We use Typora to write articles locally, and we can post pictures, but the pictures are linked locally. When we need to copy and paste the article to the online blog platform, the picture resources can not be obtained, resulting in the failure to display, then we need to turn the picture into a network link.

1. Tool use

Language used: MarkDown

Introduction to the

Markdown is a lightweight markup language that allows people to write documents in a plain text format that is easy to read and write, and then convert them into valid XHTML (or HTML) documents.

Because of its lightweight, easy-to-read and easy-to-write nature, and its support for images, charts, and mathematical formulas, Markdown is widely used by many web sites for writing help documents or Posting messages on forums.

Use reasons

Because of its nature, MarkDown has become a very popular text editing language. Github documentation (such as this one) is written in MarkDown. Therefore, after finishing our study notes, we can directly copy them to our favorite blog platform to publish, which is convenient for sharing, synchronization and precipitation accumulation.

Method of use

Markdown syntax tutorial

Markdown Grammar quick start manual

Software use: Typora

We’re going to use

Typora (main) + PicGo (auxiliary), plus PicGo’s plug-in runtime environment, Node.js

Click the blue name to enter the official website download

Introduction to the

Typro is a lightweight MarkDown editor that supports real-time rendering without the need for split-screen previews, and supports a connected graph bed that allows you to copy your articles with pictures in one click for platform-compatible synchronization.

Picgo is a tool for quickly uploading images and getting URL links to them

We will use PicGo to upload the pictures in Typora to the cloud warehouse, and change the local picture links into network picture links, so as to facilitate the full platform compatibility of the pictures

Environment setup setup

1) Build a drawing bed

Based on the concept of universality and speed, Gitee is recommended as a picture warehouse.

Start by creating a public repository (note that Gitee repositories are private by default)

Then go to the personal homepage, go to Private token, click generate new token in the upper right corner, and record it

2) Configure PicGo

Open the software, click Plug-in Settings, search for Gitee, and install

Click on PicGo Settings

Click to enter Gitee Picture Bed Settings in picture Bed Settings, and fill in the information in turn, according to step (1)

3) Configure Typora

4) test

Image upload test

Click upload test image

Go to PicGo album to check if there are any test pictures

Enter gitee’s image warehouse to confirm whether it has been uploaded

When using Typora to write a good article, upload all the local pictures in the article to the map bed (that is, the picture warehouse of the code cloud), then you can copy the source code of Typora articles, respectively pasted into THE MARKdown editor of CSDN, wechat public account, blog garden, Brief book and other platforms, to achieve fast blog publishing in multiple platforms.

This is before upload, image address for local address

After uploading, the address changed to Gitee’s address

Platform compatibility test

See if it’s compatible with all platforms. Select and copy all of them, and then paste them on the MarkDown edit page of the corresponding platform

Gitee compatibility is successful

The CSDN is successfully compatible

Youdao Cloud Notes successfully compatible

BUG to eliminate

Failed to fetch

Error “Failed to fetch”

Solution: PicGo changes the port number to the default 36677

“Success” : false

Error “Success” :false”

Cause: Duplicate file names in Gitee


  • First turn on timestamp renaming in the picGo Settings

  • Add the warehouse address directly before the picture name

    Gitee.com/whitesheep-… [Photo title]

  • Or delete files with the same name in Gitee

By_ Aries