There is a problem with binary search trees: when a large part of the data inserted into the tree is larger or smaller than a certain node, one edge of the tree is very deep. To solve this problem, a self-balancing tree is a solution.
This article explores two types of self-balancing trees: AVL and red-black, implemented in TypeScript. Interested developers are welcome to read this article.
Writing in the front
The two self-balancing trees described in this article are based on binary search trees. For those who are not familiar with binary search trees, check out TypeScript binary search trees
AVL self-balancing tree
AVL tree (Adelson-Velskii-Landi tree) is a self-balanced binary search tree. The height difference between the left and right sub-trees of any node is at most 1. When adding or deleting nodes, AVL tree tries to convert to a complete tree as much as possible.
Implementation approach
AVL tree is a binary search tree, so we can inherit the binary search tree and rewrite some methods of the binary tree.
Terminology for AVL trees
Inserting or removing a node into an AVL tree is exactly the same as a binary search tree. However, AVL trees differ in that we need to check their balance factor to determine whether the tree needs to be adjusted or not.
- Node height and balance factor
- Balance operation – Rotation of tree
The height of a node is the maximum edge from a node to any child node. The figure below depicts a tree containing node heights.
- The height of the left child node of node 35 is 1 and the height of the right child node is 2
- The height of the left child node of node 45 is 2, and that of the right child node is 1
- For node 45, the height of the edge of the largest child node is 2
- The height of node 35 to node 45 is 1 and the height of node 45 is 2, so node 35 is 3
The balance factor of nodes refers to the difference between the height of the right subtree (HR) and the height of the left subtree (HL) that needs to be calculated for each node in AVL tree, and the value (HR-HL) should be 0, 1 or -1. If the result is not one of these three values, the AVL tree needs to be balanced, and the tree below describes the balance factor for each node.
- When the current node has only the left child node, the balance factor is -1
- The current node has only the right child node. The equilibrium factor is +1
- When both the left and right child nodes of the current section are owned, the balance factor is +1
Balancing operation – Rotation of tree After adding or deleting nodes, we need to calculate the height of nodes to obtain the balance factor, and determine whether rotation is needed to balance the tree according to the balance factor. Tree balance has the following scenarios:
- Left-left (LL): Single rotation to the right
- Right-right (RR): single rotation to the left
- Left-right (LR): Double rotation to the right
- Right-left (RL): Double rotation to the left
Node height calculation
- Declares a method that takes one parameter: the node to get the height of
- Recursively retrieves the height of the left and right subtrees of the current node, returning the value of the larger one
- Recursive baseline condition: the node is null
Equilibrium factor calculation
- Declares a method that takes one parameter: the node to retrieve the balance factor
- Calculate the height of the left and right subtrees of the current node, and calculate their difference
- Returns different conditions based on the difference
The rotation of the tree
According to the calculated equilibrium factor, we carry out the corresponding rotation as follows
Left-left (LL): Single rotation to the right
When the height of the left child node of the node is greater than that of the right child node, and the left child node is also balanced or heavy, LL operation needs to be performed on the balance tree. The following figure describes this process
- There are three nodes associated with balancing tree operations (X, Y, Z)
- Set node X to Y
- Set the left child of node Y to the right child of node X
- Set the right child of X to the node Y
- Update the node
Right-right (RR): single rotation to the left
When the height of the child node on the right of the node is greater than that on the left and the child node on the right is also balanced or the child node on the right is heavy, RR operation needs to be performed on the balance tree. The following figure shows the process
- There are three nodes associated with balancing tree operations (X, Y, Z)
- Place node X to node Y
- Replace the right child of node Y with the left child of node X
- Set the left child of node X to node Y
Left-right (LR): Double rotation to the right
When the height of the left child node is greater than that of the right child node, and the left child node is heavier on the right, it is necessary to perform left rotation to repair the balance tree, so that left-left situation will be formed, and then perform a right rotation to repair the unbalanced node. The following figure describes the scenario requiring LR
- RR rotation
- LL rotation
Right-left (RL): Double rotation to the left
When the height of the right child node is greater than that of the left child node, and the left side of the right child node is heavy, right rotation of the balance tree is needed to repair it, which will form a right-right situation, and then a left rotation of the unbalanced node is needed to repair it. The following figure describes the scenario requiring RL
- LL rotation
- RR rotation
Insert and remove nodes
The logic of inserting or removing nodes into an AVL tree is the same as that of a binary search tree, except that the insertion requires verification of whether the tree is balanced or not, and the corresponding rotation operation is required if the tree is not balanced.
