Install Pycharm
Pycharm download and prepare
- The official website to download the needless to say:…
- Install JDKUbuntu16.04. Openjdk is recommended
Sudo apt install default-jdkCopy the code
The installation
- Right-click to extract… If not, search “Ubuntu unzip XXX file” and then install it on the command line
- Go to the folder and run the. Sh file under bin/ to install the software
- After the installation, check whether the desktop file is automatically created. Sometimes, even if you click the installation desktop shortcut key, but it does not appear, this is to need to customize a shortcut key, see the next module
Custom shortcuts, if needed
Create a new file and edit it (using Idea as an example)
[Desktop Entry] Type=Application Name=Idea GenericName=Idea Comment=Idea:The IDE Exec="/home/fonttian/ app /idea/bin/" % ficon =/home/fonttian/ app /idea/bin/idea.png Terminal=false Categories= idea; Name[zh_CN]=IdeaCopy the code
Desktop shortcut name, execute permission
- Change the file name to XXXX.desktop
- Right-click properties to add execution permissions
- If you want to modify the file later, you can use the command line
sudo gedit Idea.desktop
Otherwise it will be a bit of trouble
Install anconda
Run the. Sh file to install
PIP or CODNA library downloads require user folder permissionssudo chmod 777 -R anaconda2
Others please refer to:
- Python library three two things solve… (This one is very useful and must read)
- Anconda multiple versions environment setup…
- Python ML environment building and learning materials reference…