“Don’t be afraid, don’t settle, work hard in the future” — Hello! I am little sesame 😄

Understand a concept before you begin

Type comments:

  • Function: Equivalent to type declarations in strongly typed languages, which can constrain variables
  • Syntax: (variable, function): type
  • Example:let hello: string = 'hello'

First, basic data types

1. Number type

  • In addition to supporting decimal and hexadecimal literals, TypeScript also supports binary and octal literals introduced in ECMAScript 2015.
let decLiteral: number = 6; / / decimal
let hexLiteral: number = 0xf00d; // Hexadecimal
let binaryLiteral: number = 0b1010; / / binary
let octalLiteral: number = 0o744; / / octal
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2. String type (string)

let name: string = 'Little Golden Sesame'
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3. Boolean type (Boolean)

let isGirl: boolean = true
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Null and undefined

  • By defaultnullandundefinedIs a subtype of all types.
  • intonfig.jsonIn the file--strictNullChecksSet to true flag (default is false)
    • nullandundefinedCan only be assigned tovoidAnd each of them.
  • Conversely, we can putnullandundefinedAssigned tonumberorstringAnd other types of variables.
let u: undefined = undefined; 
let n: null = null;
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5, Symbol type

Symbol became the new primitive type after ES2015, so when using Symbol, you must add the es6 compiler helper library as follows:

"lib": ["es6"."dom"]
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Note: TS recognizes compilation by default if lib is not written, but if lib is written it must specify all auxiliary compilation libraries to use, otherwise the compilation will fail

let only: Symbol = Symbol(18)
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6. BigInt

  • BigIntType is built into TypeScript3.2 and is usedBigIntLarge integers can be safely stored and manipulated, even if the number is outside the JavaScript constructorNumberA safe integer range that can be represented.
let res: BigInt = BigInt(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER)
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Like Symbol, when using BigInt, you must add ESNext’s compilation helper library as follows:

"lib": ["es6"."dom"."ESNext"]
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7, Array type (array)

let arr1: number[] = [1.2.3]
let arr2: Array<string> = ['1'.'2'.'3']
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7.1 Class array types

Common class arrays have their own interface definitions: IArguments, HTMLElement, HTMLCollection, NodeListOf…

function sum(. arg:any[]) {
  // IArguments are TypeScript defined types
  let args: IArguments = arguments
  for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
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8. Tuple types

  • In TypeScript’s base type, a Tuple represents a known typeThe number ofandtypeAn array of
let point: [number.number]
point = [100.100] // Compilation succeeded
point = [100.'10'] // Compilation failed because '10' is not a number type
let person: [string.number] = ['Little Golden Sesame'.18]
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tuples An array of
Each term can be of a different type Everything is of the same type
There is a predefined length There is no length limit
Used to indicate a fixed structure Used to represent a list

Tuples inherit from arrays, but have stricter type checking than arrays.

  • Tuple out of bounds problem:
    • TS allows you to insert new elements into a tuple’s push method that uses an array:
    const point: [string.number] = ['0'.1]; 
    console.log(point); // Output result ["a", 1, 2]
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    • An error is reported when accessing a newly added element:

9, Enumeration type (enum)

Enumeration types are used to define collections of values

  • Consider all possible values for a variable beforehand, and try to represent each value with a pronoun in natural language
  • Such as gender (male and female), month (1-12), Day (Monday-Sun), color (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, purple)…

9.1 Enumeration

  • When we declare an enumerated type, their values are actually numeric types that are accumulated from 0 by default;
enum Direction { 
console.log(Direction.Up, Direction.Down, Direction.Left, Direction.Right); // 0, 1, 2, 3
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  • When we assign the first value, we will also add it to the first value:
enum Direction { 
    Up = 1, 
console.log(Direction.Up, Direction.Down, Direction.Left, Direction.Right); // 1, 2, 3, 4
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9.2 The nature of enumeration

Take the following enumeration as an example:

enum Gender{
console.log(` li lei is${Gender.BOY}`); // Li Lei is 1
console.log('Han Meimei is${Gender.GIRL}`); // Han meimei is 0
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The compiled. Js file is as follows: compile tools: https://www.typescriptlang.org/play

