Function type

  • Add type to a function
  • Type checks function parameters
  • Type checks the return value of a function, as well as the function itself

1.1 Declaration of functions

  • functionKeyword to declare
// Restrict function arguments and return value types
function sum(a: string, b: string) :string {	// After the parentheses is the return value
    return a+b;
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  • Expression mode declaration
type Sum = (a:string,b:string) = > string;
let sum: Sum = (a:string,b:string) = > {
    return a + b;
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1.2 Optional Parameters

Use? The parameter of the flag indicates an optional parameter, that is, the parameter can be passed or not

letsum = (a:string,b? :string):string= > {
        return a + b;
    return a;
sum('a')	// Optional arguments must be at the end of other arguments
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1.3 Default Parameters

Default and optional parameters cannot be applied to the same variable

let sum = (a: string, b: string = 'b') :string= > {
    return a + b;
sum('a'); // The default argument must be at the end of the other arguments
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1.4 Remaining Parameters

constsum = (... args: string[]):string= > {
    return args.reduce((memo, current) = > memo += current, ' ')
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1.5 Function Overloading

A function that performs different functions depending on how arguments are passed. The purpose of TS is to return different types according to different arguments

function toArray(value: number) :number[] / / overloadingfunction toArray(value: string) :string[] / / overloadingfunction toArray(value: number | string) {// True definitionif (typeof value == 'string') {
        return value.split(' ');
    } else {
        return value.toString().split(' ').map(item= > Number(item));
toArray(123); // Returns different results depending on the type of data passed in
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Class two.

2.1 TSDefined in the class

Instance attributes need to be declared before they are used, and arguments in constructors can take optional and residual arguments

class Pointer{ x! :number;// Attributes on instances must be declared firsty! :number;constructor(x:number,y? :number,... args:number[]){
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y asnumber; }}let p = new Pointer(100.200);
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2.2 Modifiers in a class

  • publicModifiers: Properties that anyone can access
class Animal { public name! : string;// Do not write public the default is also publicpublic age! : number;constructor(name: string, age: number) { = name;
        this.age = age; }}class Cat extends Animal {
    constructor(name: string, age: number) {
        super(name, age);
        console.log(,this.age); // Subclass access}}let p = new Cat('Tom'.18);
console.log(,p.age); // External access
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  • protectedModifiers: Attributes that are accessible only to you and your subclasses
class Animal {
    constructor(protected name: string, protected age: number) {	// We can simplify the superclass code by using parameter attributes = name;
        this.age = age; }}class Cat extends Animal {
    constructor(name: string, age: number) {
        super(name, age);
        console.log(, this.age)	// Subclasses are accessible}}let p = new Cat('Tom'.18);
console.log(,p.age);// The external world is inaccessible
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  • privateModifiers: accessible only to yourself, inaccessible to others
class Animal {
    constructor(private name: string, private age: number) { = name;
        this.age = age; }}class Cat extends Animal {
    constructor(name: string, age: number) {
        super(name, age);
        console.log(, this.age); // Subclasses cannot be accessed}}let p = new Cat('Tom'.18); 
console.log(,p.age);// The external world is inaccessible
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  • readonlyModifiers: Marked as read-only properties that cannot be modified after initialization, except for objects
class Animal {
    constructor(public readonly name: string, public age: number) { = name;
        this.age = age;
    changeName(name:string){ = name; // Raise an exception. Read only attributes can only be assigned in constructor}}class Cat extends Animal {
    constructor(name: string, age: number) {
        super(name, age); }}let p = new Cat('Tom'.18); 
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Note: The constructor function can also add modifiers, though we rarely do so. By default, the constructor function is public, protected means that new cannot be called outside the constructor function, and private means that super cannot be used in subclasses

2.3 Static Properties and methods

Static properties and methods can be inherited by subclasses

class Animal {
    static type = 'Mammals'; // Static es7 syntax
    static getName() { 		// Static method
        return 'Animal';
    private _name: string = 'Tom';

    get name() { // Attribute accessors
        return this._name;
    set name(name: string) {
        this._name = name; }}let animal = new Animal();

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2.4 Super properties

  • superThe default points to its own in constructors and static methodsThe parent class
  • In the prototype approachsuperPoint to theThe stereotype of the parent class
class Animal {
    static getType(){
        return 'animals'}}class Cat extends Animal {
    say(){ 	// In the stereotype method, super refers to the stereotype of the parent class
        super.say('Meow, meow, meow.');
    static getType(){ // Static method super refers to the parent class
        return super.getType()
let cat = new Cat();
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Stereotype properties can be implemented in the form of property accessors

Class of decorators

Decorator is an experimental syntax, subject to change. It is used to extend properties and methods in a class. It cannot be used for decorators because functions have variable promotion issues.

3.1 decoration class

function addSay(target:any){
    target.prototype.say = function(){console.log('say')}

class Person { say! :Function
let person = new Person
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3.2 Decorates attributes in classes

Decorative attributes can be overwritten in the case of instance attributes and target to the prototype of the class, or static attributes and target to the class itself

function toUpperCase(target:any,key:string){ // target => class prototype, key is the modified property
    let value = target[key]; 
            return value.toUpperCase();
            value = newValue
function double(target: any, key: string) {/ / target = > class
    let value = target[key];
    Object.defineProperty(target, key, {
        get() {
            return value * 2;
        set(newValue) {value = newValue}
class Person {
    name: string = 'Lucky7'
    static age: number = 10;
    getName() {
        return; }}let person = new Person();
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3.3 Decorates methods in a class

function noEnum(target:any,key:string,descriptor:PropertyDescriptor){
    descriptor.enumerable = false;
class Person {
    name: string = 'Lucky7'
    static age: number = 10;
    getName() {
        return; }}let person = new Person();
console.log(person); // getName is not enumerable
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3.4 Modifying Parameters

function addPrefix(target:any,key:string,paramIndex:number){
    console.log(target,key,paramIndex); // Person.prototype getName 0
class Person {
    name: string = 'Lucky7'
    static age: number = 10; prefix! :string @noEnumgetName(@addPrefix prefix:string) {
        return; }}Copy the code

4. Abstract classes

Abstract classes cannot be instantiated, only inherited, and abstract methods cannot be implemented in an abstract class, only in a concrete subclass of the abstract class, and must be implemented.

abstract class Animal{ name! :string; abstract speak():void
class Cat extends Animal {
        console.log('Meow the cat'); }}class Dog extends Animal{
        return 'wangwang'}}Copy the code