What is the best programming language? A thousand programmers might have a thousand and one answers:

PHP certainly won’t miss the stunt, C/C++ is still here to stay, Java is still the hot thing in the market, JavaScript, C#, Ruby, objective-C… Every programming language has its top applications.

But !!!!

Life is short. I use Python

So how do you learn the language as a beginner? Learning to program without coding is bullshit. Here are some Python projects for beginners to learn.

First, Personality signature design in Python

Tkinter is Python’s standard GUI library. It is built into the Python installation package. Python uses Tkinter to quickly create GUI applications.

♦ Some ideas and codes are as follows

The basic principles of signature design are simple: Use Requests to request a web page, post parameter URLS and data, crawl the content of a signed web site and display it.

Site crawl part of the source code

Graphical interface GUI operation

Run as follows

In the development process, we will use Python language, Tkinter library and other knowledge points.

● You will learn:

1. Use of Tkinter library

2. Python crawler

3. Regular expressions

4. Use of the Requests library

● Learning performance:

Use Tkinter to deal with simple graphical interfaces, and become familiar with the various controls Tkinter provides, such as buttons, labels, and text boxes, as well as specific geometric state management methods. Learn how to create a GUI program.

Develop a small search engine in Python

♦ Some ideas and codes are as follows

Import flask framework and display the home page

The running effect is as follows:

Connecting to a Database

♦ Overall operation effect of the project

Some knowledge of data structures, character drawing using ncurses, a screen drawing library with text interfaces, and some Linux system calls are involved in the development process.

● You will learn:

1. Python Web development

2. Use MySQL database

3. Use of SQL statements

● Learning performance:

Through the project development process, we can get more immersed and thoroughly familiar with Python, so that beginners can practice the Knowledge of Python language in actual combat, making learning more interesting and interesting.

Need two cases of video tutorials or source code can be private learning materials