There are two difficulties with learning TypeScript. One is to understand the syntax of TS. At present, TS has many grammatical features. If you understand the syntax, you will find that some seemingly complicated problems are actually very simple. You just don’t know the corresponding grammatical features to solve the problems. The second is to understand type characteristics. Types such as enum, union, and tuple in TS provide different types of declaration. Some of these types are highly similar to each other, and some can be transformed into each other. A more comprehensive understanding of these types will help us solve some of typescript’s challenges.
TypeScript Basic Types
Tuple and Enum are among TypeScriptBasic Types. Because of its unique features, it is worth learning more about.
Null and Undefined
The way to define tuples is simple.
// Declare a tuple type
let x: [string.number];
// Initialize it
x = ["hello".10]; // OK
// Initialize it incorrectly
x = [10."hello"]; // Error
type NestedTuple = [string.Array<number>,boolean, {name: string}]]
// Complex tuples can be defined
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Tuple -> Union
Tuple turns into Union a lot of times, but let’s just write it
type Tuple = [string.number.boolean]
type Union = Tuple[number] // string | number | boolean
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Utility type is going to be
type Tuple2Union<Tuple extends readonly unknown[]> = Tuple[number]
type Tuple = [string.number.boolean]
type Union = Tuple2Union<Tuple>
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On the other hand, Union to Tuple is almost never used, so ignore it.
There are a lot of specific scenarios for transformation, and this technique is usually used during iteration. For example, we want to map an object by the type defined by the tuple.
type Tuple = ["blue"."yellow"."red"]
// Want to convert a structure {blue: string, yellow: string, red: string}
type MappedTuple = {
[k in Tuple[number]] :string
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As an digression, always note the object of extends in Type. Know which extends which
type Includes<T extends readonly any[], P> = P extends T[number]?true: false
// correct!
type Includes<T extends readonly any[], P> = T[number] extends P ? true: false
// incorrect!
type isPillarMen = Includes<['Kars'.'Esidisi'.'Wamuu'.'Santana'].'Wamuu'> // expected to be `false`
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Enumerations are a way to provide friendlier names for a set of values.
enum Color {
Red = 1,
let c: Color = Color.Green;
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The key of an enum must be a string, and its value must be either a string or a number.
1. Enumeration of numbers
enum Color {
Red = 1,
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2. Enumeration of strings
enum CardinalDirection {
North = 'N',
East = 'E',
South = 'S',
West = 'W',}Copy the code
3. Mixed enumeration
enum BooleanLikeHeterogeneousEnum {
No = 0,
Yes = "YES",}Copy the code
In short, don’t use it.
Property 1 is not only a type, but can also be used as a value
enum Color {
Red = 1, Green, Blue,} the Color enumeration defined by
above is set to {compile1: "Red".2: "Green".3: "Blue".Blue: 3.Green: 2.Red: 1,}let colorName: string = Color[2];
console.log(colorName); // 'Green'
enum CardinalDirection {
North = 'N',
East = 'E',
South = 'S',
West = 'W'} the CardinalDirection enumeration defined by
above has a value of {compileEast: "E".North: "N".South: "S".West: "W"} Note that numeric enumeration and string enumeration end values are different.enumCan be used asobjectTo use!Copy the code
Feature 2 Loose type- Checking
Numeric enumerations have loose type-checking problems. For example
const color1: Color = 4 // Ok
const color2: Color.Red = 5 // Ok
const color3: Color ='6' // Error
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We expected all three expressions to report errors, but the reality is that only the last one will report type error. The cause of this problem is shown here. Therefore, it is recommended to use string enumerations when using enums, or to avoid writing the following code at all.
enum Color {
Red = 1,
const value1: Color = 3
// Don't write that!
const value2: Color = Color.Blue
// Write it correctly
function foo(arg: Color) {
if (arg === 1) {
// Don't write that!
if (arg === Color.Red) {
// Write it correctly}}Copy the code
The interesting thing is that type-checking is normal when we need to create a ColorMap through the Color enumeration.
const ColorMap: {
[key in Color]: string;
} = {
1: 'red color'.2: 'green color'.3: 'blue color'.4: 'x' // Error!
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Typescript will report an error if the subscript is 4.
const enum
和 declare const
Enumerations can be created as const enums.
const enum Direction {
let directions = [
// let directions = [
// 0 /* Up */,
// 1 /* Down */,
// 2 /* Left */,
// 3 /* Right */,
// ];
const value = Direction[Direction.Up] / / an error!
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The difference between the compiled version above and the Direction enumeration without const is that the Direction enumeration with const compilation does not exist as a value. Everything that is used as a value is converted to the corresponding enumerated value. Enumerations can no longer be used as objects.
Enumerations defined by declare enum cannot be used as values.
declare enum Direction {
let directions = [
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This way, typescript does not explicitly report errors, but typescript compilation fails. In short, don’t use enumerations that way.
