1. Create a vm using a terminal command

1. InstallvueThe scaffoldyarn global add @vue/cli

2. ByvueScaffold create project, enter in terminalVue create Project (project is the name of the created project)

3. Select the third one, we customize the VUE scaffold configuration,

  • The keyboard moves the shuttlecock, and the space is selected
  • The first time we create a project we need to choose
    • babel
    • CSS Pre-processors
    • Linter / Formatter

4. Select a CSS processor

  • Dart-sass: It’s fast, but it saysCan compile to pure JS, dart-sassIt’s just a compiled version
  • Node-sass: can be used only after the local environment is compiled, and the download speed is generally slow

5. Select a verification style for the code format

  • We usually choose the third standard verification style, of course you prefer other verification style, you can choose

6. Choose when to verify code style

  • It’s best to choose both to ensure that our code has a format specification (but it’s a pain to start with because of all the errors)

7. Select a location for saving the configuration file

  • We usually save the configuration file in a separate configuration file, not in pacakage.json file
  • Pacakage. json generally saves the version that the current project depends on. We try not to write configuration files here to keep pacakage.json pure

8. Determine whether to save the current configuration as the configuration for the next project creation

9. Now that the project is created, open the editor and start developing

10. Open vscode, start the integration terminal in the current project file directory, and enter NPM run serve

Second, create through vuE-UI visual panel

1. Input at terminalvue uiOpen the VUE-UI visual panel

  • Note that the vUE visual panel is now started on the terminal, the current terminal cannot be closed, once closed, our VUE UI panel will not be used

2. Create projects

3. Select the project name, package manager, and Git initialization information

4. Select the project configuration or template version

5. Select basic functions

6. Select the CSS processor and verification style

7. Click Create Project and wait for the project to complete

8. The dashboard page of our UI will be entered after successful creation

9. In task => Server => Start, start our project

10. Click start app to open the project in the browser