Wait for the rain to come

September 22, 2010, Mid-Autumn Festival, REMEMBER that day under sporadic light rain. Most of the students have returned home, the late autumn campus is particularly empty and lonely. The usual traffic to the school road, only in twos and threes of pedestrians walking with their heads down.

After having breakfast in a hurry, a person carrying a schoolbag came to the teaching building and found a quiet corner to sit down. Check your phone. Around 8:45, about 15 minutes before the phone interview. I was a little nervous, after all, it was a big factory interview, the requirements must be very strict, I don’t know what questions will be asked later. Some heart suddenly upset, should have done more homework in advance.

The expected phone call

As the minutes passed, the heart beat faster and faster. At nine o ‘clock sharp, the call from Shanghai came as scheduled. After confirming their identities, they did not even introduce themselves and went straight to the technical interview. Somewhat unexpectedly, I imagined that the first step would be to introduce myself.

There was not much time to wonder, the phone, the interview questions one after another thrown over. I held the earpiece tightly to my ear, afraid I wouldn’t be able to hear the interview questions or miss key information. Meanwhile, my mind raced, thinking of how to answer the interviewer’s questions and how to structure my response more coherently.

“How does JS implement inheritance?”

“Do you know what cross-domain is? When does cross-domain occur? What are the solutions?”

“Tell me what you know about the semantics of labels.”


His mind was buzzing for I don’t know how long, but suddenly the interviewer fell silent. After a pause of about 10 seconds, the other side said, “We have almost asked the technical question, so let’s stop here. Do you have any questions on your side?”

Relieved, I took a breath and asked several questions I had prepared before, including the work of the department, staff training mechanism, study advice and so on, and the interviewer answered them all.

It may be the end

When the interview was finally over, the nerves that had been so tense began to relax and I became nervous. After all, I had two weeks of uncertainty ahead of me, and the unknown was always scary.

Now, that’s the last thing I want to hear.

Interviewer: “So, the interview is here, today is the weekend, more than an hour of interview, hard work you. The results will come back to you within two weeks.”

Weekend, or Mid-Autumn Festival, come to think of it, but also to accommodate my time, the interviewer had to work overtime in such a special time. And during the interview, the interviewer was nice, not aloof and cold as expected.

The interviewer’s “thank you for your hard work” made me feel a little guilty, so I quickly replied: “I’m very sorry, because of my time, I had a hard time for you to come to the company to work overtime this weekend. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival.”

I can’t remember exactly what I said, but I do remember that my attitude was sincere, not polite.

After hearing my answer, the interviewer obviously stared blankly and seemed to be surprised. After wishing me a happy holiday, the other end of the phone was quiet for a while, with only the occasional gentle keyboard tapping.

The Pursuit of Happiness

It felt like a long time, maybe 10 seconds. The voice of the interviewer came from the receiver again. I don’t know whether it was psychological effect, and I felt that the interviewer’s tone was different from before.

“Well, I’ll tell you the results of the interview ahead of time, and you passed. I’ve interviewed a lot of people before you, and you’re by far the best. The specific time of the second interview will be informed later. Come on, get ready for your next interview.”

Happiness comes too suddenly, feel holding the phone’s hands are trembling slightly.

“Thank you very much. I will prepare well.”

To this day, I still don’t know why the interviewer suddenly decided to tell me the result of the interview in advance. Perhaps, a young wanderer who is struggling in another country was touched by an unfamiliar interviewer’s phrase “Happy Mid-Autumn Festival”.

All have no proof, memory will eventually fade with time, in the morning under the drizzle.

Technical issues

The interview lasted for over an hour, asking a lot of questions, which were later sorted out and recorded, mainly around JavaScript.


  1. How does JS implement inheritance?
  2. What is the prototype of object? (Next question)
  3. JS how to achieve data and function encapsulation. (that is, how the class is implemented)
  4. If a tag contains 10,000 images, how to effectively bind those 10,000 images to events such as the Click event? (Examine the event bubbling mechanism)
  5. Suppose we now have objects A and B, and object A is bound to an S event. How can we also bind an S event to object B? (I don’t know)
  6. How are cross-domain requests implemented? How many ways do you know? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?
  7. When implementing cross-domain requests using hidden frames, can cross-domain be implemented if the frame page is not in the same parent domain as the current page?
  8. How to implement private variables? Name one method.
  9. Are function closures used a lot? When do you need to use function closures?
  10. When an event occurs, if you get the object on which the event occurred. (FF is different from IE)
  11. When the event is bound, what does the this pointer point to?
  12. When binding events to document, what does this pointer point to?
  13. How many steps are involved in sending an Ajax request? How to determine the successful sending? (readyState and onReadyStatechange)
  14. What is the status code returned to indicate a successful request? What other status codes do you know? What do they mean?

JQuery parts:

  1. How to bind events in jQuery? How many ways are there?
  2. When jQuery binds an event, what does this pointer point to? (DOM object or jQuery object)
  3. For objects that do not currently exist on the page, how to do event binding?
  4. Why did you choose jQuery framework?
  5. Have you ever considered jQuery UI? How to customize the style of jQuery UI?
  6. Have you written your own jQuery plug-in?


  1. Use HTML +CSS to create a layout where the left column has a fixed width and the right column has an adaptive width that fills the rest of the space.
  2. Tell me about<strong>The labels and<b>If you had a choice, which one would you use?
  3. Tell me about your understanding of the semantics of HTML tags.

Postscript: About the second face

About a week later, I got a second call. The result of the interview was a little unexpected, and that surprise, mixed with a puzzling emotion, has not been forgotten.

The story is a bit long and to be continued.