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Examples of TypeScript

The content of this article: generator functions.Copy the code

The generator

A generator is a function that can be stopped in mid-stream and can pick up where it left off. A function is usually stopped by return or yield. The function * syntax creates a generator function that returns an object on which the next() method can be called.

Delay iterator

Generator functions can be used to create delayed iterators.

/ / 1
function* generatorDemo() {
    // This is the first execution
    yield 'first'

    // Execute the second time
    yield 'second'
    // Execute the third time
    yield 'third'

let iterator = generatorDemo()
console.log(   // first
console.log(   // second
console.log(   // third
Copy the code

Example 1 uses the function* syntax to create a generator function that is called and assigned to the variable iterator. Generator functions are not executed when called. It simply creates a generator object. The function body uses the yield keyword to return an iterator.

The iterator variable has a next() method that executes the iterator functions returned sequentially. The first call to the next() method encounters the yield keyword, which returns the value following it, the generator generates an object {value: ‘Hello, ‘, done: false}, and the function stops running until the next() method is called again.

Calling next() after the iterator ends returns {done: true, value: undefined}, with no value (undefined by default).

/ / 2
function* getRandom() {
    while (true) {
        yield Math.floor(Math.random() * 100)}}const iterator = getRandom()
let num = 1
while (num % 9! = =0) {
    num =

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Example 2 is a more practical example. The program stops when it generates a random number that is a multiple of 9, otherwise it keeps running.

Next () value

The next() method can pass a value to the generator with an argument, controlling the result of the last yield expression. Note: Passing in the next() method is meaningless the first time it is called.

/ / 3
function* generatorDemo() {
    // This is the first execution
    let y1 = yield 'first'

    // Execute the second time
    let y2 = yield 'second' + y1
    // Execute the third time
    let y3 = yield 'third' + y2

let iterator = generatorDemo()
console.log(     // first
console.log(   // second10
console.log(   // third20
Copy the code

The generator turns asynchronous callback code into “synchronous” code. Async await is a syntactic sugar based on generator functions, and await can wait for the asynchronous function to complete before continuing to execute the following code.

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