Nowadays, all major video websites have the function of bullet screen. It seems that there is no live video website without bullet screen. Compared with message boards, bullet screen elements are more interactive and real-time, and are favored by the majority of gay friends.
Then, while pretending to watch the video on various video sites, I quietly pressed F12 to see what was going on. It is found that there are two main ways to realize the barrage at present:
- Canvas
When it comes to animation, the first thing that comes to mind is Canvas. Using Canvas can be very convenient to draw animation, and obtain very good performance. At present, many front-end animations are done through Canvas. However, the biggest problem for Canvas based animation is “interactivity”.
If implemented using HTML+CSS, we can simply listen to native DOM events to see which bullet screen is interacting with the user’s mouse. However, with Canvas, we can only determine which barrage is by listening to the events of Canvas and then doing a bunch of operations to traverse the calculated coordinates. It can be seen from goose factory’s video website that their barrage is interactive, so they use HTML+CSS to achieve; However, the bullet screen of station B is non-interactive. It provides Canvas and HTML+CSS options. The default is the former.
While functionally the two may be implemented slightly differently, the basic principle of the barrage is the same.
Let’s take a look at what the barrage of Station B looks like:
As you can see from the image above, the barrage is very clearly divided into lines, which I call “tracks”. Each barrage only moves from right to left on a track and does not cross boundaries. Therefore, in order to realize the function of bullet barrage, we must first divide the bullet barrage into several tracks, and then “plug” the bullet barrage into the appropriate time to make it move.
Each orbit will have two properties:
barrages: T[] = []
offset: number = 0
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Barrages are an array of bullets, and offset is the occupied width. Offset is used to determine the best trajectory before adding the trajectory when rolling the barrage. Fixed when barrage type has no effect. Barrages store realistic barrage instances on the current trajectory.
Each track instance manages the array in its track, adding, deleting, resetting, and updating offest.
Added a new barrage
push(. items: T[]) {
this.barrages.push(... items) }Copy the code
Each time you add a new barrage, push the barrage to the end of the array.
Delete a barrage
You can delete bullets in a specified position:
remove(index: number) {
if (index < 0 || index >= this.barrages.length) {
this.barrages.splice(index, 1)}Copy the code
Also, normally we render the barrage in array order. In other words, the first element removed from the canvas must be the first element in the array after each rendering is updated. Therefore, to make it easier to remove the top element of the array, the track also has a removeTop method:
removeTop() {
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Reset the orbit
There are many scenarios for resetting the application. For example, after the user drags the progress bar, the bullet screen on the current canvas is already out of the timeline, so it will be rerendered. At this point, the tracks need to clear the barrage array and reset the offset.
reset() {
this.barrages = []
this.offset = 0
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Update the remaining orbital space
As each frame of a barrage is rendered, the elements in the array move to the left, with more and more space to the right of the track. When selecting the corresponding track to push into the projectile barrage, we need to find the track with the largest remaining space to push into. Therefore, after each render, the track needs to update its remaining track space. (When rolling the barrage)
updateOffset() {
const endBarrage = this.barrages[this.barrages.length - 1]
if (endBarrage && isScrollBarrage(endBarrage)) {
const { speed } = endBarrage
this.offset -= speed
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In fact, the remaining space is equal to the orbital width minus offset.
The complete code
interface TrackForEachHandler<T extends BarrageObject> {
(track: T, index: number, array: T[]): void
export default class BarrageTrack<T extends BarrageObject> {
barrages: T[] = []
offset: number = 0
forEach(handler: TrackForEachHandler<T>) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.barrages.length; ++i) {
handler(this.barrages[i], i, this.barrages)
reset() {
this.barrages = []
this.offset = 0
push(. items: T[]) {
this.barrages.push(... items) }removeTop() {
remove(index: number) {
if (index < 0 || index >= this.barrages.length) {
this.barrages.splice(index, 1)}updateOffset() {
const endBarrage = this.barrages[this.barrages.length - 1]
if (endBarrage && isScrollBarrage(endBarrage)) {
const { speed } = endBarrage
this.offset -= speed
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The commander
Orbit management adds and deletes bullets in orbit, but is not responsible for rendering. And we know that there are several tracks on a canvas; Meanwhile, bullet barrage can be divided into rolling bullet barrage, fixed bullet barrage at the top and fixed bullet barrage at the bottom. That is to say, the rolling barrage track may also be superimposed on the fixed barrage track. How about better managing multiple tracks of work? The answer is commander.
