This is the third day of my participation in the November Gwen Challenge. Check out the details: the last Gwen Challenge 2021

Examples of TypeScript

This article delves into TypeScript functions.Copy the code

The TypeScript function

function hello () {}
const hello = function() {}
const hell0 = () = > {}
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TypeScript defines functions exactly like normal JavaScript. So what’s interesting about function type annotations? First we define a function and annotate the type as described in the previous article.

function total( x: number, y: number ) :number {
    return x + y
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Above we typed the total function’s input parameter (that is, its parameter) and its return value. The return value of the total function can be inferred by type inference. So the above function can be abbreviated as:

function total( x: number, y: number ) {
    return x + y
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Although some function return values can be inferred, it is better to manually annotate all function return values in the actual project development process to enhance the robustness of the code and avoid some code writing errors inside the function.

Common function return value types

In addition to the number, string and other basic types mentioned above, there are also void, never and other special types.

// 例1
function dance() :void {
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As above: void is a common function return value type, representing null. This means that the current function does not need a return value. Type ‘XXX’ is not assignable to Type ‘void’.

// 例2
function errorEmitter () :never {
    while(true) {}
    // This code will never execute
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As above: never is also a function return value type, indicating that the current function never completes. For example, an infinite loop or an exception is thrown.

Function arguments as objects (destruct)

function total({x, y}: {x: number, y: number}) :number {
    return x + y
total({x: 1.y: 2})  // The value passed is an object
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Do not write function total({x: number, y: number}) {}, especially if there is only one argument.

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