Typora+PicGo+Gitee build blog writing environment

In the process of learning, many students have the habit of taking notes. There are many note-taking tools, including the following:

  • Word
  • oneNote
  • Impression of notes
  • Language finches
  • Markdown
  • .

In short, note-taking software is of various types, and programmers, as a special group, are eager to delve into technology and share technology, so they inevitably write articles on various blogging platforms. In order to differentiate themselves from non-professionals, programmers often use Markdown to write, and good articles are published on multiple blogging platforms, so images can be reused.

This paper takes picture reuse as the starting point and elaborates how to use Typora+PicGo+Gitee to build our blog writing environment.

  • Typora: It’s a light and compact Markdown editor that supports instant rendering, which means you see what you write right away, eliminating typeset time and focusing on editing content.
  • PicGo: It is a tool for quickly uploading images and getting URL links to images. It supports various image libraries.
  • Gitee: Currently China’s largest code hosting tool, in addition to code, can also be used as picture storage.

This paper is divided into three parts, the installation of Typora and PicGo software, the construction of PicGo+Gitee map bed environment and Typora access map bed.

Typora and PicGo

1.1 Typora

  • Typora introduction

Typora is a Markdown text editor that supports live preview. It is available on OS X, Windows, and Linux, and is completely free as it is still in beta.

It is first and foremost a Markdown text editor, which supports text editing with Markdown syntax. On Typora’s official website they describe Typora as “A truly minimal Markdown Editor.”

  • system

The system environment used in this paper is windows10

  • download

Download from www.typora.io/#windows

Download it selectively according to your own needs.

The installation steps are simple, just keep clicking Next.

1.2 PicGo

The so-called graph bed tool, is to automatically convert the local picture into a link of a tool, there are many graph bed tools on the network, in terms of the current type of use, PicGo is a relatively good graph bed tool. It is a software developed with Electron vue, which can support 7 kinds of common picture bed such as Weibo, Qiuniuyun, Tencent Cloud COS, GitHub, Ali Cloud OSS, SM.MS, Imgur, etc., with powerful function and easy to use.

  • download

Download: github.com/Molunerfinn…

NOTE: Select DMG for MAC and.exe for Windows.


The installation process is simple, just go to Next.

2. Construction of PicGo+Gitee drawing bed environment

2.1 Creating a Warehouse

Create a repository on your own Gitee and the repository must be open (open source).

2.2 Setting up private tokens

  • Click on your avatar in Gitee and find the Settings button.

  • Find the private token in security Settings

  • Enter the private token description and gitee password

  • When all is done, a private token can be generated,

NOTE: Be sure to save the token, the generated token will not be found after the page is closed, if the token is lost, you can generate a new one

2.3 PicGo Settings

2.3.1 Setting Gitee Map bed

Select Gitee Map bed in Map bed Settings

  • Owner: Write your own user name
  • Repo: username/repository name, such as my own repository Langyk/image_repository, can also copy the repository URL directly


  • This is optional, you can leave it blank
  • Token: This is the private token we generated and copied directly into it
  • Message: This field is non-mandatory and has no impact

2.3.2 PicGo set

  • Set up thePowered upandTime stamp rename

2.3.3 Plug-in Settings

Search for Gitee in the search box and install the plug-in

NOTE: Node.js must be installed to install the plugin. If not, install it yourself and restart it.

3. Typora access map bed

Now that you have done the previous work, you are ready to plug in the graph bed in Typora

In the upper left corner of Typora, choose File > Preferences > Image.

Perform the configuration based on the following figure


  • Finally clickVerify image upload optionsVerify that the graph bed is connected successfully, and display if it isAuthentication is successful.

At this point, our writing environment is set up.

I am Simon Lang, a young man who wants to learn a little bit more every day. I look forward to your attention. See you in the next article.