Installing R

We use apt to install, and the steps are as follows:

You first need to add it at the end of /etc/apt/sources.list

deb https://<my.favorite.cran.mirror>/bin/linux/ubuntu artful/
deb https://<my.favorite.cran.mirror>/bin/linux/ubuntu xenial/
deb https://<my.favorite.cran.mirror>/bin/linux/ubuntu trusty/
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In /etc/apt/sources.list, replace

with the actual URL of your favorite CRAN mirror. For a list of CRAN images, see This place is used tsinghua deb xenial/HTTPS sources. Then perform the following steps:

Sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install r-base # Users who need to compile R packages from source code [such as package maintainers or anyone using install.packages () # The person who installed the package) should also install r-base-dev: sudo apt-get install r-base-devCopy the code

After that, it’s optional

Ubuntu’s R package is similar to Debian software. You can the Debian in to find more information in the README file.

Installation and compilation of R or some of its packages may require Ubuntu packages from the “Backports” repository. Therefore, it is recommended to activate the Backports repository with similar entries

deb https://<my.favorite.ubuntu.mirror>/ trusty-backports main restricted universe
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In your /etc/apt/sources.list file. On Ubuntu mirror list, please refer to

After the successful installation, tsinghua source default 3.4.4, still relatively new, if there are installation dependency problems please refer to [my other article], not too much description here. (…)

For other installation methods, please refer to the official instructions (here is the HTTPS address of Tsinghua University

Install RStudio

The installation

To install RStudio, you need to install THE R language

RStudio installation is also very convenient, directly click on the official website to download the installation, RStudio-Server can also use the following command:

# rstudio - server installation sudo apt - get the install gdebi - core wget HTTP: / / Sudo gdebi rstudio server - 1.1.453 - amd64. DebCopy the code

RStudio can be downloaded here

I use RStudio – Server, which will be started by default after installation. The default login account and password are the system login account and password. At this time visithttp://localhost:8787/After login, the effect is as follows:

Common commands

View the port: ps – aux | grep rstudio

Create a user account: useradd -d /home/r -m R, specify the home directory passwd R and set the password when creating the user account

System Settings: there are two main configuration file, the default file does not exist the/etc/rstudio/rserver conf/etc/rstudio/rsession. Conf

Set port and IP control: Vi/etc/rstudio rserver. Conf WWW - port = # 8080 # listener port WWW - address = allows access to the IP address, default restart the server, Effective rstudio - server restart session configuration management * * * * vi/etc/rstudio/rsession conf session timeout - minutes = 30 # session timeout R - cran - repos = < https://. My favorite. Cran. Mirror > # cran repository # we used here is tsinghua source: the code

System management:

Rstudio-server start # Start rstudio-server stop # Stop rstudio-server restart # Restart rstudio-server active-sessions Rstudio-server dessy-session < PID > Stops all running R processes. Rstudio-server dessy-all Forces running R processes to be stopped, with the highest priority. Rstudio-server force-doussie-session <pid> rstudio-server force-doussie-all Rstudio server is offline temporarily, and web access is not allowed. Rstudio-server offline RStudio Server offline rstudio-server onlineCopy the code


  1. R language installation official address – Tsinghua HTTPS source
  2. RStudio installation official address
  3. RStudio Server installation and use on Linux