First, understand the topic
209. Smallest subarray size
Given an array of n positive integers and a positive integer target.
Find the smallest contiguous subarray [numsl, numSL +1,…, numsr-1, numsr] that satisfies the sum and ≥ target, and return its length. If no subarray exists, return 0.
Input: target = 7, nums = [2,3,1,2,4,3] output: 2 description: the subarray [4,3] is the smallest subarray in this condition.Copy the code
Ii. Solution analysis
According to the above description, let’s look at the specific solution of the problem:
- Define two Pointers
, respectively pointing to arrays with subscripts0
The location of the. Move only one pointer at a time, step is1
; l
The pointer doesn’t understand,r
The pointer moves back. untilsum >= target
Record the minimum window length at this timemin
The needle moves back,r
The needle doesn’t move. judgesum
Whether greater than or equal totarget
If yes, reduce the minimum window lengthmin
Otherwise, repeat Step 2.min
The value cannot exceed the maximum integer limit.
Three, code implementation
Based on the above solution, we will use JS to implement this problem. The specific implementation code is as follows:
/ * * *@param {number} target
* @param {number[]} nums
* @return {number}* /
let minSubArrayLen = function(target, nums){
const len = nums.length;
// 1. Define a left pointer to the head of the array
let l = 0;
// 2. Store the minimum window length. The initial length is array length + 1
let min = len + 1;
// 3. Store the sum of arrays
let sum = 0;
// 4. Define a right pointer that traverses the array
for(let r = 0; r < len; r++){
// 4.1 Keep moving the right pointer to the right and add it to the preceding number
sum += nums[r];
// 4.2 When sum is greater than or equal to the target value
while(sum >= target){
// 4.2.1 Shrink a window value
sum -= nums[l];
4.2.2 Determine whether the sliding window size is smaller than the minimum sliding window size
min = Math.min(r - l + 1, min);
// 4.2.3 Move the left pointer to the right one bitl++; }}// 5. Check whether the minimum value exceeds the actual array length. If the value exceeds the actual array length, there is no array that meets the condition. Otherwise, return the minimum min value
return min === len + 1 ? 0 : min;
console.log(minSubArrayLen(7[])); / / 2
Copy the code
The smallest subarray size is the smallest subarray size.
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