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  • Learn about typescript compilation and packaging today

Compile command

  • tsc xxx.ts -w This command is used to listen for single TS file updates and generate JS files
  • Changed output

  • TSC using this command in the directory will generate the corresponding JS file for all ts

  • To create a tsconfig.json file in the root directory with the content of {}, run the TSC command otherwise it will not succeed

  • TSC -w Using this command in a directory will listen for changes to all ts files in the directory and also require the tsconfig.json file to exist

Compile configuration file options

  • Tsconfig. json configuration details

    • includeUsed to specify which TS files need to be compiled
    • [] where to put the file path
    • ** indicates any directory
    • * represents any file
        "include": [
                // compile all ts files in the SRC directory
    Copy the code
    • excludeDirectory of files that do not need to be compiled
    • Default values [“node_modules”, “BOWER_COMPONets “,” jSPM_packages “]
        "exclude": [
            // Does not compile ts files in the index directory
    Copy the code
    • extendsDefine the inherited configuration file followed by the file path
    • It is equivalent to importing external configuration
        // Configuration file reuse
        "extends": "./src/base.config.ts".Copy the code
    • filesSpecifies the list of files to compile
    • Files need to be written one by one
            "files": [
                // Single TS file
    Copy the code
  • CompilerOptions configuration

    • Target Sub-configuration item
    • Target specifies the JS version to be compiled to. The default is ES3
       "target": "ES6"
    Copy the code
    • Module Sub-configuration item
    • The modularity solution specifies the modularity specification defaults to use'none','commonjs', 'amd', 'system', 'umd', 'es6', 'es2015', 'es2020', 'esnext'
        "module": "es2015"
    Copy the code
    • Lib sub-configuration item
    • Used to specify libraries to be used in a project that generally do not need to be changed
        "lib": ['dom']
    Copy the code
    • OutDir sub-configuration item
    • Used to specify the compiled file directory
        "outDir": "./dist"
    Copy the code
    • OutFile sub-configuration item
    • Merges the global scope code into a specified file
    • If there is modular code module should beAmd, the system
         "outFile": "./dist/app.js"
    Copy the code
    • AllowJs child configuration item
    • Whether to compile js in the directory
        "allowJs": false
    Copy the code
    • CheckJs sub-configuration item
    • Check that the JS in the directory complies with the specification
        "checkJs": false
    Copy the code
    • RemoveComments sub-configuration item
    • Whether comments are compiled
        "removeComments": false
    Copy the code
    • NoEmit child configuration item
    • Generate the compiled file
        "noEmit": false
    Copy the code
    • NoEmitOnError sub-configuration item
    • Does not compile to JS files when there are errors
        "noEmitOnError": false
    Copy the code
    • AlwaysStrict Sub-configuration item
    • Whether to enable strict mode for compiled files
    • The code goes into strict mode by default when it has modules and defaults to false
        "alwaysStrict": false
    Copy the code
    • NoImplicitAny sub-configuration item
    • An implicit any type is allowed
        "noImplicitAny": false
    Copy the code
    • NoImplicitThis sub-configuration item
    • Untyped this is not allowed
        "noImplicitThis": false
    Copy the code
    • StrictNullChecks Sub-configuration item
    • Strict null-checking
        "strictNullChecks": false
    Copy the code
    • Strict Indicates the sub configuration item
    • All strict master switches are turned on if true
         "strict": false
    Copy the code

Webpack packages TS code

  • Initialize the project NPM init
  • Installation depends on NPM I -D webpack webpack- CLI typescript TS-loader
  • Write the webpack configuration file webpack.config.js
const path  = require('path')
    // all configuration information in webpack should be written in module.exports
    module.exports = {
        // Import file
        entry:"./src/index.ts".// Specify the output path of the packaged file
        output: {
            // The packaged file
            filename:'bundle.js',},// Specify the module to use when webpack is packaged
        module: {// Specify the rules to load
                    // Specify the file in which the rule takes effectTest: / \. Ts $/,// The loader to use
                    use:'ts-loader'.// Files to be excluded
                    exclude:/node-modules/}}}]Copy the code
  • Add commands to package.json files

"build": "webpack"

  • Run NPM Run build to pack


  • Take a look at this thousand-character article to get you started with typescript
  • That’s where typescript compilation and packaging ends