Bullet barrage can be divided into three types: rolling bullet barrage, fixed bullet barrage at the top and fixed bullet barrage at the bottom. There are several tracks in each type of barrage. We give different types of barrage tracks to different types of commanders. Thus, we have three types of commanders: rolling barrage commander, top fixed barrage commander, and bottom fixed barrage commander.
The commander’s role is to manage his own orbital rendering issues, so the core work starts with the Render method:
render(): void {
const ctx = this.ctx
const trackHeight = this.trackHeight
this.forEach((track: Track<ScrollBarrageObject>, trackIndex) = > {
let removeTop = false
track.forEach((barrage, barrageIndex) = > {
const { color, text, offset, speed, width, size } = barrage
ctx.fillStyle = color
ctx.font = `${size}px 'Microsoft Yahei'`
ctx.fillText(text, offset, (trackIndex + 1) * trackHeight)
barrage.offset -= speed
if (barrageIndex === 0 && barrage.offset < 0 && Math.abs(barrage.offset) >= width) {
removeTop = true
if (removeTop) {
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There are two main steps in the render function:
- A suitable barrage is drawn from the waiting queue and put into orbit
- Iterate through the track array, rendering the bullet barrage in the track in turn
Add barrage from waiting queue to corresponding track
Each commander has a waitingQueue, waitingQueue, which contains the unrendered barrage. Each time the Render function is called, the bullet barrage in the waiting queue is first added to the appropriate track as much as possible. This process is implemented with this._Extractbarrage:
_extractBarrage(): void {
let isIntered: boolean
for (let i = 0; i < this.waitingQueue.length; ) {
isIntered = this.add(this.waitingQueue[i])
if(! isIntered) {break
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The _extractBarrage method iterates over the wait queue from the beginning, executing the this.add method in sequence. If this.add returns True, it indicates that the projectile has been successfully added to the appropriate orbit, otherwise, it indicates that there is no suitable orbit at present. Therefore, if the this.add method returns False once, it means that the rest of the projectile has no suitable trajectory, and the calculation is terminated prematurely.
Thus, the function of this.add is to add the barrage to the appropriate orbit. However, in order for this.add to implement the correct adding function, it also needs to complete the logic of finding suitable tracks for the barrage and standardizing the format of the barrage.
The Add method is an abstract method of the commander abstract class, and the specific implementation is realized by different types of commander classes. Here, the rolling barrage is taken as an example:
add(barrage: ScrollBarrageObject): boolean {
const trackId = this._findTrack()
if (trackId === -1) {
return false
const track = this.tracks[trackId]
const trackOffset = track.offset
const trackWidth = this.trackWidth
let speed: number
if (isEmptyArray(track.barrages)) {
speed = this._defaultSpeed * this._randomSpeed
} else {
const { speed: preSpeed } = getArrayRight<ScrollBarrageObject>(track.barrages)
speed = (trackWidth * preSpeed) / trackOffset
speed = Math.min(speed, this._defaultSpeed * 2)
const normalizedBarrage = Object.assign({}, barrage, {
offset: trackWidth,
track.offset = trackWidth + barrage.width * 1.2
return true
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Find the right trajectory for the barrage
It can be seen from B station, Tencent Video and other websites that bullets are generally filled from the top down, that is, the number of bullets on the top is increased first, and then filled down. I don’t have a deep understanding of the specific algorithm here, but simply use a judgment method: search from the top down, as long as you find empty space.
const trackId = this._findTrack()
if (trackId === -1) {
return false
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If the right track is found, proceed with the following logic; Otherwise, return False.
