The external output of the data center is in various forms, the most common way is BI analysis, followed by the formation of an organic whole with the business center to generate real value for the business. BI presentation of data center

Data Center is based on OneModel unified data construction and management methodology, OneID core business elements as the core of asset, to achieve the whole domain link, label extraction, stereo portrait, data application services overall solution. Its data services concept is rooted in the heart and emphasizes the business model.

BI is one of the most important forms of data analysis results, which has a very close relationship with the data center. Data analysis using the data processing ability and technology of the data Center requires data visualization in most cases. But the development of data visualization has long link, from the collection, storage and processing to present various forms need a lot of before and after the developer involvement, and commercial BI can greatly shorten the delivery and development cycle, achieve business value, middle data can be viewed as a series of commercial business behavior data collection and information processing, The final quantitative analysis data of comprehensive operation and strategy can be achieved through technology and algorithm model, and the key indicators can be evaluated quantitatively through BI. Is to assist enterprises to develop the best strategy and goals of decision support tools.

Figure: BI large screen example

Therefore, data center and BI business intelligence are mutually supporting each other. Under the existing system, THE BI market presents a bloom of a hundred flowers. In China, there are QuickBI of Ali Cloud, Fansoft BI tool and Yonghong BI tool, and foreign Tableau (recently acquired by Salesforce), QlikView, PowerBI and other tools. In almost all data in the middle of the need to introduce BI tools: l to promote enterprise’s decision-making process: through BI tools can rapid implementation of the data visualization, realizes the enterprise information integration and information analysis, and the external data integration of enterprise management to a blueprint enables decision makers to reply jingjing decision-making efficiency and improve quality. L Reduce the overall operating cost: BI tools can improve the information acquisition ability of enterprises, greatly reduce the time and manpower input of IT personnel in data sorting, writing programs and making statements, and transfer the data to business personnel. L Organizational goals and actions: By BI data analysis and data of China technical support, makes the BI can be from frontline staff to business decision makers use together, can eliminate a line of marketing personnel, business personnel decision information demand and IT personnel cognitive gap, let a line of business people can get more direct information, comprehensively improve enterprise operation, makes everyone within the organization goals.

Figure 1: A sample application of crowd selection

BI report output is the most important form of data center, but it is not the only one. There are many other data application services in data Center to provide data results, which can facilitate the realization of enterprises’ data needs through crowd selection, corporate advice, enterprise data App applications.

Collaboration between data center and business center

Both Business media and data media are representative products of Alibaba’s first introduction of the concept of Business Media, which breaks the traditional smokestack business system development framework.” Using data from a alibaba China + business China double middle design, USES the enterprise business collaboration, ali within 25 group 300 + business unit, the chimney architecture to a unified service platform, from the 1000 + system to the dozens of commercial agile innovation, and actual inspection ali in 4 weeks building box horse business framework, second level data is implemented, It takes only 2.5 seconds for data to be collected, constructed and displayed. “The interpretation of Hangdian in 2019 Ali Cloud Shanghai Summit very accurately illustrates the relationship between data center and business center.

Business Center is an enterprise cloud computing solution built by multiple distributed basic component products after years of experience in the use of Alibaba middleware team. Including EDAS(Enterprise Distributed Application Service), Distributed database DRDS, MESSAGE component MQ, Application Monitoring system (ARMS), Cloud Service Bus, Distributed transactional middleware. It makes full use of Aliyun IaaS resources, introduces a full set of mature distributed computing frameworks (including distributed servization framework, unified session framework, link tracking and stability components, etc.), and takes application as the center to help enterprise customers easily build large-scale distributed application services. A series of supporting management services, including service governance, basic monitoring, application monitoring, and application diagnosis, greatly improve enterprise customers’ ability to manage large distributed applications. Elastic scaling is used to easily cope with various traffic peaks.

Figure 2: Business Center product matrix

The main battlefield of the business center is the business system, which meets the development needs of the business system. Its core is the distributed system and the multi-center distributed business computing architecture, which meets the requirements of the business system for fast inquiry and business transactions. The data center is faced with the problem of massive data computing. Through big data computing, data modeling and analysis can be realized to mine out valuable information. There are data backwash and business backwash for the business center, so the two complement each other and are a complementary relationship. In many business intersection, one thousand thousand of the recommendations should be the best example of double China joint, middle data acquisition system to collect the user’s behavior, trading, personal basic attribute data by off-line analysis to label the user, personal recommendation algorithm model based on historical data to calculate the user interest points, When users log in again, the business center provides real-time recommendations for thousands of users based on the recommended information of the data center and the real-time behavior data of users. This business model strongly promotes the development of new retail business.