- Gets the balance factor of the node currently inserted into the tree
- If the tree is unbalanced after inserting nodes into the left subtree, we need to compare whether the inserted key is smaller than the key of the left subtree. If so, LL rotation is performed, otherwise LR rotation is performed
- If the tree is unbalanced after inserting nodes into the right subtree, we need to compare whether the inserted key is smaller than the key of the right subtree. If so, RR rotation is performed, otherwise RL rotation is performed
The implementation code
- Create a new avltree.ts file
- Declare AVLTree class, inheriting BinarySearchTree class
export default class AVLTree<T> extends BinarySearchTree<T>{
constructor(protected compareFn: ICompareFunction<T> = defaultCompare) {
super(compareFn); }}Copy the code
- Declare balance factor enumeration
enum BalanceFactor {
Copy the code
- Realize compute node height function
private getNodeHeight(node: Node<T>): number{
if (node == null) {
return - 1;
return Math.max(this.getNodeHeight(<Node<T>>node.left), this.getNodeHeight(<Node<T>>node.right)) + 1;
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- Realize the balance factor calculation function
private getBalanceFactor(node: Node<T>) {
// Calculate the difference
const heightDifference = this.getNodeHeight(<Node<T>>node.left) - this.getNodeHeight(<Node<T>>node.right);
switch (heightDifference) {
case 2 -:
return BalanceFactor.UNBALANCED_RIGHT;
case - 1:
case 1:
case 2:
return BalanceFactor.UNBALANCED_LEFT;
returnBalanceFactor.BALANCED; }}Copy the code
- Achieve four rotations of the tree
/** ** a e -> rotationLL(b) -> c b */ \ /** c d de ** @param node */
private rotationLL(node: Node<T>) {
// Create the TMP variable to store the left child node of the node
const tmp = <Node<T>>node.left;
// Change the left child of node to the right child of TMP
node.left = tmp.right;
// Change the right child node of TMP to node
tmp.right = node;
// Update the node
return tmp;
/** * c b -> rotationRR(a) -> a e */ \ / \ * de c d * @param node */
private rotationRR(node: Node<T>) {
// Place node X on node Y
const tmp = <Node<T>>node.right;
// Set the right child of Y to the left child of X
node.right = tmp.left;
// Set the left child of X to Y
tmp.left = node;
// Update the node
return tmp;
/** * double rotation to the right, first to the right and then to the left * @param node */
private rotationLR(node: Node<T>) {
node.left = this.rotationRR(<Node<T>>node.left);
return this.rotationLL(node);
/** * right left: double rotation to the left, first left and then right * @param node */
private rotationRL(node: Node<T>) {
node.right = this.rotationLL(<Node<T>>node.right);
return this.rotationRR(node);
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- Overrides the insert and remove node functions
// Insert a node into the AVL tree
insert(key: T) {
this.root = this.insertNode(<Node<T>>this.root, key)
protected insertNode(node: Node<T>, key:T) {
if (node == null) {
return new Node(key);
}else if(this.compareFn(key, node.key) === Compare.LESS_THAN) {
node.left = this.insertNode(<Node<T>>node.left, key);
}else if(this.compareFn(key, node.key) === Compare.BIGGER_THAN) {
node.right = this.insertNode(<Node<T>>node.right, key);
}else {
return node; // Duplicate keys
// Calculate the balance factor to determine whether the tree needs a balance operation
const balanceState = this.getBalanceFactor(node);
// The tree is out of balance after inserting nodes into the left subtree