"use strict";
var Gender;
(function (Gender) {
    Gender[Gender["GIRL"] = 0] = "GIRL";
    Gender[Gender["BOY"] = 1] = "BOY";
})(Gender || (Gender = {}));
console.log("\u674E\u96F7\u662F" + Gender.BOY);
console.log("\u97E9\u6885\u6885\u662F" + Gender.GIRL);
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I believe you can see the principle very clearly, split understanding

Step 1 var Gender:

  • Declare aGenderVariable and initial value is empty object

Function (Gender) {… })(Gender || (Gender = {})); :

  • willGenderObject is passed as an argument to a self-executing function

Step 3 Gender[“GIRL”] = 0:

  • toGenderThe “GIRL” property of the object is assigned to 0
Gender = {
    "GIRL" : 0
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Gender[Gender[“GIRL”] = 0] = “GIRL” :

  • toGenderObject add a property named “0” and assign it the value “GIRL”
Gender = {
    "GIRL" : 0."0": "GIRL"
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And so on…

Therefore, the ultimate Gender object should be:

Gender = {
    "GIRL" : 0."BOY" : 1."0" : "GIRL"."1" : "BOY"
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This is why enumerations can map forward and backward simultaneously.

Forward mapping: name => value; reverse mapping: name <=> value

9.3 Enumeration of Strings

enum Direction { 
    Up = 'Up', 
    Down = 'Down', 
    Left = 'Left', 
    Right = 'Right' 
console.log(Direction['Right'], Direction.Up); // Right Up
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String enumerations do not support reverse mapping

9.4 Heterogeneous Enumeration

enum BooleanLikeHeterogeneousEnum {
    No = 0,
    Yes = "YES",}Copy the code

We don’t usually use enumerations like this, but from a technical point of view, it works.

9.5 Enumeration of Constants

  • Add one before declaring the enumerationconstThe statement
const enum Colors {
console.log(Colors.Red, Colors.Yellow, Color.Blue)

// const becomes a constant by default
// console.log(0 /* Red */, 1 /* Yellow */, 2 /* Blue */);
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  • This avoids overhead in additional generated code and additional indirect access to enumeration members.

9.6 Types of enumerators

Enumeration members are classified as constant enumerators, const, and enumerators, computed, that need to be computed

  • Constant enumerator:
    • Enumerator with no initial value
    • A reference to an existing enumerator
    • Constant expression
enum userInfo{
    a, // Enumerator with no initial value
    b = userInfo.a, // A reference to an existing enumerator
    c = 10 + 1 // Constant expression
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Constant enumerators are evaluated at compile time and appear in the runtime as constants

  • Enumerators that need to be counted:
    • Some very large expression
enum userInfo{
    d = Math.random(), 
    e = '123'.length
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Enumerators that need to be evaluated are preserved at compile time and evaluated at run time

Enumerators after computed must be assigned values or they will be thrown incorrectly

9.7 Enumeration types and the types of enumerators

In some cases, both enumerations and enumerators can be used as a type

  • Enumerators do not have any initial values
  • Enumerators are numeric types
  • 3. Enumerators are strings (entire enumerations cannot be used as types, only enumerators can be used as types)

No comparison can be made between two enums

  • Enumerated type
enum A {a, b} // Enumerators do not have any initial values
enum B {a = 1, b = 2} // Enumerators are numeric types
enum C {a = 'a', b = 'b'} // Enumerators are strings

let age: A = 18 // Enumerations can be used as types
let age2: B = 18 // Enumerations can be used as types
age === age2 // ERROR because two enumerations cannot be compared
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  • Enumerator type
enum A {a, b} 
enum B {a = 1, b = 2} 
enum C {a = 'a', b = 'b'} 

let a: A.a = 18 // Enumerators can be used as types
let b: A.b = 18 
let c: B.a = 18 
a === b // true Different members of the same enumeration can be compared
a === c // ERROR because two enumerations cannot be compared
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9.8 Enumeration Merging

  • We can declare enumerations separately and they will be merged automatically
enum Direction { 
    Up = 'Up', 
    Down = 'Down', 
    Left = 'Left', 
    Right = 'Right' 
enum Direction { 
    Center = 1 
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Compiled to JavaScript, the code looks like this:

var Direction; 
(function (Direction) { 
    Direction["Up"] = "Up";
    Direction["Down"] = "Down"; 
    Direction["Left"] = "Left"; 
    Direction["Right"] = "Right"; 
})(Direction || (Direction = {})); 
(function (Direction) { 
    Direction[Direction["Center"] = 1] = "Center"; 
})(Direction || (Direction = {}));
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10. Any type (any)

