the IP address and domain name to Host

3.5. The database is separated from the server

If the database is separated from the server, you need to enable SQL Server TCP/IP