Figure 3: Business center and data center

Business intelligence report is another common double middle cooperation combining site, China is good at offline data calculation, data through the data model can produce business intelligence analysis, with the help of a business decision for the business personnel, and business systems often have data analysis and reporting requirements, and this will take up a lot of China’s computing power which affects the normal business, Therefore, the combination of the two can not only save limited computing resources but also meet the requirements of users’ business intelligence.

Compared with the traditional business, the data center is more inclined to the data warehouse business, which is a business system that completely replaces the data warehouse system. However, different from the traditional data warehouse, the data center can form a mutually complementary relationship with the traditional business system.

The data center can supplement the business system by data flushing, application embedding and API data service in the business system. Data back to the brush type: many business systems will use statistics, do business trigger need according to the statistical data, such as demotioneing run business would trigger rights and interests of the members, the influence of these calculated by the data our timing, no matter from statistical work efficiency or logical processing will better some, by calculating brush to return to the business system database trigger system.

Application embedded type: BI report output of business intelligence is a major output of data center. OLAP calculation is more efficient and faster, and has less impact on the traditional business system. Traditional report statistics has a greater impact on the performance of the business system. If statistics report needs to be back by month, year time span calculation run high load for a long time can lead to system affects the efficiency of the business orders, therefore the data of China through OLAP offline calculation to embed mode is applied to implement, such as ali cloud many business statistics function is realized by using the data our BI, business system chart functions by way of embedded web pages.

Data service: in the Internet business has a lot of discrete data query service, some data service requires China to complete, middle data through multiple data services to provide these services, provided some API way, some service mode by subject, some in the SDK embedded manner, such as oneID user query, individual label query, business statistics data query, etc. Data service is realized in the form of oneservice module in Aliyun Dataphin platform for data construction and management.

Real-time digital big screen: many business systems reflect the current situation and historical changes of business in real time through digital big screen, and realize the perfect combination of business center and data center through real-time flow calculation and correlation of business system and statistics of OLAP historical data. The most typical example is the big screen of Alibaba Double 11.

Data search and recommendation: Search business is a special service, search service will real-time access business data of the system, and at the same time, the search will provide some similar content recommendation services, data on China plays the important role, and drive more business by offline calculation data form the unique goods are recommended and personal qualities, to the user by the good experience, The most typical example is the recommendation of thousands of products and film and television products in the e-commerce industry.

In IT services of enterprises, data center makes up for the shortcomings of business system, forms a set of cooperation mechanism with business and innovatively drives the change of business process and business form: business monitoring: At the beginning of a new generation of large data design is an important direction by the data of China global statistics and monitoring of superposition algorithm to predict the real-time found business system problem, the existing industry IDC autonomous management and operation through the technology of data acquisition hardware system, business system and data logging implementation of monitoring and forecasting of business systems. On the other hand, many enterprises fully grasp the business development trend through the decision analysis system, timely business adjustment, decision analysis system is mainly completed by the data center.

Business insight: Modern enterprises put forward higher requirements for the refined operation of enterprises, and the demand for improving the ability and efficiency of data-based operation is increasingly urgent. Therefore, industry analysis methods need to be precipitated and upgraded to achieve multi-perspective, intelligent business judgment, standardized operation and decision-making requirements. Therefore, statistics and analysis functions of data center are needed to form products and business insights into business systems.

Business optimization: benefits can be multiplied by optimizing business processes. For example, intelligent replenishment has always been a hot issue in supply chain optimization, as well as a famous historical problem. Under the background of poor economic environment (difficult to generate income) and low professional level of supply chain of merchants (high cost of supply chain), multi-link and complex operation channels (difficult to coordinate), the new data center collects data of various merchants and supply chain, making data enabling and process optimization possible.

Business data realization: Under the current data security rules, traffic management can increase business plate, realize the idea of business diversification and promote business through intelligent recommendation, while intelligent recommendation and related labels are generated by the data center.

Today, the data center is more and more closely related to the business center, and will gradually become a whole, giving enterprises the role of business perpetual motion machine.

End: Alibaba data Center team, committed to output ali cloud data intelligence best practice, help each enterprise to build their own data center, and then jointly realize the new era of intelligent business! · Dataphin, driven by OneData, alibaba’s core big data methodology, provides one-stop data construction and management capabilities; · Quick BI, providing one-stop data analysis and presentation capabilities with alibaba data analysis experience; · Quick Audience, integrating Alibaba’s consumer insight and marketing experience, provides one-stop crowd selection, insight and marketing capabilities, connects Alibaba’s business and realizes user growth. Welcome like-minded people to grow together!

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