if (balanceState === BalanceFactor.UNBALANCED_LEFT) {
// Determine whether the inserted key is smaller than the key of the left child node
if (this.compareFn(key, <T>node.left?.key) === Compare.LESS_THAN) {
// If the value is smaller than that, rotate LL
node = this.rotationLL(node);
} else {
// Otherwise perform LR rotation
return this.rotationLR(node); }}// The tree is out of balance after a node is inserted into the right subtree
if (balanceState === BalanceFactor.UNBALANCED_RIGHT) {
// Determine whether the inserted key is smaller than the key of the right child node
if (this.compareFn(key, <T>node.right?.key) === Compare.BIGGER_THAN) {
// If the value is smaller than that, RR rotation is performed
node = this.rotationRR(node);
} else {
// Otherwise do RL rotation
return this.rotationRL(node); }}// Update the node
return node;
// Remove the node
protected removeNode(node: Node<T>, key: T) {
node = <Node<T>>super.removeNode(node, key);
if (node == null) {
return node;
// Get the tree balance factor
const balanceState = this.getBalanceFactor(node);
// The left tree is unbalanced
if (balanceState === BalanceFactor.UNBALANCED_LEFT) {
// Calculate the balance factor of the left tree
const balanceFactorLeft = this.getBalanceFactor(<Node<T>>node.left);
// The left subtree is unbalanced to the left
if (balanceFactorLeft === BalanceFactor.BALANCED || balanceFactorLeft === BalanceFactor.UNBALANCED_LEFT) {
// Do the LL rotation
return this.rotationLL(node);
// The right subtree is unbalanced to the right
if (balanceFactorLeft === BalanceFactor.SLIGHTLY_UNBALANCED_RIGHT) {
// Perform LR rotation
return this.rotationLR(<Node<T>>node.left); }}// Right tree is out of balance
if (balanceState === BalanceFactor.UNBALANCED_RIGHT) {
// Calculate the right subtree balance factor
const balanceFactorRight = this.getBalanceFactor(<Node<T>>node.right);
// The right subtree is unbalanced to the right
if (balanceFactorRight === BalanceFactor.BALANCED || balanceFactorRight === BalanceFactor.SLIGHTLY_UNBALANCED_RIGHT) {
// Perform RR rotation
return this.rotationRR(node);
// The right subtree is unbalanced to the left
if (balanceFactorRight === BalanceFactor.SLIGHTLY_UNBALANCED_LEFT) {
// Do the RL rotation
return this.rotationRL(<Node<T>>node.right); }}return node;
Copy the code
For full code, please go to: avltree.ts
Write test code
We implemented the AVL tree above, so let’s use an example to test if the above code executes correctly
const avlTree = new AVLTree();
const printNode = value= >{
/** * test tree unbalance * 30 30 30 */ \ / \ /* 27 60 -> 12 60 -> remove(10) 12 60 */ / \ * 12 10 27 27 */ * 10 */
// after the sequence traversal
Copy the code
The result is as follows:
Red and black tree
Red-black tree: The name implies that the nodes in the tree are either red or black. It is also a self-balanced binary tree. Above we implement AVL tree, we insert or remove nodes into AVL tree may cause rotation, so we need a self-balancing tree with multiple inserts and deletions, red black tree is better. With low insertion or deletion frequency, AVL trees are better than red-black trees.
Implementation approach
Each node of a red-black tree should follow the following principles:
- Nodes are either red or black
- The root of the tree is black
- All the leaves are black
- If a node is red, both of its children are black
- There cannot be two adjacent red nodes, and a red node cannot have a red parent or child
- All paths from a given node to its descendants (NULL leaf nodes) contain the same number of black nodes.
