A list,

Artificial potential field method is a common method for local path planning. This method assumes that the robot moves under a kind of virtual force field.

As shown in the figure, the robot is moving in a two-dimensional environment. The figure indicates the relative positions of the robot, the obstacle and the target.

This figure clearly illustrates the function of artificial potential field method. The initial point of the object is on a high “mountain”, and the target point to be reached is under the “mountain foot”, which forms a potential field. Under the guidance of this potential, the object avoids obstacles and reaches the target point.

The artificial potential field includes the repulsive field in the gravitational field, in which the target point exerts gravity on the object and guides the object towards it (this point is somewhat similar to the heuristic function H in the A* algorithm). Obstacles act as repulsive forces to prevent objects from colliding with them. The net force on the body at each point along its path is equal to the sum of all the repulsive and gravitational forces at that point. The key here is how to construct gravitational and repulsive fields. Let’s discuss it separately:

The gravitational field:

Commonly used gravity functions:

ρ(q,q_goal) represents the distance between the current state of the object and the target. With the gravitational field, gravity is the derivative of the gravitational field with respect to distance (W=FX in physics analogy) :

[δx,δy], this symbol is partial derivative, not quite correct, sorry.

Fig. Gravitational field model

Repulsive force field:

Formula (3) is a traditional repulsive field formula, and it is not clear how it is derived. In the formula, η is the repulsive scale factor, ρ (q,q_obs) represents the distance between the object and the obstacle. ρ_0 represents the radius of influence of each obstacle. In other words, away from a certain distance, the obstacle has no repulsive effect on the object.

Repulsion is the gradient of the repulsion field

Fig repulsive field model

The total field is the superposition of the gravitational field in the repulsive field, that is, U=U_att+U_rep. The total force is also the superposition of the corresponding components, as shown in the figure below:

Second, existing problems

(a) When the object is further from the target point, the attraction will become extremely strong, and the relatively small repulsion force may even be negligible, so that the object may encounter obstacles in its path

(b) When there is an obstacle near the target point, the repulsive force will be very large and the attraction will be relatively small, making it difficult for the object to reach the target point

(c) At a certain point, the gravitational and repulsive forces are just equal in magnitude and the direction is opposite, then the object is easy to fall into the local optimal solution or oscillation

Various improved versions of the artificial potential field method

(a) The problem that obstacles may be encountered can be solved by modifying the gravity function to avoid excessive gravity due to the distance from the target point

Compared with Eq. (1), eq. (5) adds scope limitation. D *_goal is given a threshold that limits the distance between the target and the object. The corresponding gradient, the gravitational force, becomes:

(b) The target is unreachable due to obstacles near the target point, and a new repulsive function is introduced

Here, on the basis of the original repulsive field, the influence of the distance between the target and the object is added (n is a positive number, I see that n=2 in some literature). Intuitively speaking, when the object approaches the target, although the repulsive force field increases, the distance decreases, so it can play a role of dragging the repulsive force field to a certain extent

The corresponding repulsion becomes:

So you can see that there are two parts to gravity, and you have to be careful when you program it

(c) The local optimum problem is a big problem of the artificial potential field method, where the object can jump out of the local optimum value by adding a random disturbance. A solution similar to the local optimal value of gradient descent.

