This article is simultaneously published on my wechat official account. You can follow it by scanning the QR code at the bottom of the article or searching HelloWorld Jieshao on wechat.
When using UE to develop mobile games, we inevitably have to interact with Android and iOS data. In this case, we need to add some operations in the code, so that C++ can call Java on the Android platform, Java can call C++; The same is true on iOS, C++ can call OC, OC can call C++. Since LAST time I have realized the mutual call between UE and iOS, the article portal, today I will continue to talk about the mutual call between UE and Android.
Android Environment construction
Install Android Studio based on the UE engine version you have installed. My engine version is 4.25.4, so I installed Android Studio version 3.5.3 as instructed by the UE documentation.
Once installed, take a look at the NDK version and check “Show Package Detail” in the lower right corner.
If the NDK is not installed in the specified version, select the correct version before downloading and installing the NDK.
Build the first UE project
After the Android environment is configured, we start to build a UE project, the main idea is to add a button on the interface UI, click the button to trigger an event, this part I have sorted out in the previous tutorial, you can click to view.
Android Packaging Configuration
Next, configure Android packaging in UE, find the Package option in Project Settings, and set it to Develop.
If you need a Release package, set it to “Release” in the drop-down list.
Go to “Platform” in “Project Settings” and configure “Android”, set both fields to Agree, accept the SDK certificate, and fill in the Android package name.
Fill in the path in the Android SDK.
PS: Since I am using a Mac, the path configuration is different from Windows.
The paths for the Android SDK and NDK can be viewed in Android Studio.
Find the path corresponding to the NDK based on the Android SDK path found in Android Studio.
And then you’re ready to pack.
Upgrade to AndroidX
After you have finished packing in UE, use Android Studio to open your UE project directory: Intermediate -> Android -> armv7 -> gradle
Add the following two configurations to the global
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Upgrade your project to AndroidX using the upgrade features that come with Android Studio.
Then execute Gradle Sync to compile the whole project. If the project is successfully compiled, it means that our project has been upgraded to AndroidX.
Android AAR
When developing Android using UE4, you often need to access third-party libraries, so let’s do a simple example.
In the previous section, I loaded UE bundled Gradle into Android Studio, and then File -> New Module to create a New AAR library.
I’ll tentatively name this library LoginSDK and have the following directory structure:
At this point, a simple third-party library is created. In the following articles, I will continue to teach you how to call this third-party library.
C + + calling Java
In UE how to call Java functions through C++, this time needs to use JNI call to achieve. Above, the UE project we created has implemented a button click event in which Java functions can be called.
So where should we write our Java function?
UE provides a gameActivity. Java class with the Android package, which allows UE to call Java code.
So in, we add a function public void AndroidThunkJava_InitName() that does the following: AndroidThunkJava_InitName()
public void AndroidThunkJava_InitName(a)
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To call Java through C++, you first need to know the signature of the Java function to be called. I won’t go into this knowledge here. Go back to the button click event in our C++ code and add the following code.
void UMyUserWidget::callLoginFunction(a)
if (JNIEnv* Env = FAndroidApplication::GetJavaEnv())
jmethodID GetPackageNameMethodID = FJavaWrapper::FindMethod(Env, FJavaWrapper::GameActivityClassID, "AndroidThunkJava_InitName"."()V;".false);
FJavaWrapper::CallObjectMethod(Env, FJavaWrapper::GameActivityThis,GetPackageNameMethodID);
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Since our C++ code has been modified, we need to repackage the Android project. Once packaged, run on our Android Studio, click the button, and the corresponding log will be printed in the console.
C++ call Java code has been successfully implemented, but in the above article, we have not finished the content of a new third-party library, that will continue to talk about how to call android third-party library function methods.
First, implement some logic in the LoginSDK library created above:
- Create a LoginActivity and add EditText and Button controls
- Jump to LoginActivity from GameActivity
- After clicking the button in the LoginActivity, the value in the EditText control is called back to the GameActivity
Call LoginSDK from AndroidThunkJava_InitName() in
public void AndroidThunkJava_InitGame(a)
// call loginsdk
Intent intent = new Intent(this, LoginActivity.class);
String message = "UE4";
intent.putExtra("com.example.MESSAGE", message);
startActivityForResult(intent, 998);
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Implement the following code in LoginActivity:
public class LoginActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Intent intent = getIntent();
String message = intent.getStringExtra("com.example.MESSAGE");
Log.d("message", message);
public void sendMessage(View view) {
EditText editText = (EditText) findViewById(;
String value = editText.getText().toString();
// to C++
Intent intent = new Intent();
intent.putExtra("LOGIN", value);
setResult(998, intent); finish(); }}Copy the code
AndroidThunkJava_InitGame sets the RequestCode of startActivityForResult(Intent, 998) to 998. Protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) The code is as follows:
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data)
if( requestCode == DOWNLOAD_ACTIVITY_ID)
// ...