Insert the node
The logic of inserting a node into a red-black tree is the same as that of a binary tree. In addition to the logic of inserting a node, we also need to apply a color to the node after insertion and verify that the tree meets the red-black tree conditions and is still self-balanced.
- We need to create a new node class to describe the red-black tree: the color of the node, the reference to the parent node
- Rewrite the INSERT method to create a new red-black tree node as the root if the tree is empty, and set the root node’s color to black
- If the tree is not empty at the time of insertion, we insert nodes in the correct position like a binary search tree, and after the insertion, we determine whether the rules of the red-black tree are satisfied
- Overwrite the insert node function, save the reference of the parent node when insert, return the reference of the node to verify the properties of the inserted tree
Verify red-black tree properties
To verify that a red-black tree is still balanced and meets all its requirements, we need to use two concepts: recolor and rotation.
After inserting a node into the tree, the new node will be red. This does not affect the rule of the number of black nodes (Rule 6), but it does affect rule 5: two descendant red nodes cannot coexist. If the parent of the inserted node is black, there is no problem. However, if the parent of the inserted node is red, then rule 5 is violated. To resolve this conflict, we only need to change the parent, grandfather, and uncle nodes, as depicted in the following figure
Verify red-black tree properties:
Starting with the inserted node, we verify that its parent is red and that the node is not black.
Verify that the parent node is the left or right child of the grandfather node
If the parent node is the child to the left of the grandfather node, there are three scenarios
- Tertiary nodes are red, and we just need to fill them in again
- The node is the right child of the parent node, and we need to rotate it left
- The node is the left child of the parent node, and we need to rotate it right
If the parent node is the child node to the right of the grandfather node, there are also three situations
- Tertiary nodes are red, so I can just color them in again
- The node is the left child node, rotated right
- The node is the right child node, rotated left
Set the color of the root node. Since the root node must be black, the color of the root node may change after we do this, so we need to set it to black
The implementation code
- Create a new redBlacktree.ts file
- Declare the RedBlackTree class and create a helper RedBlackNode class that inherits the BinarySearchTree class
export class RedBlackNode<K> extends Node<K> {
public left: RedBlackNode<K> | undefined;
public right: RedBlackNode<K> | undefined;
public parent: RedBlackNode<K> | undefined;
public color: number;
constructor(public key: K) {
this.color = Colors.RED;
isRed() {
return this.color === Colors.RED; }}Copy the code
export default class RedBlackTree<T> extends BinarySearchTree<T> {
protected root: RedBlackNode<T> | undefined;
constructor(protected compareFn: ICompareFunction<T> = defaultCompare) {
super(compareFn); }}Copy the code
- Override insert method
insert(key: T) {
if (this.root == null) {
// If the tree is empty, create a red-black tree node
this.root = new RedBlackNode(key);
// Red black tree characteristic 2: the root node is black
this.root.color = Colors.BLACK;
} else {
// Insert the node in the appropriate place. The insertNode method returns the newly inserted node
const newNode = this.insertNode(this.root, key);
// Verify the red-black tree property after the node is inserted
this.fixTreeProperties(newNode); }}protected insertNode(node: RedBlackNode<T>, key: T): RedBlackNode<T> {
// The current inserted key is smaller than the current node key
if (this.compareFn(key, node.key) === Compare.LESS_THAN) {
if (node.left == null) { // The left child of the current node is null
// Create a red-black tree node on the left child of the current node
node.left = new RedBlackNode(key);
// Save a reference to the parent
node.left.parent = node;
// Returns a reference to the node
return node.left;
} else {
// The left child of the current node is not null, recursively looking for an appropriate position to insert it
