Python has become more and more popular in recent years, with many children and professionals wanting to upgrade their skills – learning Python. This is a great thing, but the problem is that many people don’t know what to do with Learning Python, so it’s easy to get bogged down in learning anything that’s small, difficult, or long. Must have pertinence, selective study! The purpose of targeted learning is to learn as needed and apply what you learn. Therefore, THE large Python tutorial recommended by Tencent, I share it today, hoping to help you learn Python!

Python10 features:

Easy to learn: Python is easier to learn with relatively few keywords, a simple structure, and a well-defined syntax. Easy to read: Python code is more clearly defined. Easy to maintain: Python succeeds because its source code is fairly easy to maintain. An extensive standard library: One of Python’s greatest strengths is its rich library, which is cross-platform and compatible well with UNIX, Windows, and Macintosh. Interactive mode: Interactive mode support, you can execute code from terminal input and get results in the language, interactive test and debug code snippets. Portability: Due to its open source nature, Python has been ported (that is, made to work) to many platforms. Extensible: If you need a critical piece of code that runs fast, or you want to write algorithms that you don’t want to expose, you can do that in C or C++ and call it from your Python program. Databases: Python provides interfaces to all major commercial databases. GUI programming: Python supports GUIs that can be created and ported to many system calls. Embeddable: You can embed Python into C/C++ programs to give users of your programs the ability to “script”.

In order to avoid a scattershot learning style, I have organized the fan benefits

The 26 chapters cover the basics of Python and serve as a “bible” for Python learners. At the same time, three large-scale actual combat projects are interspersed:

  1. Tank Wars games.

Learn the basics of Python through fun and learning through game development.

  1. Handwriting algorithms and data structures.

Algorithms and data structures are the best choice for many large companies to interview. While we are explaining the content here, we will take you hand in hand to achieve one of the underlying algorithms, which will be solid internal skills practice.

  1. Handwriting neural network.

Python is the first language of artificial intelligence. We creatively added how to write our own neural network in the basic course to lay a “solid foundation” for stepping into the door of neural network.

This set of videos has a total of 400 episodes, which are divided into 3 seasons:

The Basics of Python (115 Episodes)

Python In Depth and Extension (100 episodes)

Season 3 [Expansion] Network Programming, Multithreading, Extension Libraries (85 episodes)

Season 4 algorithms, Python Source Code, Functional Programming, Manual Neural Networks (100 episodes)

Stage 1 fundamentals and core features of Python development

Variables and operators 2. branches and loops 3. loops and strings 4. lists and nested lists 5. Dictionary and project exercises 6. use of functions 7. recursion and file handling 8. files 9. object orientation 10. Design patterns and exception handling 11. Use of exceptions and modules 12. Tank Wars 13. Core Programming 14. Advanced features 15. Memory management

Phase 2 database and Linux basics

1. Concurrent programming 2. Network communication 3.MySQL4

Stage 3 Web front-end development foundation

1. Basic HTML tags 2. CSS styles 3. CSS float and position 4. Js basics 5. Js objects and functions 6. 10.Ajax asynchronous network request

Phase 4 Python Web Framework phase

Django-git version control 2. Django-blog Project 3. Django-mall Project 4.Django Model layer 5. Getting Started with Django 6

The fifth stage of Python crawler development

2.Python crawler Scrapy framework

The article reprinted

Author: Wang Lei

Source: Zhihu