If you are currently in a brand new development environment, focus (brand new!) Instead of going to NodeChinese and downloading the latest nodeJs package, I suggest you go to NVM and download the version management tool to start your own programming journey

nvm ( Node Version Manager )

Question: How do I maintain multiple Versions of Node so that I can better use different projects? Solution: NVM makes it easy to manage multiple Node versions on the same device if you have downloaded the installation package

Complete the installation, sometimes you may encounter

This is where we need to configure the environment variable link

Use the window key + R to run CMD to open the console window and type NVM

You can see that our NVM has been successfully installed

nrm ( NPM registry manager )

The problem: we often feel very slow when using the NPM installation package. This is the problem with the installation source

NPM install -g NRM or NPM i-g NRM

Type NRM to see

At this point, we have successfully installed

Enter NRM ls to view the list of available sources. An asterisk (*) indicates the current source

You can switch to the corresponding source by using the character before the NRM use source, for example, NRM use NPM


1. Use NRM to control nodeJs versions. 2. Use NVM to control NPM sources