return this.insertNode(node.left,key); }}else if (node.right == null) { // The right child is null
// Create a red-black tree node on the right child of the current node
node.right = new RedBlackNode(key);
// Save a reference to the parent
node.right.parent = node;
// Returns a reference to the node
return node.right;
} else {
// Recursively find the right place to insert it
return this.insertNode(node.right, key); }}Copy the code
- Implement red-black tree attribute verification method
private fixTreeProperties(node: RedBlackNode<T>) {
/** * Verify from the inserted node: * 1. The current node exists and the color of the parent node is red * 2. The current node color is not black */
while(node && node.parent && node.parent.color === Colors.RED && node.color ! == Colors.BLACK) {// Keep the code readable: save the parent and grandfather references of the current node
let parent = node.parent;
const grandParent = <RedBlackNode<T>>parent.parent;
// The parent node is the left child of the grandfather node: case A
if (grandParent && grandParent.left === parent) {
// Get the tertiary node
const uncle =grandParent.left;
// Case 1A: Tertiary nodes are also red -- just need to be recolor
if (uncle && uncle.color === Colors.RED) {
grandParent.color = Colors.RED;
parent.color = Colors.BLACK;
uncle.color = Colors.BLACK;
node = grandParent;
} else {
// Case 2A: the node is the parent node and the right child node -- rotate left
if (node === parent.right) {
node = parent;
parent = <RedBlackNode<T>>node.parent;
// Case 3A: The node is the left child of the parent -- rotate right
this.rotationLL(grandParent); parent.color = Colors.BLACK; grandParent.color = Colors.RED; node = parent; }}else { // The parent node is the right child node: case B
// Get the tertiary node
const uncle = grandParent.left;
// Case 1B: Tertiary node is red -- just fill in the color
if (uncle && uncle.color === Colors.RED) {
grandParent.color = Colors.RED;
parent.color = Colors.BLACK;
uncle.color = Colors.BLACK;
node = grandParent;
} else {
// Case 2B: Node is left child node -- right rotation
if (node === parent.left) {
node = parent;
parent = <RedBlackNode<T>>node.parent;
// Case 3B: the node is the right child node -- rotated left
this.rotationRR(grandParent); parent.color = Colors.BLACK; grandParent.color = Colors.RED; node = parent; }}}// Set the root node color
this.root ! =null? this.root.color = Colors.BLACK : this.root;
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- Implement left rotation and right rotation
// Single rotation to the right
private rotationLL(node: RedBlackNode<T>) {
const tmp = <RedBlackNode<T>>node.left;
node.left = tmp.right;
if (tmp.right && tmp.right.key) {
tmp.right.parent = node;
tmp.parent = node.parent;
if(! node.parent) {this.root = tmp;
} else {
if (node === node.parent.left) {
node.parent.left = tmp;
} else{ node.parent.right = tmp; } tmp.right = node; node.parent = tmp; }}// Single rotation to the left
private rotationRR(node: RedBlackNode<T>) {
const tmp = <RedBlackNode<T>>node.right;
node.right = tmp.left;
if (tmp.left && tmp.left.key) {
tmp.left.parent = node;
tmp.parent = node.parent;
if(! node.parent) {this.root = tmp;
} else {
if (node === node.parent.left) {
node.parent.left = tmp;
} else {
node.parent.right = tmp;
tmp.left = node;
node.parent = tmp;
Copy the code
For the full code, go to RedBlacktree.ts
Write test code
Now that we’ve implemented a red-black tree, let’s test to see if the methods we’ve implemented all perform correctly
const redBlackTree = new RedBlackTree();
const printNode = value= > console.log(value);
Copy the code
The result is as follows:
At the end of the article eggs
So far, we have studied binary search tree and its two kinds of self-balancing tree implementation.
Next, let’s play a scavenger hunt. The rules of this game are as follows:
- The picture above hides the name of the treasure
- The file starts with 24E9e
- After solving the file name, type the address (use HTTPS for access) and access the treasure in your browser
Note: Finding treasure uses binary search trees, which TypeScript implements
Write in the last
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- This article was first published in nuggets. Reprint is prohibited without permission 💌