else if (requestCode == 998){
android.util.Log.d("test"."Received data from LoginSDK");
String result = data.getStringExtra("LOGIN");
android.util.Log.d("test", result);
else if( IapStoreHelper ! =null )
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
nativeOnActivityResult(this, requestCode, resultCode, data); }}Copy the code
Ps: RequestCode values you can customize
Java call c + +
UE also declared many native functions in the GameActivity generated for our game, such as:
public native int nativeGetCPUFamily(a);
public native boolean nativeSupportsNEON(a);
public native void nativeSetAffinityInfo(boolean bEnableAffinity, int bigCoreMask, int littleCoreMask);
public native void nativeSetConfigRulesVariables(String[] KeyValuePairs);
public native boolean nativeIsShippingBuild(a);
public native void nativeSetAndroidStartupState(boolean bDebuggerAttached);
public native void nativeSetGlobalActivity(boolean bUseExternalFilesDir, boolean bPublicLogFiles, String internalFilePath, String externalFilePath, boolean bOBBInAPK, String APKPath);
public native void nativeSetObbFilePaths(String OBBMainFilePath, String OBBPatchFilePath);
public native void nativeSetWindowInfo(boolean bIsPortrait, int DepthBufferPreference);
public native void nativeSetObbInfo(String ProjectName, String PackageName, int Version, int PatchVersion, String AppType);
public native void nativeSetAndroidVersionInformation( String AndroidVersion, String PhoneMake, String PhoneModel, String PhoneBuildNumber, String OSLanguage );
public native void nativeSetSurfaceViewInfo(int width, int height);
public native void nativeSetSafezoneInfo(boolean bIsPortrait, float left, float top, float right, float bottom);
public native void nativeConsoleCommand(String commandString);
public native void nativeVirtualKeyboardChanged(String contents);
public native void nativeVirtualKeyboardResult(boolean update, String contents);
public native void nativeVirtualKeyboardSendKey(int keyCode);
public native void nativeVirtualKeyboardSendTextSelection(String contents, int selStart, int selEnd);
public native void nativeVirtualKeyboardSendSelection(int selStart, int selEnd);
public native void nativeInitHMDs(a);
public native void nativeResumeMainInit(a);
public native void nativeOnActivityResult(GameActivity activity, int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data);
public native void nativeGoogleClientConnectCompleted(boolean bSuccess, String accessToken);
public native void nativeVirtualKeyboardShown(int left, int top, int right, int bottom);
public native void nativeVirtualKeyboardVisible(boolean bShown);
public native void nativeOnConfigurationChanged(boolean bPortrait);
public native void nativeOnInitialDownloadStarted(a);
public native void nativeOnInitialDownloadCompleted(a);
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These functions are implemented in C++ and are automatically called into the engine’s C++ code when executed in Java. You can add custom native functions to GameActivity yourself.
Here’s a simple example of adding a native function to GameActivity and implementing it on the C++ side.
public native void nativeOnLoginCallBack(String msg);
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Implement a function like this in the C++ code of the MyUserWidget class:
JNI_METHOD void Java_com_epicgames_ue4_GameActivity_nativeOnLoginCallBack(JNIEnv* jenv, jobject thiz, jstring msg)
FString message;
message = FJavaHelper::FStringFromParam(jenv, msg);
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("Java_com_epicgames_ue4_GameActivity_nativeOnLoginCallBack=[%s]"), *message);
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Ps: PLATFORM_ANDROID macros are indispensable
Ue4 is the package name of ue-generated (package com.epicgames.ue4; .
As you can see, JNIMETHOD names are implemented in C++ according to the following rules:
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Note: this implementation function can be placed in any C++
Then, we can execute the C++ logic on the Java side. After I receive the LoginActivity callback in GameActivity, Public native void nativeOnLoginCallBack(String MSG);
The code is as follows:
if (requestCode == 998){
android.util.Log.d("test"."Received data from LoginSDK");
String result = data.getStringExtra("LOGIN");
android.util.Log.d("test", result);
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From the printed log, you can see that Java has successfully called C++.
So at this point, the whole process of calling is over.
Finally, summarize the points we need to pay attention to in the whole development process:
- Android Studio version
- SDK path configuration in UE editor
- Package: The Gradle folder is reset after each package. Remember to save Gradle as after the first package and then replace the resources and so library
- C++ to Java: JNI,
- Java to C++: native functions, JNIMETHOD, PLATFORM_ANDROID macro
I am Jie Shao, if you think my writing is good, then please give me a thumbs-up + comments + favorites before leaving oh!
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Finally, creation is not easy, if it is helpful to you, I hope you can praise and support, what questions can also be discussed in the comments section
~ **