  • A variable declared as any can be assigned a value of any type.
let list: any[] = [1.true."free"]; 
list[1] = 100;
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11. Unknown type

  • unknownTypeScript 3.0 introduces new types, yesanyType Indicates the security type.
The same let value: any let value: unknown
value = true; OK OK
value = 1; OK OK
value = “Hello World”; OK OK
value = Symbol(“type”); OK OK
value = {} OK OK
value = [] OK OK
  • unknown 和 anyThe main difference isunknownThe type will be more strict: in pairsunknownBefore performing most operations on a value of type, we must perform some form of checking while onanyWe do not need to do any checking before performing an operation on a value of type.
  • whenunknownA type cannot be manipulated until it is identified as a type
The difference between let value: any let value: unknown
value.foo.bar; OK ERROR
value(); OK ERROR
new value(); OK ERROR
value[0][1]; OK ERROR


  • In a way,voidType image is associated withanyType, on the other hand, means that there is no type. When a function returns no value, it is common to see that its return value type isvoid
function warnUser() :void { 
    console.log("This is my warning message"); 
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  • Declare avoidA variable of type is useless because it can only be assigned toundefinedandnull
let unusable: void = undefined;
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13. Never type

Never is a subtype of another type, representing a value that does not occur, and no type can be assigned to the never type (except never itself). Even any cannot be assigned to never.

  • An error is always thrown inside a function, preventing the function from terminating properly
function createError(message: string) :never {
  // A function that returns "never" cannot have an accessible endpoint
  throw new Error('error');
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  • Endless loops, code that never runs
function sum() :never {
  while (true) {
  // The end point can never be run
  console.log('end point');
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Difference between never and void

  • voidCan be assigned to zeronull å’Œ undefinedType.neverIs a type that contains no values
  • havevoidA function that returns a value type will run properly. haveneverA function that returns a value type cannot return properly, cannot terminate, or throws an exception

Type inference and type assertion

1. Type inference

The ability to automatically derive the type of a value in a programming language, a feature found in some strongly statically typed languages

  • You can take advantage of type inference if you assign at definition time
  • Definition without an assignment is inferred to be of type any

In TypeScript, type inference helps provide types where they are not explicitly specified. Here’s an example

let x = 3;
x = '3' // ERROR
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variablexType is inferred to be a number. This inference occurs when initializing variables and members, setting default parameter values, and determining the return value of a function.

If no assignment is made, it is inferred to be of type any and is not checked at all:

let username2
username2 = 18
username2 = 'Little Golden Sesame'
username2 = null
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Type assertionas

  • Type assertions can assign a variable of a combined type to a more specific type
  • A union type cannot be asserted as a nonexistent type

2.1 grammar

Value As type or < type > value

In the TSX syntax (the TS version of the React JSX syntax) you must use the former, which is the value as type.

2.1.1 Value as type

let name: string | number;
console.log((name as string).length);
console.log((name as number).toFixed(2));
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2.1.1 < type > value

let name: string | number;
let myName: number = (<string>name).length;
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2.2 Limitations on type assertions

A union type cannot be asserted as a nonexistent type

let name: string | number;
console.log((name as boolean)); // ERROR
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3. Non-null assertions!

StrictNullChecks: true

A new postfix expression operator in context when the type checker cannot determine the type! Can be used to assert that operation objects are non-null and non-undefined. Specifically, x! Null and undefined are excluded from the x range.

interface Entity {
  name: string;
function processEntity(e? : Entity) {
  let s = e.name;  // ERROR
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On the case:eIs an optional parameter, so it may not be transmittedeThe value ofundefined , undefinedThen callnameIt throws an exception

At this point we just need to add! You can avoid mistakes

interface Entity {
  name: string;
function processEntity(e? : Entity) {
  lets = e! .name;// Assert that e is non-null and access the name attribute
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[1]. The TypeScript’s official website

[2]. TypeScript Chinese

[3].typescript Tutorial