Ii. Source code

%% Test Swarm Trajectory in 3-D
% Author: Christian Howard
% Date   : 2/17/2015
% Info    : This is a script developed to show the swarm navigation
% algorithms in 3-D. This script also allows for the user to specify
% various waypoints so that they can maneuver around a space
clear all;
false = 0;
true = 1;
%% Setup the movie stuff
make_movie = false;
make_pot     = false; % make video showing potential field | Takes a LONG time to make, so usually set to false
writerObj = [];
%% Define the plane of points to evaluate potential function, if you are making video of potential function
x = linspace(0.50.100);
y = linspace(0.50.100);
z = 5; [X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y); [rx, cx] = size(X); Z = zeros(rx, cx); % %Setup the movie file and frame rate
if( make_movie )
    writerObj = VideoWriter('3D_test3.avi');
    writerObj.FrameRate = 15;
% initial perspective in video
az = - 60;
el = 20;
% final perspective in video
azf = - 60;
elf = 20;
%%  Parameter specifications for drones
Nd = 3;                    % number of drones in swarm
ind_c = - 1;                       % index for center/lead drone
radius = 2;                     % radius for drones and possibly obstacles
dims = [0.50; 0.50; 0.50]; % first row is lower and upper x bounds
                                                  % second row is lower and upper y bounds
                                                  % third row is lower and upper z bounds
xc = [40.40.40]'; % initial location for central/lead drone
end_loc = [5, 5, 5]'; % Desired end location
%% Setup the waypoint object
dist_thresh = 2; % The distance threshold the swarm must be within of the waypoint
                           % to make the waypoint change to the new one
droneWaypoints = [];
copyWaypoints = [];
for i = 1:Nd
    wypt = Waypoints( dist_thresh );
    % Add waypoint structure to drone waypoint structure
    % The drone waypoint structure represents individual waypoints for each
    % drone, so they don't have to move in the same direction. 
    droneWaypoints(i).w = wypt;
    wypt2 = Waypoints( dist_thresh ); % copy waypoints for use in plotting waypoints
    % Add waypoint structure to copy waypoint structure
    copyWaypoints(i).w = wypt2;
% Initialize the waypoints 
% For simplicity in this example, will initilize waypoint paths to be the
% same thing for each drone. 
pt1 = [15;50;20];
pt2 = [0; 50; 0];
pt3 = end_loc;
pt4 = [20;20;20];
pt5 = [30; 30; 30];
pt6 = [10; 40; 20];
pt7 = [10;10;10];
pt8 = [15; 15; 15];
pt9 = [10; 20; 20];
i = 1;
droneWaypoints(i).w.addPoint( pt1 );
droneWaypoints(i).w.addPoint( pt2 );
droneWaypoints(i).w.addPoint( pt3 );
copyWaypoints(i).w.addPoint( pt1 );
copyWaypoints(i).w.addPoint( pt2 );
copyWaypoints(i).w.addPoint( pt3 );
i = 2;
droneWaypoints(i).w.addPoint( pt4 );
droneWaypoints(i).w.addPoint( pt5 );
droneWaypoints(i).w.addPoint( pt6 );
copyWaypoints(i).w.addPoint( pt4 );
copyWaypoints(i).w.addPoint( pt5 );
copyWaypoints(i).w.addPoint( pt6 );
i = 3;
droneWaypoints(i).w.addPoint( pt7 );
droneWaypoints(i).w.addPoint( pt8 );
droneWaypoints(i).w.addPoint( pt9 );
copyWaypoints(i).w.addPoint( pt7 );
copyWaypoints(i).w.addPoint( pt8 );
copyWaypoints(i).w.addPoint( pt9 );
%% Parameter specifications for the obstacles
No = 4;
i = 1;
obst = [];
dims_o = [0.10; 0.10; 0.10]; % first row is lower and upper x bounds
                                      % second row is lower and upper y bounds
while( i <= No )
    %randomly generate position of obstacle within bounds
    pos = rand(3.1).*( dims_o(:,2)-dims_o(:,1) ) + dims_o(:,1);
    % Add new obstacle to obstacle array obst
    obst = [obst, Obstacle(pos,radius)];
    i = i + 1;
%% Create drones and obstacle arrays
i = 1;
drones = [];
while( i <= Nd )
    if( i == ind_c )
        % Add lead drone to drone array
        drones = [drones, Drone(radius, xc , 2)];
        % Add a follower drone to drone array
        DEL = [xc - 10, xc + 10]; % make swarm initialize around lead drone randomly
        pos = rand(3.1).*( DEL(:,2)-DEL(:,1) ) + DEL(:,1);
        drones = [drones, Drone(radius, pos, 1)];
    i = i + 1;
%% Setup figure traits for the movie
close all;
h = figure('Position'[10.10.1000.800]);
dims2 = dims';
%% Do the initial drawing
i = 1;
N = 1;
if( make_pot )
    N = 2;
while( i <=Nd ) % loop through drones
    if( i == 1 )
        hold on
    i = i + 1;
i = 1;
while( i <= No ) % loop through obstacles
    i = i + 1;
hold off
grid on
view(az, el)
xpos = [];
%% Do iterations of the drone moving to final location
it = 1;
count = 0;
done = 0;
while( done == 0 )
    i = 1;
    % Compute new locations
    while( i <= Nd )
        pt = droneWaypoints(i).w.getWaypoint( drones(i).pos );
        drones(i).pos = drones(i).pos + GradientDescentUpdate(drones(i).pos, i, drones, obst, pt );
        if( count > 20 || it >= 150 )
            done = 1;
        i = i + 1;
    % Draw drones in new position
    i = 1;
    while( i <= Nd ) % loop through drones
        if( i == 1 )
            hold on
        i = i + 1;
    i = 1;
    while( i <= Nd )
        drawWaypoints( copyWaypoints(i).w );
        i = i + 1;
    i = 1;
    while( i <= No ) % loop through obstacles
        i = i + 1;
    hold off
    coef = it/100;
    grid on
    view(az + coef*(azf - az) , el + coef*(elf - el) )
    %rotate(h, [0.0.1].1)
        frame = getframe(gcf);
    it = it + 1;
%% Close movie file, if you are recording a movie
if( make_movie )
Copy the code

3. Operation results

Fourth, note

Version: 2014 a