Problems & standardization of barrage format
Taking the rolling barrage as an example, in addition to the text, color and size of the barrage, we also need the translation speed and offset of the barrage, so that we can render the barrage conveniently. At this time, we need to standardize the incoming barrage. For the rolling barrage, standardization is mainly to calculate the velocity of the barrage.
For the speed of the barrage, this involves our junior high school mathematics knowledge: chase and problem.
“On the trajectory of long S, barrage A moves uniformly at the speed of X. When barrage A is from the terminal T, barrage B starts from the starting point and moves uniformly at the speed of Y. If barrage A and Barrage B reach their destination at the same time, what should be the speed of barrage B?”
After elementary school math, y=Sx/(s-k)
Where, S is the track width, which is known; K is the distance between barrage A and barrage B, obtained by the barrage width-offset, and the offset is known. Therefore, K is also known. X is the velocity of barrage A, which is also known. Then, we can easily calculate the “non-ideal maximum velocity” of barrage B.
Why “non-ideal maximum speed”? This is because if the distance between barrage A and barrage B is very far, the speed of barrage B may be too fast. The direct impact is that the content of the bullet screen is not seen, the bullet screen flies over, the whole experience is very bad. So, here we have an ideal maximum speed.
In order to accommodate human eyeballs, I have limited the ideal maximum speed to twice the average speed (calculated by track width and barrage survival time). At the same time, for the first barrage, there is no tracking problem, so its speed is equal to the average speed.
let speed: number
if (isEmptyArray(track.barrages)) {
speed = this._defaultSpeed * this._randomSpeed
} else {
const { speed: preSpeed } = getArrayRight<ScrollBarrageObject>(track.barrages)
speed = (trackWidth * preSpeed) / trackOffset
speed = Math.min(speed, this._defaultSpeed * 2)
const normalizedBarrage = Object.assign({}, barrage, {
offset: trackWidth,
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In this case, we have the velocity of the barrage, and we have the normalized barrage. Finally, drop it into the specified orbit and wait for rendering.
Render bullets in orbit in turn
ForEach is implemented manually for both commander and orbit classes to facilitate traversal. In addition, when initializing the ABarrage class, we have already passed in some configuration information of the barrage, such as track height, barrage time, default size, default color, etc. After combining the configuration with each barrage, we can get the final configuration. Then call the context.filltext method to draw.
render(): void {
const ctx = this.ctx
const trackHeight = this.trackHeight
this.forEach((track: Track<ScrollBarrageObject>, trackIndex) = > {
let removeTop = false
track.forEach((barrage, barrageIndex) = > {
const { color, text, offset, speed, width, size } = barrage
ctx.fillStyle = color
ctx.font = `${size}px 'Microsoft Yahei'`
ctx.fillText(text, offset, (trackIndex + 1) * trackHeight)
barrage.offset -= speed
if (barrageIndex === 0 && barrage.offset < 0 && Math.abs(barrage.offset) >= width) {
removeTop = true
if (removeTop) {
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Since the offset of the barrage decreases after each frame, the offset must be updated by implementing the line “North-barrage. Offset -= speed”.
In addition, after each frame is rendered, it is necessary to determine if there is a barrage that is completely out of the canvas, and if so, to eject it from the track.
if (removeTop) {
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Up to now, bullet screen has been popular on major live video websites. At present, bullet screen is mainly realized by Canvas or HTML+CSS3. The author only introduces the idea of danmu here, taking Canvas implementation as the core. In fact, the IMPLEMENTATION of HTML+CSS3 is only slightly different in the way of rendering, Canvas is drawn by the brush, while HTML is controlled by manipulating DOM and transform styles. For interactive bullet screens, the HTML implementation is much better, with the help of DOM events.
Finally, if you are interested in the full implementation, here is ABarrage, amway’s own library, which implements Canvas and HTML+CSS3 rendering modes and is written in pure TypeScript without any third party dependencies. If it is helpful to you, I hope you can give a Star or a thumbs-up, as an encouragement to the author of this dish ~ thanks.
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ABarrage Demo: logcas. Making. IO/a – barrage/e…