Enum -> Union
An Enum contains a key and a value.
EnumKey form a Union
There are often scenarios where you need to get the union of an enum key. Enum The process of converting the key of an object to a Union is the same as that of converting the key of an object to a Union.
enum CardinalDirection {
North = 'N',
East = 'E',
South = 'S',
West = 'W',}const DirectionObj = {
North: 'N'.East: 'E'.South: 'S'.West: 'W',}type Type1 = keyof typeof CardinalDirection // "North" | "East" | "South" | "West"
type Type2 = keyof typeof DirectionObj // "North" | "East" | "South" | "West"
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The same is true for enumerations, which do not occur during rotation
enum Direction {
type Type = keyof typeof Direction // "Up" | "Down" | "Left" | "Right"
/ / not be 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | | "Up" "Down" | "Left" | "Right"
// To see why this type is possible, you can look further up at the difference between numeric and string enumerations
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EnumValue form a Union
How to through the following enumeration “N” | “E” | “S” | “W” the Union?
enum CardinalDirection {
North = 'N',
East = 'E',
South = 'S',
West = 'W',}Copy the code
Methods are also available, using typescript template strings.
type ValueUnion = `${CardinalDirection}`
// "N" | "E" | "S" | "W"
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Union is also easy to understand. It’s multiple types of or.
function printId(id: number | string) {
console.log("Your ID is: " + id);
// OK
// OK
// Error
printId({ myID: 22342 });
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type UnionType = number| | {}string | '123' | 2312
// number | {} | string
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The two types defined below are quite different.
type Union = Array<string | number> // (string | number)[]
type Tuple = [string.number]
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Here the length is fixed, 2 and the first element is string and the second element is number. But the Union type does not limit length. And each element can be either a string or a number. The two expressions have different meanings.
Union is used in conditional types
This is usually in the form of XXX extends UnionType, and TS will help us decide whether to include. For example,
type Nullish = null | undefined
type isNullish<T> = T extends Nullish ? true : false
type isNull = isNullish<null> // true
type isNull2 = isNullish<number> // false
// We can have some more fun
type isNull3 = isNullish<null|undefined> // This is still true
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Union is used in mappd types
Union is often used in mapped types. First, the following P type “x” | “y”
type Point = { x: number; y: number };
type P = keyof Point; // "x" | "y"
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type Union = "x" | "y"
type Obj = {
[k in Union]: string
} // { x: string; y: string };
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Therefore, the following five type maps will be the same
type Union = "x" | "y"
type Point = { x: number; y: number };
type Tuple = ["x"."y"]
enum EnumMapKey {
enum EnumMapValue {
First = 'x',
Second = 'y',}/ / the first
type Obj1 = {
[k in Union]: string
/ / the second
type Obj2 = {
[k in keyof Point]: string
/ / the third kind
type Obj3 = {
[k in Tuple[number]] :string
/ / the fourth
type Obj4 = {
[k in keyof typeof EnumMapKey]: string
/ / 5 kinds
type Obj5 = {
[k in `${EnumMapValue}`] :string} ortype Obj5 = {
[k in EnumMapValue]: string
// The effect is the same.
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Use of Union in Template Literal types
In addition to the Template Literal types used above to combine values from enumerations into unions, it can also be combined with unions to do great things.
type Digit = 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9;
type ThreeDigits = `${Digit}${Digit}${Digit}`;
001 / / "000" | "" |" 002 "|" 003 "|" 004 "|" 005 "|" 006 "|" 007 "|" 008 "|" 009 "|" 010 "|" 011 "|" 012 "|" 013 "|" 014" 016 "015" | | "" |" 017 "|" 018 "|" 019 "|" 020 "|" 021 "|" 022 "|... 976 more ... | "999"
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Now we can implement permutations and combinations of unions. But notice that after the conversion, the type is changed to string instead of number. If you do the following, you get a Tserror.
type UniType = string | number | boolean | [number]
type Template = `${UniType}`
// Type 'UniType' is not assignable to type 'string | number | bigint | boolean | null | undefined'.
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Union members must be of simple type.
A small test
Suppose we have a function foo that takes two arguments, but this function is special in that it takes either a string and {name: string} or two arguments of type number. So how to define this function type.
foo('xx', {name: 'hello'}) // correct
foo(3232.232) // correct
foo('xx', 123) // error!
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There are two options, and the answers are as follows
function foo(. args: [string, {name: string|}] [number.number]) {
foo('xx', {name: 'hello'})
foo('xx'.123) // error!
function bar(arg1: string, arg2: {name: string}) :void
function bar(arg1: number, arg2: number) :void
function bar(arg1: string | number, arg2: {name: string} | number) {}bar('xx', {name: 'hello'}) / /correct
bar(3232.232) / /correct
bar('xx'.123) / /error! // The first is obvious.Copy the code