The data type

  • Number type number

  • String type String

  • Boolean type Boolean

  • Array type Array

    Two definitions:

const arr:number[] = [1.2.3]
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const arr:Array\<number> = [1.2.3]
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  • Tuple type Tuple

    * Tuple types are one of the array types

const arr:[string, number, boolean] = ['curry'.123.true]
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  • Enum Type enum
enum Flag {
    success = 1,
    error = -1
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* When an element is not assigned, it prints the index value. When the next element of the assigned element is not assigned, the value of that element is printed as the value of the previous element +1

 enum Color {
    red, blue, green=5, yellow
 console.log(, Color.yellow) / / 1 6
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  • Any type

    * Normal DOM elements are of type any

  • Null, and undefined

  • There is no type void

    * Usually used to define methods that do not return values

  • Other types never

    * A value that never appears



  • The definition of a class
class Person {
    name: string;
    constructor(name: string){ = name;
    getName():string {
const p = new Person('curry');
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  • inheritance

    * Note the need for extends and super

class Programmer extends Person {
    constructor(name:string) {
        super(name); }}const programmer = new Programmer('ha ha');
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  • Class modifier

    Public public – accessible inside, outside, and in subclasses

    Protected types — accessible by subclasses, but not by classes

    Private private – accessible inside the class, not outside the subclass or class

  • polymorphism

    * Polymorphism is inheritance

    * A parent class defines a method to be implemented by subclasses that inherit from it, each of which behaves differently


  • The attribute interface

    * Attribute plus? Represents is an optional parameter

interface Info {
    name: string; age: number; variety? : string; }function getInfo(info: Info) :void {
    console.log(` name:${}Age:${info.age}`)
getInfo({name: 'curry'.age: 6}) // Name: curry, age: 6
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  • Function type interface

    * Constraints on the parameters passed to the method as well as the value returned by the method

interface getInfo {
    (name:string, age:number):string;
const getInfo:getInfo = function(name:string, age:number) :string{
    return ` name:${}Age:${info.age}`
console.log(getInfo('curry'.6)) // Name: curry, age: 6
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  • Indexable interface
// Constraints on arrays
interface UserArr {
    [index:number]: string
const arr: UserArr = ['curry'.Siamese Cat]
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// Constraints on objects
interface UserObj {
    [key:string]: string
const obj: UserObj = { name: 'curry'.variety: Siamese cat}Copy the code
  • Class type interface
// Constraints on classes
interface Animal {
    name: string;
    eat(name: string): void;
// implements an interface
class Cat implements Animal {
    public name: string;
    constructor(name:string) { = name
    eat() {
        console.log(`The ${}` eat cat food)}}const c = new Cat('curry'); // Curry cat food
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  • Inheritance of interfaces
interface Catamount extends Animal {
    play(): void
class Cat implements Catamount {
    public name:string;
    constructor(name: string) { = name
    eat() {
        console.log(`The ${}` eat cat food)}// An error is reported if the play method is not defined because the Catamount interface construres the play method
    play() {
        console.log(`The ${}Play with the cat stick)}}const c = new Cat('curry');; // Curry plays with the cat stick

// Extend class inheritance + class implementation interface
class LazyCat {
    name: string;
    constructor(name:string) { = name
    sleep() {
        console.log(`The ${}Love sleeping `)}}class Cat extends LazyCat implements Catamount {
    constructor(name:string) {
    eat() {
        console.log(`The ${}` eat cat food)}play() {
        console.log(`The ${}Play with the cat stick)}}const c = new Cat('curry');
c.sleep(); // Curry likes sleeping
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The generic

* Generics address the reuse of classes, interfaces, methods, and support for non-specific data types

* Replace all types with a generic (T), which can be called either as a number or as a string, returning a number when a number is passed in and a string when a string is passed in

  • A generic class
class MinClass<T> {
    public list: T[] = [];
    add(num: T): void{
    min(): T{
        let minNum = this.list[0];
        for(let i=0; i < this.list.length; i++) {
            if (minNum > this.list[i]) {
                minNum = this.list[i]
        return minNum
const num = new MinClass<number>();
console.log(num.min()) / / 1

const str = new MinClass<string>();
console.log(str.min()) // 'a'
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  • A generic interface
interface ConfigFn {
    <T>(value: T): T
const getData:ConfigFn = function<T> (value: T) :T{
    return value;
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