TS Learning Notes (Arrays, Objects, interfaces)

TS array

  • Array deconstruction, array expansion operator, array traversal.
let x: numberlet y: numberlet z: number;

let five_array = [];

[x,y,z] = five_array;

console.log([x,y,z])/ / 0

// Array expansion operator

let four_array = [];

let five_array = [...four_array,  4];

// go through the number group

let numberstring[] = ["1"."2"."3"];

for (let i of number) {



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Summary: The array and JS operations in TS do not change much.

TS object

  • Object deconstruction, object expansion operator.
let person = {

  name: "coolFish".

  sex: "Male".


let { name, sex } = person;

/ / extension

let person = {

  name: "coolFish".

  sex: "Male".

  address: "Xiamen".


// Assemble objects

letpersonWithAge = { ... person, age:24 };

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Summary: not much different from JS.

TS interface

  • Object shape.
interface Person {

  name: string;

  age: number;


let semlinker: Person = {

  name: "coolFish".

  age: 24.


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Summary; I’m going to define an object that has a name and an age, so when I create this object, I’m going to give it a name and an age.

  • Optional | read-only.
//readonly Indicates read-only, which can be changed only during creation

interface Person {

  readonly name: string;

age? :number;


//ReadonlyArray Remove all mutable methods to ensure that they do not change after creation

let a: number[] = [];

let ro: ReadonlyArray<number> = a;

ro[0] = 12// error!

ro.push(5); // error!

ro.length = 100// error!

a = ro; // error!

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  • Arbitrary attributes: In addition to mandatory, optional, sometimes we need to accept uncertain attributes.
interface Person {

  name: string;

age? :number;

  [propSex: string] :any;


const newObject = { name: "kakuqo", sex: 'male' }

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Summary: Reserve a socket to receive arbitrary attributes.

  • The difference between interface and type aliases.
/ / interface

interface Point {

  age: number;

  sex: string;


interface SetPoint {

  (age: number, sex: string) :void;


// Type alias

type Point = {

  age: number;

  sex: string;


type SetPoint = (age: number, sex: string) = > void;

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Summary: It looks the same, but the declaration has changed.

  • Other Types: Type aliases can be used for several Other Types, such as primitive Types, union Types, and tuples
// Primitive type

type age = number;

// Union type

type PartialPointX = { x: number; };

type PartialPointY = { y: string; };

type PartialPoint = PartialPointX | PartialPointY;

/ / yuan group

type Data = [number.string];

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  • Interface and type aliases are not mutually exclusive. Interfaces can Extend type aliases and vice versa.
// Interface extension type alias

type PartialPointX = { x: number; };

interface Point extends PartialPointX { y: number; }

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