I admire the quality of the gold digger

This is a UI component library I wrote to explore new features in Vue 3. Do not use it in production.

Source code: github.com/FrankFang/g…

Liverpoolfc.tv: frankfang. Gitee. IO/gulu – UI – web…

Rely on

"Dependencies" : {" making - markdown - CSS ":" ^ 4.0.0 ", "marked" : "^ 1.1.1", "prismjs" : "^ 1.21.0", "vue" : "^ 3.0.0", "vue - the router" : "4.0.0 - beta. 3"}Copy the code

The characteristics of

Open source component library written for code learners, the code is concise and easy to read.

  • Four components are made using Vue 3 and TypeScript.
  • Vue 3 + Vue Router 4 was used to create the official website.
  • The official website supports code preview and code highlighting.
  • Use the Vite dev command and build command for development and deployment.
  • Write automatic shell deployment scripts manually.
  • Write Vite plug-ins manually
  • Package the library files using Rollup and publish them to NPM.
  • Learn how to submit an issue to Vue 3 and get feedback from You.
