Ubuntu is a Linux operating system based on desktop applications. Its name comes from the word “Ubuntu” in The Zulu or Hausa languages of Southern Africa, which means “humanity” and “I exist because everyone exists”. It is a traditional African value. Ubuntu is based on the Debian distribution and the Gnome desktop environment, and since version 11.04, the Ubuntu distribution has dropped the Gnome desktop environment in favor of Unity. People used to think Linux was hard to install and hard to use, but that’s all gone with Ubuntu. Ubuntu also has a huge community that users can easily tap for help. —- is from Baidu Baike

Ubuntu as a Linux graphical interface operating system is widely praised, as is Deepin in China. But usually use not much, but more understanding is still good, after all, Ubuntu in the graphical interface is still very experience, but compared to MacOS there are still some gaps. All in all, Ubuntu uses mostly non-graphical interfaces.

  • After opening Ubuntu, open Settings

  • Open Settings — System Settings;

  • Enter Language Support;

  • Installation language;

  • You can see the installed Chinese in the language menu

  • Drag the installed language to the front;

  • Restart Ubuntu