1. The Number type

let count: number = 10
// ES5: var count = 10;
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2. Type String

let name: string = 'hello world'
// ES5: var name = 'hello world';
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3. The Boolean type

let isCheck: boolean = false
// ES5: var isCheck = false;
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4. The Symbol type

const sym = Symbol(a)let obj = {
  [sym]: 'hello world',}console.log(obj[sym]) // hello world
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5. Null and Undefined

In TypeScript, undefined and NULL have their own types: undefined and NULL.

let u: undefined = undefined
let n: null = null
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6. An Array type

In TypeScript, array types can be expressed in two ways:

  1. Direct expression:type[].
  2. In generic form:Array<type>.
let array: number[] = [1.2.3]
// ES5: var array = [1,2,3];

let array: Array<number> = [1.2.3] // Array
        generic syntax
// ES5: var array = [1,2,3];
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7. Tuple type

Arrays combine values of the same type, while tuples combine values of different types

let array: number[] = [100.200]
let tuple: [number.string] = [100.'200']
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When assigning or accessing an element with a known index, the correct type is obtained:

let tuple: [string.number]
tuple[0] = 'Jack'
tuple[1] = 22

tuple[0].substr(1) //String unique method
tuple[1].toFixed(2) //Number unique method
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Tuples are of fixed length and fixed type

let tuple: [string.number]
tuple = ['jack'] / / ❌
tuple = [100.'juck'] / / ❌
tuple = ['juck'.100] / / ✅
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UseState in React returns the tuple type:

// Type definition: return tuple type [S, Dispatch
function useState<S> (initialState: S | (() => S)) :S.Dispatch<SetStateAction<S>>] // Tuple: destruct assignmentconst [state.setState] = useState(0)
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The difference between an Array and a Tuple

  1. ArrayType unity,TupleThe type can be different.
  2. ArrayNo limit in length,TupleLength limit.

8. Enum (Enum) Type

Using enumerations we can define named constants to express values that are limited to a certain range. TypeScript supports numeric and string-based enumerations.

1. Enumeration of numbers

enum Direction {

let dir: Direction = Direction.NORTH //let dir = 0
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By default, NORTH starts at 0, and the remaining members automatically grow by +1. In other words, direction.south is valued at 1, direction.east is valued at 2, and direction.west is valued at 3.

We can also set the initial value of NORTH, such as:

enum Direction {
  NORTH = 3,
  SOUTH, / / 4
  EAST, / / 5
  WEST, / / 6
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2. String enumeration

In TypeScript 2.4, we are allowed to use string enumerations. In a string enumeration, each member must be initialized with a string literal, or with another string enumeration member.

enum Direction {
  EAST = 'EAST',
  WEST = 'WEST',}let dir: Direction = Direction.NORTH //let dir = 'NORTH'
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Instead of using enumerated types, I recommend using union types to express constraints on a set of values:

const Direction = 'NORTH' | 'SOUTH' | 'EAST' | 'WEST'
let dir: Direction = 'NORTH'
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9. The Object type

Type Object: This is the type of all instances of class Object. It is defined by the following two interfaces:

  1. ObjectThe interface is definedObject.prototypeA property on a prototype object;
// node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts
interface Object {
  constructor: Function
  toString(): string
  toLocaleString(): string
  valueOf(): Object
  hasOwnProperty(v: PropertyKey): boolean
  isPrototypeOf(v: Object) :boolean
  propertyIsEnumerable(v: PropertyKey): boolean
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  1. ObjectConstructorThe interface is definedObjectClass.
// node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts
interface ObjectConstructor {
  /** Invocation via `new` */
  new(value? :any) :Object
  /** Invocation via function calls */(value? :any) :any
  readonly prototype: Object
  getPrototypeOf(o: any) :any
  / /...
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All instances of class Object inherit all properties from the Object interface.

10. Any type

In TypeScript, any type can be classified as any. This makes the any type the top-level type of the type system (also known as the global supertype).

let value: any = Awesome!
value = 'hello'
value = false
value = {}
value = []
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The any type provides a smooth transition from JavaScript to TypeScript: You can assign any type to any and perform any operation on any values without static type checking of any kind.

let value: any

value.foo.bar / / ✅
value.trim() / / ✅
value() / / ✅
new value() / / ✅
value[0] [1] / / ✅
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In many scenarios, this is too loose. Using the any type, you can easily write code that is of the right type but problematic at run time. If we use any, we won’t be able to use many of TypeScript’s protections. To address the problem of any, TypeScript 3.0 introduces unknown types.

11. Unknown type

Just as all types can be assigned to any, all types can be assigned to unknown.

let value: unknown = Awesome!
value = 'hello'
value = false
value = {}
value = []
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But you cannot assign an unknown type to an already identified type: that is, the unknown type can only be assigned to any and the unknown type itself.

let value: unknown

let value1: unknown = value / / ✅
let value2: any = value / / ✅
let value3: boolean = value / / ❌
let value4: number = value / / ❌
let value5: string = value / / ❌
let value6: object = value / / ❌
let value7: any[] = value / / ❌
let value8: Function = value / / ❌
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Also, unknown cannot perform any operations like any:

let value: unknown

value.foo.bar / / ❌
value.trim() / / ❌
value() / / ❌
new value() / / ❌
value[0] [1] / / ❌
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What is the difference between any type and unknown type?

type any unknown
The assigned value Can be assigned any value Can be assigned any value
The assignment You can assign to any variable Can only be assigned toanyunknownType variable
operation You can do anything you want All operations are forbidden

12. The Void type

In some ways, the void type looks like the opposite of any. It means there is no type. When a function does not return a value, you will usually see a return value of type void:

function doSomething() :void {
  console.log('do something')}Copy the code

Note that declaring a void variable is useless, since in strict mode it can only be undefined:

let unusable: void = undefined
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13. Never type

The never type represents the type of values that will never exist. For example, the type never is the return value type for function or arrow function expressions that always throw an exception or never return a value at all.

// Function never returns
function error(message: string) :never {
  throw new Error(message)
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For example, the crossover type of the base type also returns never because there was never any intersection between them:

let value = '1' & 1 // never
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In TypeScript, you can use the never feature to implement comprehensiveness checks. Here’s an example:

type Foo = string | number

function controlFlowAnalysisWithNever(foo: Foo) {
  if (typeof foo === 'string') {
    // Here foo is narrowed to string
  } else if (typeof foo === 'number') {
    // Here foo is narrowed to the number type
  } else {
    // Foo in this case is never
    const check: never = foo
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Notice that in the else branch, we assign foo, narrowed down to never, to a variable that displays the declaration of never. If all logic is correct, then this should compile through. But suppose one day your colleague changes the type of Foo:

type Foo = string | number | boolean
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But he forgot to modify controlFlowAnalysisWithNever method in control process at the same time, this time the else branch foo type can be narrowed to a Boolean type, lead to cannot be assigned to never type, then will generate a compiler error. In this way, we can make sure controlFlowAnalysisWithNever method always end with all possible types of Foo. From this example, we can conclude that using never avoids the possibility that there is no corresponding implementation for a newly joined type, in order to write type-safe code.


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