What’s the use of TS

Type checking, es6 embrace, partial esNext draft support, direct compilation to native JS, new syntactic sugar introduced

Why use TS

TypeScript should be designed to address JavaScript’s “pain points” : weak typing and lack of namespaces make it difficult to modularize and make it unsuitable for large applications. It also provides some syntax candy to help you practice object-oriented programming more easily.

Typescript not only constrains our coding habits, but also annotates a function so that when we see it, we immediately know how to use it, what values need to be passed, and what types of values are returned, making it much easier to maintain large projects.

Compilation error, will the compilation result be generated?

The answer is yes, of course in tsconfig.json configuration, noEmitONError

Tsconfig. json file configuration

Haven’t done

Based on summarizing

The data type
  • Boolean, number, string, null, undefined, Symbol
  • Data of the type undefined and NULL can only be assigned to undefined and NULL, but this type is a subtype of all types
  • Empty void type
    // undefined and null are subtypes of all types and can be assigned
    let num: Symbol = undefined; sslet num: number = undefined;
    // undefined can only be given as undefined
    let u: undefined = undefined; 
    let n: null = null;
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  • Any and type inference
   // In TS, a variable is declared as the default type if its type is not defined
   let str;
   str = 'I am strgting';
   str = 1024;
   // No type is defined
   let num= 124; 
   // let num:number = 124
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Multiple possible attributes
    // Only common attributes of possible attributes can be accessed
    function getLength(param: string| number) {
        return param.length;
    // An error is reported because length is not a common property of the types sting and number
    // Use type aliases
    type possibleType = string | number;
    function getLength(param: possibleType) {
        return param.length;
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Concepts of interfaces
  • In TS, interfaces include an abstraction of behavior, implemented by classes (implements)
  • It also includes descriptions of object contours
Object interface – dynamic property

Mandatory and optional parameter types are subsets of dynamic property types, so all types must be set when dynamic property types are set

     interface userinfo {
    "memberId": number,
    "uName": string,
    "employeeId": string,
    "datetime": string,
    "platformList"? :Array<platform>,
    [propName: string]: string | number | Array<platform> | undefined
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The constraint of a read-only property

Note that a read-only property is binding only when the object is first assigned, not when the property is assigned to it

Interface – The implementation of abstract methods
    exportinterface ISRequest { fetch(url: string, arg? :Object, callback? :Function) :Promise<Object>;
    export class SafeRequest implements ISRequest {
          public asyncfetch(url: string, arg, callback? :Function) :Promise<Object> {
            return new Promise((resolve, reject) = >{})}Copy the code
Represent arrays with interfaces
    interface NumberArray {
        [index: any]: number
    let numArr: NumberArray = [1.2.3]
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Type of function
  • This parameter is optional and must come after the mandatory parameter
  • Parameter Default Value
    function buildName(firstName: string, lastName? : string) {}Copy the code
  • Parameter recognition with default values is optional
  • The remaining parameters
Types of assertions
   // < type > value
   // Value as type
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Doubt — statement document

When using a third-party library, we need to reference its declaration file to get the corresponding code completion, interface prompts and other functions.

Where is the declaration file?
  • Bind with the NPM package
  • The maintainer of the NPM package does not provide a declaration file, only someone else can publish the declaration file to @types
  • Write your own declaration
NPM package declaration file and global variable declaration file

In the declaration file of the NPM package, using DECLARE no longer declares a global variable, but only a local variable in the current file. These type declarations are applied only after export is exported in the declaration file and then imported by the user import. ###### Declare Global Use Declare Global to extend the types of global variables in NPM packages or UMD libraries

Built-in objects

Built-in object query — clicking ESMAScript provides Boolean, Error, Date, RegExp

    interface obj = {
        param: Function
        param: Promise
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Enumeration — “bidirectional mapping of data
    enum companyList= {1: 'aaa'.2: 'bbb'}
    var companyList = {
        1: 'aaa'.2: 'bbb'.aaa: 1.bbb: 2
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Vue in Typescript
Three tool
  • vue-component-class
    • Methods can be declared directly as class member methods.
    • Computed properties can be declared as class property accessors.
    • The default data is treated as a class attribute
    • The data, Render, and vue lifecycle hooks are directly class member methods; keep these names and do not conflict
    • For other configuration items, such as prop, Componets, etc., pass to decorator functions
    import Vue from 'vue';
    import Component from 'vue-componet-class';
        props: {},components: {}})export default class App extends Vue {
        // aa = '';
        Aa is a string and can only be assigned to aa
        // It is best to use the first word after the first word
        // data
       public tableModelItems: Array<any>;
       constructor() {
           super(a);this.tableModelItems = [];
       // computed
      public get filterTableData() {
		return this.tableData.filter((i: any) = > i.refundStatus === 0).length
		/ / method
		// Declare the period
		// What about the lifecycle hook of the routing function
		beforeRouteEnterf() {
		    next() // You have to write it, or you can't play it. Why?}}}Copy the code
- vue-property-decorator(Relies on vue-component-class to provide more decorators, - @emit - @inject - @prop - @provide - @watch - vuex-class (connected to vue and vuex) jsCopy the code

Unsolved bugs

Error – type error reported

Add the type of script

    <script lang="ts"></script><! Otherwise, the following type fails:Copy the code
Vue failed to mount Propoty (if still popular, restart ide)

Declare mount again

<! --inject-->import _Vue from 'vue'
    import moment from "moment";
    export default {
      install(Vue: typeof _Vue, options: any) {
        Vue.prototype.$moment = moment;
        Vue.prototype.$log = (a)= > {
          console.log(new Date())}}} <! --types-->import Vue from 'vue'
    declare module 'vue/types/vue' {
      interface Vue {
        $moment: Function
        $log: Function}}Copy the code
The. Vue file is not recognized in ts

By default, TypeScript only recognizes.ts files, not.vue files. Import Component from ‘components/component.vue’

Vuex -class Emit error passing argument to parent component
    reset(role, this.formData){} <! -- error -->Copy the code

Error –> Optional parameter bursts red

Refer to the link

  • Vue + TS quick start

  • Ts Easy to understand, relatively clear documents

  • Ts of the website

  • Especially great views on TS + VUE

  • Ts practice of Ant Financial