Recently, I wrote a vue plug-in with TS. I have harvested some knowledge points and share them with you. There will be more updates in the future.

Gets the type of an attribute on a class

class A{
    n: number

const num: A['n'] // number
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Capture string type

Note that typeof captures the typeof a string, which is a literal type, not a string

// Capture the type and value of the string
const foo = 'Hello World';

// Use a captured type
let bar: typeof foo;

// bar can only be assigned 'Hello World'
bar = 'Hello World'; // ok
bar = 'anything else'; // Error'
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The literal type of the name of the capture key

Typeof is used to get the object type, then keyof is used to remove the key value

const colors = {
  red: 'red',
  blue: 'blue'

type Colors = keyof typeof colors;

let color: Colors; / / color is of type 'red' | 'blue'
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Specifies the type of this in the constructor

interface A{
let a:(this:A) = >number
a =function(){
    this.x =123
    this.y = 467// Error, y does not exist
    return 123 
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Return data type

const f = (n:number) = >n+1;
type A = typeof f // => (n:number)=>number;
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My project: Imperative calls to vue components.…